Back Surgery # 4


Yep Again sad i truly am The King Of Pain  ~~ Surgery date is December 2 2024

Best of luck, Rob. May this be the last one.


Oh, Rob, this is big news (#4!). I hope that Mark's wish for best of luck to you helps. Here's mine, too: hoping for best possible result and smooth rehab. Man oh man.

Best wishes for a good outcome, Rob. 

Good luck.  I'm still trying to avoid number one for specifically the reason you are framing.  My doc says once I start, I'll be having them every 5 years.  

Hope you feel like a million bucks when you come out on the other side. 

best wishes buddy. i hope you get some relief!

Best of luck, PLF. Hope this goes well and you get on the road to recovery, again. 

My buddy went in for a surgery and they found a big-ass cyst by his spine they hadn't noticed before. That ended up being a big part of his problem. 

Zang, don't know your back issue, but I had a discectomy in 1996 and nothing since. GOOD HEALTH TO ALL!!!! 

Sorry to hear about this development, Rob. I hope they get it right this time.

Rob, best of luck and lots of {{{{ healing vibes }}}}


May all of the good energy/karma from your days on this earth return to you!

Nice Slick!   I've got a herniated disk, I think L5.  It's manageable but I can't do major activities for more than 30 minutes like yard work which is pretty frustrating.  But a little or a lot of icing and some walking seems to help.  No regular pain if I take care of it.  I just can't play sports or be super active which is lame.    

Oh Zang, go get it done.

I had a herniated disc L4/5. back then, in 1996, they opened up your back. Now it's like out-patient arthroscopic. They've come such a long way. I was able to golf again, which is a big strain on the back. 

This Will Be My Absolute Last Surgery   

Hope all goes smoothly, Rob! 

Thank You All For The Kind Words ~ Friends


Dr Nathan Oh Is My Nuerosurgeon my surgery will take place at Ventura Hospital


Surgery Can't Come Fast Enough




this is actually surgery # 3 one of my surgeries was for an infection i got after surgery # 2

Thinking of you, Rob, hoping for best possible results.

The surgery for infection counts - we just want you to have a better time.

Love to you.

Looks Like im having 2 Surgeries ( thats how messed up my Spine is ) One On Dec 2 the Other on the 4 th and a Solid week in the Hospital

Hope they get that spine fixed. Then off to rehab and soon...the new PLF!!! All the best.

Thanks for the jpg, Mike.

A Box of Rain.jpg   

}}}}}Swift recovery vibes to you, Rob{{{{{

May they get it right this time

(((((((((((((((((((( smooth recovery ))))))))))))))))))))))

Hope everything went as well as possible for the first one, plf. 


Rob hope today's surgery went well and that your pain is well-managed by your care team.

looking forward to your updates... 

Damn bro. Good luck. I Hope the 4th time is the charm.

Surgeries Were Cancelled Yesterday

i'll explain later   Rob

Basically I Have a Gap In My Sternum ( fallout from heart surgery in may of 2022 )

That Needs To Be Repaired Before I Can Have Back Surgeries. A Set back For Sure.

Oh geez.  I'm sorry.   That's just defeating news.   One step at a time.   You'll get there.  

What Zang said. That's hard to hear, Rob, and a lot to go through. Good thing you have a lot of Zoners on your team. I think it's as good a group as you can find. 

heart * heart * heart * heart * heart  

Sorry to hear that Rob.  Sending you healing vibes

Ugh. I'm so sorry, Rob. Sending best vibes and hope to you in this longer-than-hoped-for process.

Off to the Table at 7;15 am on Monday finally after delays and then again on Wednesday  what a journey ......... 

Man , I really wish you the best , Rob. Pain sucks.

Best wishes, Rob, for a ((((((((pain- free outcome))))))))

Here you go again, Rob, and we're with you again. Wishing you best possible results, hoping for quick and complete recovery.

Love to you.

Alll the best to ya, Rob. Take it EASY, don't rush the recovery. Slow but sure. 

Good luck, Rob

Go easy on racing around in one of your 4 runners.  
Don't just hop in and floor it and make it "jump like a Willys in 4 wheel drive" 

I hope these surgeries do the trick, Rob. Keep us posted.

fucksake i missed the previous update

hope this interim time has been bearable enough and that tomorrow goes tenfold better than the highest expectation

Just heard from Rob, and he said he had the first surgery this morning, and he's in pain, but "looped." Next round under the knife is scheduled for Wednesday.

So glad he gets in touch with you, Mike, and thanks for passing it along. Sending all kinds of hope and love.

(((((Rob's sternum and back)))))

Heard from Rob this morning, and he said the second surgery went well, and he'll probably be in the hospital until next Monday.

Thanks for the head's up, Mike. Sending good vibes.  

Got a text from Rob this afternoon, and he's still scheduled to go home tomorrow. He also attached a pic of the hardware he's been carrying around that they removed last week.


Thanks, Mike. I hope Rob will be more comfortable without that stuff in his body.

Just Got Home ~~ Updates Later

So glad you're home, Rob. Looking forward to your updates as they come.

sending you love and support buddy.

Jesus H. Christ, dude. You were a walking hardware store!  Sending lots of healing energy your way. 

Thanks ALL For Your Support ! ill give you updates sometime ~ I Will Say Doctor Oh Fixed a Lot Of Things.

Better Doctor Oh than Doctor No.