Billybase down


Aliens must be coming because Billybase has been down last two shows.

 For those who don't know, Billybase is a Billy Strings website that allows you to amaze your friends with detailed set statistics, lyrics, song info, and real time setlists where the next song pops up even before they play the first note. One of the most fun and user friendly fan sites out there (but suspect it's run by Billy's organization).

Bill supposedly said he doesn't know what's going on (he "just plays guitar") and first knew about it when he tried to log on to help plan his set for that night. 

The dude who runs it said on Reddit he can't talk about it because of NDA.


now i just need to find friends who would be impressed by encyclopedic billy strings knowledge


on a similar note, i just realized recently that the annotated GD lyrics site has been down for awhile now. there is an ebook on archive and its still in the wayback machine, but its a bummer none the less

The archive version of the annotated GD Lyrics has only a couple of pages available, I hit it up trying to look for do dah info for another thread, or at least on that day it did 

I watched my first Billy show in a while last night and liked the new format of Billy solo at the beginning, but prefer the stand up bass to the electric. How many songs does this guy know? More than Dylan?, Jerry? He will scrounge up anything and everything, I love it 

Last night's show was different because it was at the Austin City Limits theater with a capacity of only 2,750.  Not the typical format and Royal only plays the electric bass on special occasions.  Billy also barely touched his effects pedals.

Tonight they are playing an arena next door to the theater with a capacity of 17,000.  Sure it will be a rocker.


was more impressed with the GD's lot Duprees News compiled stats version for the years shows

probably used a slide rule

but you know we had to wait...

Looks like it's all the way down due to a lack of funding. I can relate crying


"BillyBase is Down Indefinitely Due to Lack of Resources Required for Operation"

Huh?   Such a good resource.  Could be a call for Billy Corp. to kick down.

Speaking of Billy Strings, was listening to the commercial alternative station last night coming back from a show and they were playing "Gild the Lily" (right before the Eurythmics).    First time I have heard Billy on a commercial rock station. 

> Could be a call for Billy Corp. to kick down.

And/or the community. I'd contribute a few bucks if they ask.

"Speaking of Billy Strings, was listening to the commercial alternative station last night coming back from a show and they were playing "Gild the Lily" (right before the Eurythmics).    First time I have heard Billy on a commercial rock station. "


I've heard Billy often on KRVM.  I may have heard him on wombat radio as well.

KRVM is public radio.  I have heard Billy Strings on community supported radio programs too, but that was the first for me on a regular commercial station that typically plays acts like Billy Eilish and Cage the Elephant.  

Anybody have a link to the Wall Street Journal article on Billy Strings selling out arenas from the past week that isn't behind a paywall? 

Something is wrong with the bouillabaisse? 

Sacre bleu!

BB used to be non-profit, volunteer fanbase. i'm guessing with NDAs, compensation for running the site, and lawyers in the picture that it boils down to WB calling the shots now.  

The long post above is interesting and kind of confirms things we suspected, like how Billy Base became "semi-official" in recent years, which was apparent by how detailed set lists would unfold in real time (sometimes even before the first note of a song is played) indicating it was run from the inside.   

And its also interesting how dude was sacrificing his family and work as a high school teacher to keep doing it.  He probably asked to be put on salary out of sheer necessity which triggered the aforementioned "NDAs, compensation for running the site, and lawyers . . .  WB calling the shots now."

Thing I still don't get is why it's still down.  It's a top notch resource any band would be jealous to have.  If Billy Corp./WB wanted it, they would have bought it lock, stock, and barrel and dude could either be brought on board full time or paid off handsomely and go back to teaching full time.  If they didn't want it, dude could easily solicit enough donations to keep it running.   Seems like its just stuck in legal limbo until they get it worked out. 

Running the Billy Base probably got him more kick down nugs and poontang than grading A.I. penned homework from school kids.

Maybe he had too much too fast


You are Billy Motherfucking Strings, you wear the pants!


"Website live for brief maintenance testing. Hoping to issue update soon. Thank you."