My Little Brother Steven


You left us too early. It has been 11 years ago today.

Time passes so quickly.

Your family & friends are mostly still intact except Kara has joined you.

Your daughter is a 40 year old married lady.Beautiful in so many ways. Her  son, your grandson, is 18 & has graduated high school. She has taken in & helps care for a 6 year boy whose mother died of cancer. I am so proud of her.

I have heard that a person dies twice. Once when they draw their last breath & then finally when the last person they ever knew says their name.

Brother you are still with us.


Aw Crab

Huge phatty hugs

Loss is such a deep pain

((( STEVE-O )))

So sorry, much heart

Oh, thank you for sharing your commemorations each year. Sad days, so much love.

Once again, I find myself in awe of your dedication, crabneesh. We should all be so well remembered.

Hugs to you, Crabneesh. 

Every year that you post this message I say a few words to remember my departed family, too.


>>>Your daughter is a 40 year old married lady.Beautiful in so many ways. Her  son, your grandson, is 18 & has graduated high school. She has taken in & helps care for a 6 year boy whose mother died of cancer. I am so proud of her.

Wishing you and your Family a sense of peacefulness and healing in his legacy of Love.  Much Love to you, crabneesh.



On it goes.

long days and short years