Seven faced marble eyed transitory dream doll
Six proud walkers on the jingle bell rainbow
Five men writing with fingers of gold
Four men tracking down the great white sperm whale
Three girls waiting in a foreign dominion
Riding in the whalebelly, fade away in moonlight
Sink beneath the waters to the coral sands below
My wife was just telling me our snowbird neighbor called her yesterday and told her about her daughter taking her to the Kennedy Center Honors show. She didn't say who she seen, just that she went to the show. She is due back soon, I will have to ask her about it.
>GRATEFUL DEAD (Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Bob Weir):
Video remarks by Nancy Pelosi, John Mayer, Norah Jones, Ben and Jerry
Remarks by David Letterman
Remarks by Miles Teller
Remarks by Chloe Sevigny
Performance by Dave Matthews, Maggie Rogers, Derek Trucks, Leon Bridges, Sturgill Simpson, Don Was, and Susan Tedeschi (including “Friend of the Devil,” “Ripple,” “Sugaree,” and “Not Fade Away”)
Who's who in LLOLLO's 10:57 AM pic, but they seem to have confused Trixie and Grahame with David Jammy, and Liz Kelly (the show's producers)?
Front row from left: Evan Ryan, Arturo Sandoval, Francis Ford Coppola, Bonnie Raitt, Bobby Weir, Mickey Hart, Deborah F. Rutter
Second row from left: Secretary of State Antony Blinken, David M. Rubenstein, Michelle Ebanks, Kamilah Forbes, Jonelle Procope, Billy Kreutzmann David Jammy, and Liz Kelly pose
From Biden's speech, which was surely written by someone else:
“Their lyrics tell the story of dreamers and rebels, by jams or just a performance, they’re not just that they’re an ongoing conversation with generations of ‘Doo-Dah’ fans with hundreds and hundreds of songs.
Did he ad-lib Doo-Dah for Deadhead? Was whoever the writer was that clueless?
Doo-dah fans sounds like something an old square person would say.
The first reference to the Doo-Dah Man I know of is from Stephen Foster's Camptown Races. The character passes the time singing oh doo dah day while taking a pinch of tobacco. Seems like the short bus riding village idiot.
Calling Deadheads "Doodahs" seems a little disrespectful. I hope Patrick Leahy puts a pie in Joe's face.
Biden straight up embarrassing. He really shouldn't be speaking in public anymore. I had to turn off the CNN live broadcast after he referred to Grahame as Phil Lesh's grandson.
> The first reference to the Doo-Dah Man I know of is from Stephen Foster's Camptown Races
Camptown Races contains plenty of doo-dah, but no Doo-Dah Man. The first stanza establishes that doo-dah is a song the Camptown Ladies sing, the setting is a racetrack, and the style is African-American dialect. The speaker's clearly a gambler, but a short bus riding village idiot? I see no evidence of that.
De Camptown ladies sing dis song, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De Camptown race-track five miles long, Oh, doo-dah day!
I come down dah wid my hat caved in, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home wid a pocket full of tin, Oh, doo-dah day!
>The question of ‘Who is The Doo-Dah Man?’ is so prevalent that there’s a whole entry in Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheadsabout the concept. As quoted in the book (and later in the band’s official podcast, The Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast), Hunter said that the origins of the character came from “that song ‘Camptown Races’ that goes ‘doo-dah, doo-dah’. I wasn’t thinking about anybody in particular – just that gambler on his way home from the game with a pocket full of tin.”
I liked the Dead section. As noted on Facebook by an old Zoner, no mention of any lyricist other than Hunter. There were other omissions, but I still liked it.
I liked having Grahame and Trixie there.
They did make me cry, not a hard thing to do, but I was touched by parts of the tribute.
No Bob songs was odd.
I didn't like the whole GD section; whoever the woman (Maggie someone?) was who sang early in the segment caused me to leave the room. That was too bad.
He's a Hollywood actor, at least for me best known from Top Gun 2 (IMO much better than the original).
It could well be that he's a next-generation dead head, as so, so many are (good for them) but he was almost certainly there because he's a Hollywood actor.
"Made for TV".
I hate to be that person who says "what Jerry would have done", but I'm pretty confident that if the Grate Gar were still in town he would have smirked at this deal, stayed in the Bay Area and had a toke.
Odd that there was zero camaraderie on display between the surviving three. Didn't even see many smiles up in their box (except for Billy and Trixie when Jerry video was up there). Bob looked distant whenever the camera was on him. (Grahame was the only one who looked like he was enjoying himself.) All the speeches seemed written by AI chatbots.
I enjoyed the Bonnie Raitt tribute.
MAGA was probably having a meltdown (not that they watched it) with a woman, an immigrant, a black institution, a "Hollywood" liberal, and hippies being celebrated. And so much Pelosi. Could be the last of these awards for a while.
Thanks for the reports. I don't watch tv, so I missed it. The Kennedy Center has strong ties to Establishment D.C. and has some residue of beaureaucratic stuffiness.
The Grateful Dead have now become a national institution.
I'm glad they got honored by the DC squares, lol... think they should have had Truckin' or another Bobby tune in the background at some point (perhaps when Dave Letterman left that smoke filled bus). Donna should have been there, and a picture of Pig Pen would have been nice!
In a parallel universe Sunday night, all Kennedy Center attendees drank a shot of Kool Aid upon entrance, and after two hours had passed, Live Dead was played in its entirety with dancing encouraged in order to truly honor the Grateful Dead :)
What was shown on TV was a version of the award ceremony edited down from 5 hours to 3, shared by all of the award winners. ~20 minutes to cover ~60 GD years. I would have done it \differently, but I was happy GD was honored and that it was filmed for commercial TV so I could see it. We all know who meant so much to us, and naming a cast of characters would only have been a list.
Actually, I thought it was as good as you could expect from commercial tv. I also enjoyed the Raitt and Coppola portions of the show. Thanks to the Zone for keeping my expectations down so that I could be slightly pleasantly surprised.
I'm with Mark on this. I didn't watch it until Monday night and enjoyed it. I do agree the speeches were generally weak sauce, but the rest of it was good for network TV.
I saw the Dylan movie (A Complete Unknown) yesterday and enjoyed that too. Light and entertaining.......with a great soundtrack.
It was all so cleansed for TV that you would barely know their entire ethos was built on giving a middle finger to most of the people in that room. It was a wasted opportunity to speak some truth to power. At the very least this should have been the songs they played.
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What, they couldn't find a
What, they couldn't find a band pic that included Jerry?
Not to mention Pig.
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December 9 can be cold in D.C
December 9 can be cold in D.C. I'll be surprised if Phil and Billy attend.
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Why wasn't John Mayer
Why wasn't John Mayer included?
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Matt Kelly as Master of
Matt Kelly as Master of Ceremony.
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Online high fives all around.
Online high fives all around.
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How many seats will be
How many seats will be between Phil/Jill and the Drummers?
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>>> Why wasn't John Mayer
>>> Why wasn't John Mayer included? <<<
Could it be because he was never in Grateful Dead?
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You must have missed the
You must have missed the sarcasm in my comment Judit.
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Matt Kelly as Master of
Matt Kelly as Master of Ceremony
let's hope that the drummers leave their bag of drum sticks at home.
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> Why wasn't John Mayer
> Why wasn't John Mayer included?
It recently came out that he's not a fan of licorice.
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Check out Bobby's boots!
Broadcast happens later this month.
Check out Bobby's boots!
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Seven faced marble eyed
Seven faced marble eyed transitory dream doll
Six proud walkers on the jingle bell rainbow
Five men writing with fingers of gold
Four men tracking down the great white sperm whale
Three girls waiting in a foreign dominion
Riding in the whalebelly, fade away in moonlight
Sink beneath the waters to the coral sands below
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> Broadcast happens later
> Broadcast happens later this month.
Sunday, December 22nd from 8:30–11:00 PM ET/PT on CBS.
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> Check out Bobby's boots!
> Check out Bobby's boots!
They're no match for Coppola's socks.
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“We’re sort of like the town
“We’re sort of like the town whore that’s finally become an institution. We’re finally becoming respectable.”
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It would have been nice to
It would have been nice to have seen Donna and Bonnie sitting next to each other, IMHO
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How is Donna? I feel like we
How is Donna? I feel like we haven't seen or heard from her in a while
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Trixie and Grahame
Trixie and Grahame representing Jerry and Phil
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Are The Shameless
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I'm glad that the kids are
I'm glad that the kids are there but it should have been Phil
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My wife was just telling me
My wife was just telling me our snowbird neighbor called her yesterday and told her about her daughter taking her to the Kennedy Center Honors show. She didn't say who she seen, just that she went to the show. She is due back soon, I will have to ask her about it.
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jfc is that bloody blinken on
jfc is that bloody blinken on the left?
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Unconfirmed rumors that Jello
Unconfirmed rumors that Jello Biafra was spotted trying to sneak in, claiming that no one had told him about the Dead Kennedys trribute.
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^ Unconfirmed rumors that
^ Unconfirmed rumors that John Mayer was spotted trying to sneak in, claiming that no one had told him he wasn't in the Grateful Dead.
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>GRATEFUL DEAD (Mickey Hart,
>GRATEFUL DEAD (Mickey Hart, Bill Kreutzmann, Bob Weir):
Video remarks by Nancy Pelosi, John Mayer, Norah Jones, Ben and Jerry
Remarks by David Letterman
Remarks by Miles Teller
Remarks by Chloe Sevigny
Performance by Dave Matthews, Maggie Rogers, Derek Trucks, Leon Bridges, Sturgill Simpson, Don Was, and Susan Tedeschi (including “Friend of the Devil,” “Ripple,” “Sugaree,” and “Not Fade Away”)
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Who's who in LLOLLO's 10:57
Who's who in LLOLLO's 10:57 AM pic, but they seem to have confused Trixie and Grahame with David Jammy, and Liz Kelly (the show's producers)?
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Why the fuck is dave mathews
Why the fuck is dave mathews there?
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Introduction by Biden. Kinda
Introduction by Biden. Kinda surreal, actually.
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saw snipets of the
saw snipets of the performances on TT and it was just bloody awful
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>>>Why the fuck is dave
>>>Why the fuck is dave mathews there<<<
Because it's a made-for-TV event.
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Here's the entire award
Here's the entire award ceremony (not the show);
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From Biden's speech, which
From Biden's speech, which was surely written by someone else:
“Their lyrics tell the story of dreamers and rebels, by jams or just a performance, they’re not just that they’re an ongoing conversation with generations of ‘Doo-Dah’ fans with hundreds and hundreds of songs.
Did he ad-lib Doo-Dah for Deadhead? Was whoever the writer was that clueless?
Doo-dah fans sounds like something an old square person would say.
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Actually sounds like
Actually sounds like something Chat GPT would write. The speech writers are too busy sending out resumes.
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Joe is the Walrus
Joe is the Walrus
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The first reference to the
The first reference to the Doo-Dah Man I know of is from Stephen Foster's Camptown Races. The character passes the time singing oh doo dah day while taking a pinch of tobacco. Seems like the short bus riding village idiot.
Calling Deadheads "Doodahs" seems a little disrespectful. I hope Patrick Leahy puts a pie in Joe's face.
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Biden straight up
Biden straight up embarrassing. He really shouldn't be speaking in public anymore. I had to turn off the CNN live broadcast after he referred to Grahame as Phil Lesh's grandson.
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Doted or doting is the word
Doted or doting is the word I believe he was speaking. You need to translate that man sometimes. Y'know like grandson actually means son...
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> The first reference to the
> The first reference to the Doo-Dah Man I know of is from Stephen Foster's Camptown Races
Camptown Races contains plenty of doo-dah, but no Doo-Dah Man. The first stanza establishes that doo-dah is a song the Camptown Ladies sing, the setting is a racetrack, and the style is African-American dialect. The speaker's clearly a gambler, but a short bus riding village idiot? I see no evidence of that.
De Camptown ladies sing dis song, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De Camptown race-track five miles long, Oh, doo-dah day!
I come down dah wid my hat caved in, Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home wid a pocket full of tin, Oh, doo-dah day!
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Thanks, Bss
Thanks, Bss
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>The question of ‘Who is The
>The question of ‘Who is The Doo-Dah Man?’ is so prevalent that there’s a whole entry in Skeleton Key: A Dictionary for Deadheadsabout the concept. As quoted in the book (and later in the band’s official podcast, The Good Ol’ Grateful Deadcast), Hunter said that the origins of the character came from “that song ‘Camptown Races’ that goes ‘doo-dah, doo-dah’. I wasn’t thinking about anybody in particular – just that gambler on his way home from the game with a pocket full of tin.”
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The edited show airs tonight
The edited show airs tonight at 8:30 on CBS.
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Thanks for the reminder. I
Thanks for the reminder. I love that one of my sisters sent a reminder focused on Bonnie Raitt.
Music saves lives.
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Tonight, 8pm, CBS, can't wait
Tonight, 8pm, CBS, can't wait!
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Not Fade Away was a nice
Not Fade Away was a nice touch (to end the show if you didn't see it)Oh shit, you guys on West Coast haven't seen it yet --- scratch that
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So who the hell is Miles
So who the hell is Miles Teller and why was he there in his Sears Dead shirt?
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As nice as it was to see our
As nice as it was to see our boys and our world get the recognition they have ALWAYS deserved.......
What a ridiculous, fake, made-for-TV shit show that was.
Good lord.
I'll take a live Dead $ Co. show over that network, corporate, tuxedo foolishness every day and twice on Sundays.
Because at least that's real.
Ultimately, I guess it all comes down to.....................
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But very nice to see Graham,
But very nice to see Graham, Chementi and Rick in the band
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I don't know who he is,
I don't know who he is, either, Mike.
I liked the Dead section. As noted on Facebook by an old Zoner, no mention of any lyricist other than Hunter. There were other omissions, but I still liked it.
I liked having Grahame and Trixie there.
They did make me cry, not a hard thing to do, but I was touched by parts of the tribute.
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Thanks for that perspective
Thanks for that perspective Judit. The Ripple with the Jerry video was super sweet.
At the end of the day it was a CBS (not CBD) show and I'm happy to have celebrated the fellas.
Having said that - no Bob songs with Bob in attendance? Truckin?
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No Bab songs was odd.
No Bob songs was odd.
I didn't like the whole GD section; whoever the woman (Maggie someone?) was who sang early in the segment caused me to leave the room. That was too bad.
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Don't get me wrong, I cried.
Oh, don't get me wrong, I cried.
But then I'm an easy mark for that business.
>>>So who the hell is Miles Teller<<<
He's a Hollywood actor, at least for me best known from Top Gun 2 (IMO much better than the original).
It could well be that he's a next-generation dead head, as so, so many are (good for them) but he was almost certainly there because he's a Hollywood actor.
"Made for TV".
I hate to be that person who says "what Jerry would have done", but I'm pretty confident that if the Grate Gar were still in town he would have smirked at this deal, stayed in the Bay Area and had a toke.
And as always,
Long live the Grateful Dead!
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Letterman's bit was pretty
Letterman's bit was pretty good, and the NFA outro had some juice to it. Lots of cringe on the way there though.
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The Garcia Ripple video was
The Garcia Ripple video was sweet. At the end of the day, we got to see an honor to our fellas on CBS. Who would imagine.
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>>> I didn't like the whole
>>> I didn't like the whole GD section; <<<
When I wrote that, I meant I didn't like it in its entirety, but I did like a lot of it.
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I couldn't bear to watch the
I couldn't bear to watch the program due to fear of cringe.... but I peeked at a few segments on Insta, which confirmed my suspicions.
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Long live the Grateful Dead!
Long live the Grateful Dead!
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The Gratefuls looked pretty
The Gratefuls looked pretty catatonic.
Thought they'd be joking amongst themselves about the ridiculous goings--on.
But no, just the great stone(d) face.
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Odd that there was zero
Odd that there was zero camaraderie on display between the surviving three. Didn't even see many smiles up in their box (except for Billy and Trixie when Jerry video was up there). Bob looked distant whenever the camera was on him. (Grahame was the only one who looked like he was enjoying himself.) All the speeches seemed written by AI chatbots.
I enjoyed the Bonnie Raitt tribute.
MAGA was probably having a meltdown (not that they watched it) with a woman, an immigrant, a black institution, a "Hollywood" liberal, and hippies being celebrated. And so much Pelosi. Could be the last of these awards for a while.
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> Didn't even see many smiles
> Didn't even see many smiles up in their box
There was one shot that showed Natascha and Jill (I think it was) dancing behind Billy and Bob late in the show. They looked pretty happy.
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They were probably stoned.
They were probably stoned.
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I would hope so.
I would hope so. I know I was.
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Billy said he snuck his vape
Billy said he snuck his vape pen in.
Thanks for the reports. I don't watch tv, so I missed it. The Kennedy Center has strong ties to Establishment D.C. and has some residue of beaureaucratic stuffiness.
The Grateful Dead have now become a national institution.
It was a long night for our boys.
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Vape Pen > Dr Bronner's
confirmed Grateful Dead drugs at Kennedy Center:
Clogged vape pen > Dr Bronner's Toenail Fungus Cream and Hairgel > Gummie with Ginkgo Biloba extract
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Poor Bonnie Raitt. Stuck
Poor Bonnie Raitt. Stuck between Coppola's and Weir's manspreads...
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(No subject)
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I'm glad they got honored by
I'm glad they got honored by the DC squares, lol... think they should have had Truckin' or another Bobby tune in the background at some point (perhaps when Dave Letterman left that smoke filled bus). Donna should have been there, and a picture of Pig Pen would have been nice!
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What about TC? He was on an
What about TC? He was on an album cover.
And Hornsby was there longer than TC.
Although not much.
Pix of all deceased members?
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brief comments on the GD by
brief comments on the GD by David Letterman at the Kennedy Center Honors...
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In a parallel universe Sunday
In a parallel universe Sunday night, all Kennedy Center attendees drank a shot of Kool Aid upon entrance, and after two hours had passed, Live Dead was played in its entirety with dancing encouraged in order to truly honor the Grateful Dead :)
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That was horrible.
That was horrible.
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What was shown on TV was a
What was shown on TV was a version of the award ceremony edited down from 5 hours to 3, shared by all of the award winners. ~20 minutes to cover ~60 GD years. I would have done it \differently, but I was happy GD was honored and that it was filmed for commercial TV so I could see it. We all know who meant so much to us, and naming a cast of characters would only have been a list.
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Actually, I thought it was as
Actually, I thought it was as good as you could expect from commercial tv. I also enjoyed the Raitt and Coppola portions of the show. Thanks to the Zone for keeping my expectations down so that I could be slightly pleasantly surprised.
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I'm with Mark on this. I didn
I'm with Mark on this. I didn't watch it until Monday night and enjoyed it. I do agree the speeches were generally weak sauce, but the rest of it was good for network TV.
I saw the Dylan movie (A Complete Unknown) yesterday and enjoyed that too. Light and entertaining.......with a great soundtrack.
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To have him post this on
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That one's a fake I believe
That one's a fake I believe
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Yes indeed, good call Fish.
Yes indeed, good call Fish.
Sorry for the "actual" Fake News folks.
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Haha no worries. We all know
Haha no worries. We all know he was thinking it anyway
in other news my mother got me a fun mug for Christmas...
thanks mom
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> That one's a fake I believe
> That one's a fake I believe
It had me fooled until I checked his Twitter feed.
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It was all so cleansed for TV
It was all so cleansed for TV that you would barely know their entire ethos was built on giving a middle finger to most of the people in that room. It was a wasted opportunity to speak some truth to power. At the very least this should have been the songs they played.
Jack Straw
Music Never Stopped
Throwing Stones
Ship of Fools