Reports have been coming in about mysterious aerial activity, usually attributed to drones of some sort, in the New Jersey area. Now it’s also being reported in Maryland, specifically along the Route 50 corridor.
Police in Bowie say they’re receiving calls and trying to investigate whatever it is, but they don’t seem to know any more than anyone else does. And the reports are coming from around the area.
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I posted about this yesterday
I posted about this yesterday.... I've seen them here in NY
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Government surveillance
Government surveillance drones. Get used to it.
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My question is, if they are
My question is, if they are extraterrestrials or foreign earthly trespassers, why flashing lights? They always (or a lot of the time) have red and green or some-other-colored flashing lights.
You would think they would want to be either fully discrete (cloaked) or really announce themselves. Do they really need highly visible "landing lights"? Maybe add some headlight covers to that spaceship or time machine!
On a related note -- I read in Popular Mechanics today that the Chinese have developed a "cloaking technology" that doesn't just absorb incoming energy (e.g. stealth materials), but it re-directs electromagnetic waves (using micro waveguides on the surface) around an object (like a drone), thus making it invisible. Invisible to the eye or to various "radars."
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Governor Larry Hogan
Governor Larry Hogan
Last night, beginning at around 9:45 pm, I personally witnessed (and videoed) what appeared to be dozens of large drones in the sky above my residence in Davidsonville, Maryland (25 miles from our nation’s capital). I observed the activity for approximately 45 minutes. Like many who have observed these drones, I do not know if this increasing activity over our skies is a threat to public safety or national security. But the public is growing increasingly concerned and frustrated with the complete lack of transparency and the dismissive attitude of the federal government. The government has the ability to track these from their point of origin but has mounted a negligent response. People are rightfully clamoring for answers, but aren’t getting any. We are being told that neither the White House, the military, the FBI, or Homeland Security have any idea what they are, where they came from, or who has launched or is controlling them–and that they pose no threat. That response is entirely unacceptable. I join with the growing bipartisan chorus of leaders demanding that the federal government immediately address this issue. The American people deserve answers and action now.
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sorry fishcane -- missed your
sorry fishcane -- missed your thread -- what do you think?
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why don't they chase them
why don't they chase them with helicopters or planes?
Like don't these areas already have police and whatever aircraft doing patrols? I don't get it.
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Fuck yeah beam me up!
Fuck yeah
beam me up, baby!
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Oregon, too
Oregon, too
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Social media + an abundance
Social media + an abundance of hobby drones = mass hysteria.
Sort of like what happened in 1896-97:
>>>>why flashing lights?
Because they are harmless hobby drones or airplanes mistaken for drones?
We did see a UFO back in October at a Revivalist show at the St. Augustine Amphitheater. Strange craft (wasn't a plane) was flying through the sky clear as day with colorful flames streaking from it. Made a quick turn, and it just disappeared. Poof. Couldn't believe it. When we got back to the house, told my mom about it and she said it was probably a launch from Cape Canaveral down the road. Sure enough, I checked the launch schedules and it was a Space X rocket.
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i saw a dude use a drone to
i saw a dude use a drone to fish with. he hooked his line up to it and ran it like 500 yards off of the beach.
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>>>Are the Aliens Invading?
>>>Are the Aliens Invading?
let's hope so....
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Aircraft radio traffic
Aircraft radio traffic reporting UFOs over Oregon coast (Dec 7, 2024)
Multiple aircraft, reporting multiple objects, corkscrew like rotation at times, one darted off shore near Florence at insane speeds (then came back, repeat), others seen west of Eugene. They even sent the coast guard helicopter to investigate the one near Florence.
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Some sort of interstellar
Some sort of interstellar tourism?
See the planet Earth before it's destroyed! Tour includes exciting rides, cow butchery demonstrations and one-on-one human probing.
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It's all about the galactic
It's all about the galactic bypass. There was a notice posted on Alpha Centari.
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My friend said something
A friend said something about a rumor that they are linked to Iranian ships offshore
Because rumors
Another Friend saw one near Atlantic City the other night and he said it was as big as a van and looked like a cross between an airplane and a helicopter and it was pretty close to him
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This all gives me hope I'll
This all gives me hope I'll get abducted and leave this shit show
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I'm with Ken, there has to be
I'm with Ken, there has to be all kinds of clubs and groups and individuals doing this, there must be millions of these out in society, and the technology has exploded.
if the Aliens come, they are hitting Disney World first and taking out "it's a small world" first
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Those massive drone shows
Those massive drone shows using hundreds of drones are becoming common place. Just need one mischievous drone operator with a couple dozen of those things to cause widespread panic. But there are surely more than one miscreant out there doing this.
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Thought this would be a
Thought this would be a follow-up to the sugar cube thread.
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Got a few Reptoids on the
Got a few Reptoids on the list of incoming appointees by the Cheeto Lizard King.
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Hysteria maybe but it seems
Hysteria maybe but it seems pretty widespread.... closed runways at Stewart last night because of them.
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I've seen this exact thing
I've seen this exact thing happen... I saw it in Sept during the day it was so bright it grabbed my attention
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At the Capitol
At the Capitol
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Here's a map of the plane
Here's a map of the plane locations with the Oregon UFO sightings from Dec 7th;
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Noodler, I got sucked into
Noodler, I got sucked into listening and watching. There are interesting things going on up/out there.
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I'd love to see the videos /
I'd love to see the videos / pics, the medivac plane shot
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Just President Musk getting
Just President Musk getting his database up to date.
No cause for alarm.
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what surf said
what surf said
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(No subject)
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Boston just had this issue
Boston just had this issue and they we're able to track down the perps really quickly by tracking the drones back to the NJ can't do this because?
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I'm leaning toward three
I'm leaning toward three theories:
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Option 3 is an interesting
Option 3 is an interesting theory LOL.
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How long before human
How long before human traffickers just lift people over Trump's border wall?
Ehang 184 - Best large drone that can lift a person
The Ehang 184 is the world's first electric passenger-grade autonomous extra large drone that can accommodate a person weighing up to 220 lbs(100 kg) in its small cabin. Its technology for autonomous flight avoids the possibility of malfunctions or failures due to human error. Passengers can just sit back and enjoy the ride without worrying about controlling or operating the aircraft.
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Best guess is this is DOD
Best guess is this is DOD conducting asset protection drills
Second best guess our national security is being physically probed
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one of the worst options I
one of the worst options I heard is they are searching for traces of radiation from a dirty bomb that may have been smuggled in
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Everybody's smoking and no
Everybody's smoking and no one's getting high
Everybody's flying and never touch the sky
There's UFO's over New York and I ain't too surprised
Nobody told me there'd be days like these
Strange days indeed
Most peculiar, Mama, roll.
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E-hang sounds more like a new
E-hang sounds more like a new social media app
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If it was the cartels, I
If it was the cartels, I doubt they would light em up.
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so annoyed at my friend for
so annoyed at my friend for having a right wing conspiracy theory
and me for not checking it lol d'oh
my first thought and still believe is it's 2025 plan kinda shit
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MarkD, good point as always,
MarkD, good point as always, but I then again I'd keep my headlights on if I was say, transporting some potatoes from Humbolt to SF down 101. Maybe a dark drone would call more attention than a lit one. Drones and bitcoin....whole new world out there for smugglers, I guess....
Drones with drugs...
"A New Jersey military base said that after numerous drone incursions this year, it has established countermeasures to detect and thwart the aircraft attempting to smuggle illicit items into a federal prison within its perimeter.
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, which houses FCI Fort Dix prison, confirmed to military blog The War Zone that it’s taken the defensive measures after numerous attempts to sneak drugs and other contraband into the federal penitentiary....“We take each case seriously and aggressively coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure the safety and security of our installation. The majority of the drones were intercepted or recovered,” he said.
The base is located about 18 miles south of Trenton."
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MarkD, good point as always,
MarkD, good point as always, but I then again I'd keep my headlights on if I was say, transporting some potatoes from Humbolt to SF down 101. Maybe a dark drone would call more attention than a lit one. Drones and bitcoin....whole new world out there for smugglers, I guess....
Drones with drugs...
"A New Jersey military base said that after numerous drone incursions this year, it has established countermeasures to detect and thwart the aircraft attempting to smuggle illicit items into a federal prison within its perimeter.
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, which houses FCI Fort Dix prison, confirmed to military blog The War Zone that it’s taken the defensive measures after numerous attempts to sneak drugs and other contraband into the federal penitentiary....“We take each case seriously and aggressively coordinate with local law enforcement to ensure the safety and security of our installation. The majority of the drones were intercepted or recovered,” he said.
The base is located about 18 miles south of Trenton."
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Stayed on base with a friend in the air force for the Spectrum 89 run.
Weird being a long hair/tie dye on base after a show
But where we stayed felt like a college dorm with different haircuts
loaded up with really cheap cigarette$ and beer at the px before heading to the lot each day