Bird Flu


It really isn't about if it will happen it's more about how bad it will be when it does. Farmed birds that come into contact with migratory wild birds is a combination of perfect breeding ground with perfect worldwide delivery method. 

But I can't get my head around the epic shit show that will be the Trump response if it happens in the next four years.

There are just too many people on earth

When is already here. California declared a state of emergency for bird flu last Wednesday.

Good update here. As of now nothing to worry about. From the article

Experts’ anxiety has percolated to the public. I tell my friends and family: H5N1 is something to watch, but don’t let it take up too much headspace yet. Risk lies with agriculture workers and those in contact with sick birds. (Raw milk can potentially cause severe disease, but there have been no cases yet.)

And, for the general public, there’s not much you can do. Don’t drink unpasteurized milk. Don’t touch wild birds. And if livestock animals look sick, stay away. (If you have backyard poultry, check out this last YLE post, which includes using PPE.) 

When should alarm bells go off? A DEFCON 1 YLE email will land in your inbox. But, more seriously, concern should rise when your risk rises. That will happen if we see human-to-human transmission. 

More subtle signs of changing risk include:

H5N1 starts spreading among pigs (they are great mixing vessels and could cause a mutation more quickly) 

Worrisome mutations spreading among animals