Mike E and I have been emailing about early Dylan and the Hawks (not yet called The Band) show I saw in what was most likely 1966, could have been '65. Trying to solve mysteries, some of which have to do with dimmed memory over the years.
I went to a Quaker high school outside of Grass Valley/Nevada City, graduated in 1966. Friends and I went to a Dylan/Hawks show in Sacramento at the Municipal Aud. Dylan played the first set, the Hawks, not yet called The Band, joined him for the second set. I do remember they kicked ass, it was all so good that we went to Berkeley (I think Berkeley High School (Civic?) Aud), for the show the following night. (All details subject to repair for accuracy.) SO GOOD!
What I do remember about the Dylan/Hawks show in Sacto was being so totally blown away that my friends and I decided on the spot to go to Berkeley the following day for the show there. It was tingly exciting music and feeling. Like you could almost fall in love.
Was anyone at the Sacto show? Mike's been looking online, me, too, a little, and not finding the show. Help us.
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There were 4 Berkeley shows
There were 4 Berkeley shows in '65 but none in '66.
There were no shows in Sacramento in either year.....
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I'm not finding any shows in
I'm not finding any shows in Sacramento or Berkeley in 1966. It looks like Dylan did play Berkeley in 1965, on March 28th, April 3rd, and December 3rd and 4th (all at the BCT), but there's no Sacramento dates listed for 1965.
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Correct Mike, but there are
Correct Mike, but there are some "unknown" shows in 1965.
(the day before the 28th was Santa Monica, it could have been between
the 28th and third).
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That's pretty much what I was
That's pretty much what I was thinking about that gap of five days between the two spring shows at BCT.
It doesn't look like Dylan and the Hawks played together in the spring of 65 though. They did share a few bills on the west coast later in the year though. November 30 in LA, and December 4th and 5th in Berkeley (slightly different dates than above). https://theband.hiof.no/tape_archive/dylan_tapes.html
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(No subject)
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The one show I'm finding from
The one show I'm finding from Sacramento was in November 1964.
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Thanks for what you've added,
Thanks for what you've added, ME and LCL.
It's very strange; I can remember being at the Sacramento show, being outside and then in the building, and how exciting and delicious the show was. The BCT show was wonderful, but not with the freshness/newness of the night before. If the show can't be found anywhere, was I invisible?
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I've done a bit more research
I've done a bit more research and still can't find a Sacramento show. I'm letting go of it.
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Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
I saw Hot Tuna in mid- seventies at downtown Palo Alto theater , Commander Cody opened that I couldn't find listed
Saw the Derek and Dominoes in a basketball gym at was then called Cal Western Univesity mistakenly listed as San Diego Civic Theater
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I had another idea for trying
I had another idea for trying to track it down. There's an alumni group on Facebook, I'll post there.
Stay tuned.
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Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Concert Details
Date: Sunday, November 29, 1964
Venue: Sacramento Memorial Auditorium
Location: Sacramento, California, United States
That's all I could find.
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Thanks, Surfdead. No Hawks...
Thanks, Surfdead. No Hawks... and no Berkeley the next day? I've looked at so many listings I'm confused.
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All the years combine
All the years combine
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My Fbook post is "pending".
My Fbook post is "pending" in the alumni group...
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So if it's with the Hawks and
I'm still intrigued, so here's what I've got.....
So if it's with the Hawks and it's '65 or '66, here's what happened around Northern California then:
Nov. 28--DC,
??--Antioch College Ohio
Dec. 1 Seattle
10-San Diego
12-San Jose
17-Long Beach
then more So. Cal dates.
??--Santa Monica
So he could have hit Sac/Berkeley on the way to Tacoma, but I doubt both of those shows would be unknown.
Good luck! I've seen him there a few times but just off by a few decades....
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Thanks, LCL, it gets a little
Thanks, LCL, it gets a little more intriguing as the minutes go by. The Sacramento Memorial Aud has a great website that directed me to events by the year of occurrence. I tried to match them with BCT Dylan shoes but couldn't make the connection. It's fun, but still waiting for confirmation.