was wondering one day after he died if a Zoner should present a letter of condolence to his fam...or would that cause bad Zine memories to surface for them? Is Graham Zone lurker?
Since none of you jumped on top of my brilliant idea to use robots, MTV video puppets or giant Lego models to represent Jerry and Phil in the 60th anniversary concerts, I should be done with the lot of you. Sadly, Peter Shapiro received zero letters in the mail in support of this plan. I've even mocked up a life-size Warlocks Jerry and a "Can We Be Done With This Already?" Jerry to send him. (It's so hard to find a mailbox nowadays, much-less a stamp, but that's a topic for another thread.)
and I made a couple Phils, too (still working on him):
So anyways -- not to get off topic, for ZOTY 2024, I nominate Phil's Chair for the steadfast support he/she/it provided Phil throughout this past year.
To go from a piece of discarded lawn furniture in San Rafael to a full-fledged draw at the Sphere, playing for hundred of misguided DeadCo fans, was truly remarkable.
In my opinion, anybody / anything who devotes their life to Phil's bottom end, deserves a trophy.
There's lots of Zonnies to go around. If you happen to get one don't forget to unscrew the head to see if yours is filled with a little sumptin to get you thru the long night of self-reflection, celebration, and unbridled fear as we enter 2025. Happy Holidaze.
And remember, ballot box stuffing and voting shenanigans is not only allowed --- it's encouraged this year -- it's the thing to do nowadays.
Phil and Jill did finally receive a Zonnie award for their weekly Thursday Night livestreaming LeshCast where they would just stare into the camera and give the middle finger salute to everyone watching for an hour. It was like watching the XMas log burn on YouTube. Quite therapeutic. I miss it. Got us thru covid.
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Not as clear a choice this yr
Not as clear a choice this yr. Several qualify.
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reddy killowatt
reddy killowatt
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Of Course.
Of Course.
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Nobody for ZOTY 2024.
Nobody for ZOTY 2024.
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Alan has been the most
Alan has been the most entertaining and active. I nominate him.
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I nominate Jack Shit. Very
I nominate Jack Shit. Very humble guy.
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I know Jack Shit!
I know Jack Shit!
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If you don't know Jorma, you
If you don't know Jorma, you don't know Jack.
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Has judit ever been ZOTY?
Has judit ever been ZOTY?
a short list of possibilities...
1. Phil
2. judit
3. Alan
3. Mrs. Butterworth
4. Ed Rosenthal
5. Tom Petty
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Of course, Phil!
Of course, Phil!
was wondering one day after he died if a Zoner should present a letter of condolence to his fam...or would that cause bad Zine memories to surface for them? Is Graham Zone lurker?
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Surfdead, I was right with
Surfdead, I was right with you.
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Since none of you jumped on
Since none of you jumped on top of my brilliant idea to use robots, MTV video puppets or giant Lego models to represent Jerry and Phil in the 60th anniversary concerts, I should be done with the lot of you. Sadly, Peter Shapiro received zero letters in the mail in support of this plan. I've even mocked up a life-size Warlocks Jerry and a "Can We Be Done With This Already?" Jerry to send him. (It's so hard to find a mailbox nowadays, much-less a stamp, but that's a topic for another thread.)
and I made a couple Phils, too (still working on him):
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So anyways -- not to get off
So anyways -- not to get off topic, for ZOTY 2024, I nominate Phil's Chair for the steadfast support he/she/it provided Phil throughout this past year.
To go from a piece of discarded lawn furniture in San Rafael to a full-fledged draw at the Sphere, playing for hundred of misguided DeadCo fans, was truly remarkable.
In my opinion, anybody / anything who devotes their life to Phil's bottom end, deserves a trophy.
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I rest my case
I rest my case
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There's lots of Zonnies to go
There's lots of Zonnies to go around. If you happen to get one don't forget to unscrew the head to see if yours is filled with a little sumptin to get you thru the long night of self-reflection, celebration, and unbridled fear as we enter 2025. Happy Holidaze.
And remember, ballot box stuffing and voting shenanigans is not only allowed --- it's encouraged this year -- it's the thing to do nowadays.
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Evidently Phil came straight
Evidently Phil came straight from Columbia
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White comes North.
White comes North.
Midnight North.
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Maybe Phil should get the
Maybe Phil should get the Zoner Lifetime Achievement Award.
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MarkD for the win
MarkD for the win
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Yep, Mark's got the idea.
Right on, Mark!
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> Maybe Phil should get the
> Maybe Phil should get the Zoner Lifetime Achievement Award.
No doubt. He didn't post often, but when he did, he played for keeps.
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Hard to argue with that one.
Hard to argue with that one.
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Let Sigh
Le Sigh
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^^ so, rbg is zoty?!
^^ so, rbg is zoty?!
he put those 2 on tilt
and, did more shows then most
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Alan, great looking chair,
Alan, great looking chair, might be fun with Bernie's mittens.
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Phil and Jill did finally
Phil and Jill did finally receive a Zonnie award for their weekly Thursday Night livestreaming LeshCast where they would just stare into the camera and give the middle finger salute to everyone watching for an hour. It was like watching the XMas log burn on YouTube. Quite therapeutic. I miss it. Got us thru covid.
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This still may be my favorite
This still may be my favorite 5 seconds of Phil moment of all time.
2:55:39ish time mark - but start with 2:55:30 for good measure.
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I'm hoping Phil's Chair will
I'm hoping Phil's Chair will be resurrected for D$C's 2025 residency at the Sphere. Not as a cash grab thing, of course, but to secure its legacy.
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Zappa for Zoty !
Zappa for Zoty !