Gene Simmons is a rock and roll douchebag of the highest order but in a recent interview lamenting about the decline of the genre, he said: "So the masses have no idea who's in Phish, one of my favorite bands"
Huh? Had no idea.
Here is the story with more quotes:
He is right about kids wearing shirts from classic rock bands not having any clue who they are.
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Yep they think the Grateful
Yep they think the Grateful Dead and Nirvana are fashion brands.
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Hey Gene, name 3 Phis songs
Hey Gene, name 3 Phish songs
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>Hey Gene, name 3 Phish songs
>Hey Gene, name 3 Phish songs
"That one that goes on forever about sex in a freezer or something; and those other two they did on tv".
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He probably likes that they
He probably likes that they make a lot of money.