>>>I'm guessing all you people who wanted Harbaugh gone are still happy about it, right<<<
Who would that be?
I don't remember anybody except for maybe two or three people we know about who were happy about him leaving.
Still, he's over-rated, especially at the major league level.
Despite lots of reports of lunatic behavior with the 49ers I think he's a good coach, but IMO he's best at the AA minor league level he's at now. With the 49ers he took over a loaded team, but they were fading even with him before he left.
It wasn't firing Harbaugh that was the real problem.
It was who replaced him, who didn't, and who was left to run the show.
Now is when we find out who the Faithful are.
If you're old enough to remember, we've been here before.
>>>I don't remember anybody except for maybe two or three people we know about who were happy about him leaving.
I remember a post of yours commenting about how you're glad he's leaving, how he'll be successful in Michigan and how that was the right place for him or something like that.
I wasn't talking about you in my post...but you asked.
Maybe that was just one post or maybe I missed the context of it.
You've had 5 seasons with only 2 wins!!!! lol Granted 3 of those go back before I even knew there was another team in the Bay Area 78 and earlier......
Raiders have had 2 with 2 wins & 1 with 1 win. For those I've only seen 1 year of 2-14 lol
Well then I'm still wondering what you meant by "all you people" who were happy about it, because I am certainly in the major minority when it comes to the opinion that there are significant holes in Harbaugh's game at the pro level and that he isn't the second coming of Bill Walsh, Bill Bilichick or Don Shula. Or even John Harbaugh.
Also, I can't say that I was or am "happy" about his getting the boot. I think in many ways he's an excellent coach and as fans we tend to see it all as black & white, but I began squirming a bit even by the end of his first year - FUCK YOU Kyle Williams - (it was the Williams disaster that first got me worrying about the depth of Harbaugh's NFL skill set) and I could point out numerous things from all four years that to me were significant red flags.
Harbaugh never got the chance to show if he could learn & grow in the NFL game, but it's an easy argument to make that he doesn't think he has ANYTHING to learn. It's also a fact that he took over a loaded team and that the team's/his success with those three penultimately successful (or ultimately unsuccessful) teams were based almost completely on the defense that by his own admission he had almost nothing to do with, and it's a fact that as soon as the talent level dipped a bit (but was still very solid) the performance of his team went straight into the tank.
That dramatic fall in 2014 has always been excused and blamed on how Fucking York was "undermining" him during that season, but suck is suck, and if he's going to get the credit for coaching the good teams then the blame for such a sudden collapse should be focused on him as well. And 2014 was absolutely a collapse for Harbaugh's lesser but still talented team.
Ultimately it's my uneducated opinion that his approach isn't intellectual enough for the pro game. I think he's perfect for the college game, I think his brother destroys him at the pro level, and I think that if:
A) Fucking York & Baalke had hired Adam Gase two years ago (the job was offered and by all reports he was ready to say yes but he wanted to keep Vic Fangio at DC and Fucking York said it would have to be Tomsula, so Gase wisely said NO THANK YOU)
B) If Baalke had taken Derek Carr instead of Jimmy Ward (who is a very good young player but obviously not a young MVP caliber franchise QB) I believe things would be much different with the red & gold right now. Certainly not all fixed and charging into the playoffs, but I believe if those two things had happened, and the first one might well have lead to the second one, they'd be on a much better track and no one would be crying about the Harbaugh firing now.
Now, if Harbaugh had been given the MASSIVE contract extension he would have demanded I doubt the team would have gone full collapse as they have and maybe if Harbaugh had not been fired he could have convinced Baalke to take Carr, but it was Harbaugh who was desperately in love with Kaepernick and who convinced Baalke to trade up to take him, so I doubt that would have happened.
As bad as Fucking York is many owners are delusional dipshits, and there are many examples of know-nothing rich guys making multiple stupid decisions before getting lucky with one good decision and seeing their team become successful, and I think that's still possible with Fucking York.
We've seen that happen with the 49ers once before, which is what I meant by we've been here before. Jed isn't Eddie, but Eddie is hugely over-rated himself, with a number of bizarrely stupid decisions on his resume from before, during and after Walsh fell into his lap.
He made one excellent, and very easy, decision, and for the most part he rode that one decision into the Hall of Fame. I still believe Fucking York can get lucky once too.
The operative word being "can", not necessarily "will", because he most definitely is a delusional, dipshit, know-nothing rich guy.
But then so was Eddie.
(It's been a while since I've written out a nice, long 49ers rant. That felt good, thanks for asking)
GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>Well then I'm still wondering what you meant by "all you people" who were happy about it
I know so many people who were happy he was fired. That's what 'all you people' meant...not necessarily zoners, although I know there were some (like you for example).
I would love to see him come to the Bears because he has a great track record but I haven't had the experience with him like you have so it's possible I would come to regret that desire. I'm not really in the know...but like I said, he sure seems like he makes his teams better.
I've heard Chicago is the one pro organization he would consider leaving Michigan.
One thing is for certain, I was really disappointed we got the guy who didn't have his team ready for a SB is such spectacular fashion and the two years we've had him have done nothing to change my opinion. Our front office is the worst front office in the NFL and has been for a long, long time. It sucks that that family won't sell that team.
I gotta say though, if the Bears could get Jim now, I'd take him in a heartbeat.
Hey, I wouldn't freak if he came back to the 49ers, which obviously would never happen. His track record is very convincing that he does improve the teams he takes over, but he admits himself that he's not a strategist and his track record also is pretty convincing that his act wears out, and wears out everyone around him.
I know someone who works for the 49ers and he has seen first-hand how bizarre Harbaugh can be, but my personal issues were more about his extreme stubbornness to recognize and accept mistakes or failure - his refusal to accept that there were any issues with his offensive coordinator was a big problem with his bosses, and almost all of us fans - and the way his teams performed at the end of big games, specifically the play-calling and clock management, i.e. championship level game performance as a coach.
IMO he personally choked away both the Super Bowl in '12 & the Championship Game in '13 with very poor coaching performance under the biggest pressure, and as a lowly fan there were other preparation issues that I had with him in all four of his seasons. Issues that might seem nit-picky, but important if you're trying to win a championship and not just improve.
I think he's an excellent football coach and a very intense, strong personality, but IMO his strengths maybe apply more to the later than the former.
Against my better judgment I'll respond, once, to poor Dan.
Every one of those seats in that photo is sold to season ticket holders - 49ers fans, and also as always and everywhere to scalpers. 49ers fans are pissed right now and some are showing that by not showing up, but they're still invested in the team with their money, not just their mouths. And of course that shot was taken late in yet another blowout loss so lots of fans who were there had left, so while not quite a Kingman swing, still about par for the 2dank course.
8 straight years of crap and misery at Candlestick from '03 - ' 10 and all 70,000 seats were sold out for every game in what was universally considered the worst stadium in the league. There was nothing easy, comfortable or cheap about going to a game at the 'Stick, yet even in the years they stunk there was a waiting list for season tickets and a home 49ers game hasn't been blacked out since 1979.
The Raiders couldn't come close to selling out their stadium to season ticket holders when they moved back from LA, which should have been one of the great moments in Oakland Raiders fans history, and other than the couple of winning years with Gruden they struggled & mostly failed to sell out their games and it was extremely rare when they WOULDN'T be blacked out.
Ultimately they couldn't sell out their stadium until they tarped off almost 10,000 seats and dropped tickets to unbelievably low prices, and even then you could buy a ticket at the door to most games until this season.
The entire 3rd deck that is available at the Mausoleum, and that's a lot of seats, goes for $22.50 a game to season ticket holders and $30 for single games, and almost all the seats in the place are less than $100. Those are unheard of prices for NFL games in this era. Only once they slashed their stadium capacity down to what is by far the smallest in the league and also dumped their ticket prices to almost nothing (and now have become a winner) have the Raiders begun selling out again. Bargain basement loyalty.
The one thing that nobody is talking about when it comes to building a new stadium locally (or even re-building their existing one) is the fact that if they do that and stay in Oakland the tickets won't be going for the price of a shot & a beer anymore.
Given all the evidence, even if the Raiders continue to grow and maybe win a championship it's hard to see them selling out a new stadium in Oakland to season tickets that will come with the evil, gouging PSLs and ticket prices four times higher than they are now. And it's the season tickets with the PSLs that the fucking owners want/need to build a new place, which is why sooner than later it's goodbye Oakland Raiders.
That's too bad because there are many heartfelt, win or lose truly loyal supportive Raiders fans in the region, some of the best fans anywhere, but clearly there aren't THAT many.
It's true that moving the 49ers to Santa Clara tore a wedge between the fan base, especially the older fans. While Santa Clara is a fine area and the south bay deserves a major league team it's not San Francisco or a suburb of SF so it's a major & unnatural transition and in general is a BS situation because of the state of the organization.
But Santa Clara is still in the Bay Area and even at Candlestick a large chunk of season ticket holders lived in Santa Clara county and there are tons of 49ers fans around here, but it is a new and different world. The new stadium is dull and not user friendly and it's true that many of the long-time Candlestick fans were priced out, but others stepped up and it still sold out quickly, because the 49ers rule the Bay Area and there are legions of fans, fans who actually support the team with their wallets.
Those fans are now seriously pissed so that situation may change if the team continues to bumble and wallow at the bottom of the league, but it didn't happen when they were wallowing 10 years ago in a worse venue and the same clueless ownership, and even if significant numbers of fans do begin dropping their tix and try to back out of their PSLs there is a long waiting list for 49ers season tickets, so it won't happen overnight and they won't have to tarp off multiple sections and sell their tickets at 1970's prices.
The 49ers have a huge fan base. As always some are fair weather and some only support with talk and little walk, but it's still big enough to support the team in numbers win or lose, crappy stadium or nice, expensive or VERY expensive.
There are many Raiders fans who I put at the very top of the quality fan heap, and overall maybe the Raiders fan base is a nation, but it's a small, third world nation that only shows up in numbers when things are dirt cheap or the weather is fair.
>>>>>"And of course that shot was taken late"<<<<<
The opening kickoff against JETS! Dec. 11th 2016
>>>>>"a home 49ers game hasn't been blacked out since 1979."<<<<<
Yes, the Yorks have always bought up the leftover to make sure they where on TV! So not REAL Sell Outs.
>>>>>"The Raiders couldn't come close to selling out their stadium to season ticket holders when they moved back from LA"<<<<<
True, a ton of old school Raiders Fans became Whiners fans when they moved to LA. And I know a lot of them that Hate Al Davis to this day because of the move to LA
>>>>"other than the couple of winning years with Gruden they struggled & mostly failed to sell out their games and it was extremely rare when they WOULDN'T be blacked out."<<<<<
Wrong! Never had more than 4 games blacked out in a season. Also never effected me as I had a PSL. :) Have you ever walked up to th SHIT HEAP known as Mt. Davis? Those seats are complete trash and the worst thing they ever did to the stadium. Mt. Davis should have never been built. Also Al wouldn't buy up the leftover tickets. Blackouts where devised to try force fans to go to the games. We haven't been blacked out in years....
>>>>>"almost all the seats in the place are less than $100"<<<<<
You could only buy tickets on the secondary market for this season as every AVAILABLE seat was owned by a Season Ticket Holder and the cheapest I ever saw them was $200 this year. Are the prices low, HELL yea the stadium is falling apart.
This season we picked up a lot of your unFaithful. If Mark had pulled the Tarp those seats would have sold out as well. Winning has a way of getting butts in seats. Just like sucking cock 2-14 and changing coaches every year has a way of emptying them......
>>>>>"B) If Baalke had taken Derek Carr instead of Jimmy Ward (who is a very good young player but obviously not a young MVP caliber franchise QB)"<<<<<
Enjoy watching the QB you coveted playing in the Silver & Black! hahahaha :)
Even when we were 2-14 we still had 45,000+ DieHards showing up!
As we both know SPORTS is what have you done for me lately!!! It's a NOW Business.
So the Raiders have sell outs every game, taking over other teams stadiums and packing Aztec Stadium as well.
Whiners have 70% empty seats. When you look around at the empty seats do you feel foolish for showing up?
So what is Jed going to do to fix what he's broken?
Don't tell me he already has because your amazingly stupid GM Baalke is gone.
If you know all that you say you know then you know the real problem....... JED YORK. and mommy & daddy aren't taking away his TOY because he's making them so much $$$ on the FOOLS that go to the games. They don't spend any money to improve the roster, so they have the largest CAP Space in the NFL and are paying a Penalty for it. But he is still making them more $$$ by not putting a team on the field.
So how are they going to improve? No new GM or Head Coach can change what is going on....
PS: I have that $40 I won in our BET framed on my wall. It reminds me everyday that even idiot know it alls, are still stupid enough to give me their money! :)
>>>>>"Personally Kyle Shanahan is who I hope my 49ers hire to be their head coach. I like his offensive style, his past track record and his lineage, but it does look like the 49ers want Josh McDaniels. Maybe he'll turn them down and they'll go for Shanahan.
Maybe he'll turn them down too.
You will get Tom Cable and you'll be happy someone is dumb enough to take that garbage job!
I heard the news on the radio tonight while driving home from one of the great concerts I've seen in many years.
Solomon Thomas AND Reuben Foster?
I was hoping they'd get ONE of those two guys, I really liked them both, and then I hear they got both. Plus I see a brilliant concert by one of the greatest musicians of our time; it was a pretty good night for me.
But felina, if Trubisky turns out to be good no one will mind this deal.
And the guy looks like he's pretty good.
But yeah, it was a real good deal for the 49ers, since they weren't going to take Trubisky anyway. Apparently they at least made the Bears believe another team was going to trade for #2 and take Trubisky. If that's true and the Bears REALLY liked the guy, and lots of teams liked him, then it's still a good deal (as long as he turns out to be good). If it's not true then they got fleeced, but if he turns out to be good it still won't matter that much. I think paying all that money to Glennon was a worse deal, but even he doesn't stink so now your team has two guys who can play.
And no matter how that turns out you're rid of Cutler. Just that should make YOU ecstatic.
But again, a real good deal for the 49ers. Solomon Thomas is made for the NFL. He's going to be a top, winning player if not an All-Pro, and Reuben Foster? Dude's a beast on jets. It's a damn good day for John Lynch's first day of real work.
No matter how good this draft turns out for the 49ers, and with those two guys and lots more picks coming up it could turn out real good, hiring John Lynch may be the best addition the team makes this year.
Trubisky is a few years away from being a productive starter, still Chicago must have worked him and done enough research to feel good about it...
The Skins got the steal of draft in Jonathan Allen..Finally they make the right pick.
Almost expected a Cousins trade, imo a high first was not enough to trade him. Still if any team is looking at Cousins next year you have to realize without Jordan Reed he is a different QB.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 – 08:11 pm
Damn straight they can.
Damn straight they can.
And unlike so many Raiders fans I'll be there every step of the way and go down the damn drain with 'em.
Your team looks REALLY good.
Enjoy the ride. As we all know it can be fleeting.
GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Wednesday, December 7, 2016 – 08:24 pm
As I well know!
As I well know!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: the new, new mighty Quinn esquimaux
on Thursday, December 8, 2016 – 08:22 pm
>> And unlike so many Raiders
>> And unlike so many Raiders fans I'll be there every step of the way
unlike a whole shitload of your fellow 49ers fans too Lance. no team has a monopoly on fair weather fans. What's the expected attendance Sunday?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, December 12, 2016 – 05:27 pm
Can they make it 1-15? I believe they can :)~ hahahahaha
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 – 05:15 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: |-|/-\|_|_ Googlymoogly
on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 – 05:22 pm
I heard 'lil Jed's mommy might take the team away him...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Thursday, December 15, 2016 – 07:32 pm
They Can Do It!!!!!!!
They Can Do It!!!!!!!
hahahahaha Santa CLLLLLLLLLLLLara Whiners are COMPLETE GARBAGE! :)~ hahahahaha
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, December 18, 2016 – 08:04 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: felina mrfelina
on Thursday, December 22, 2016 – 12:33 pm
I'm guessing all you people
I'm guessing all you people who wanted Harbaugh gone are still happy about it, right?
Fuck sake...you would have thought you folks didn't like getting to the playoffs every year.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Friday, January 6, 2017 – 03:32 am
Fired everyone but the Real
Fired everyone but the Real guy that has to go.... Jed......Nothing will change but coaches until his parents takes his toy away
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Friday, January 6, 2017 – 04:22 am
>>>I'm guessing all you
>>>I'm guessing all you people who wanted Harbaugh gone are still happy about it, right<<<
Who would that be?
I don't remember anybody except for maybe two or three people we know about who were happy about him leaving.
Still, he's over-rated, especially at the major league level.
Despite lots of reports of lunatic behavior with the 49ers I think he's a good coach, but IMO he's best at the AA minor league level he's at now. With the 49ers he took over a loaded team, but they were fading even with him before he left.
It wasn't firing Harbaugh that was the real problem.
It was who replaced him, who didn't, and who was left to run the show.
Now is when we find out who the Faithful are.
If you're old enough to remember, we've been here before.
GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Friday, January 6, 2017 – 04:50 pm
>>>>If you're old enough to
>>>>If you're old enough to remember, we've been here before.<<<
The Whiners have never been 2-14 before...... new ground conquered this Season!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Friday, January 6, 2017 – 07:30 pm
As usual dank is wrong.
As usual dank is wrong.
He is a damned consistent lil' fella.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: felina mrfelina
on Saturday, January 7, 2017 – 01:58 am
>>>I don't remember anybody
>>>I don't remember anybody except for maybe two or three people we know about who were happy about him leaving.
I remember a post of yours commenting about how you're glad he's leaving, how he'll be successful in Michigan and how that was the right place for him or something like that.
I wasn't talking about you in my post...but you asked.
Maybe that was just one post or maybe I missed the context of it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Saturday, January 7, 2017 – 02:09 am
my bad I was thinking 1-15.
My bad I was thinking 1-15. Damn Rams lol
You've had 5 seasons with only 2 wins!!!! lol Granted 3 of those go back before I even knew there was another team in the Bay Area 78 and earlier......
Raiders have had 2 with 2 wins & 1 with 1 win. For those I've only seen 1 year of 2-14 lol
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Saturday, January 7, 2017 – 06:05 pm
>>>I wasn't talking about you
>>>I wasn't talking about you in my post<<<
Well then I'm still wondering what you meant by "all you people" who were happy about it, because I am certainly in the major minority when it comes to the opinion that there are significant holes in Harbaugh's game at the pro level and that he isn't the second coming of Bill Walsh, Bill Bilichick or Don Shula. Or even John Harbaugh.
Also, I can't say that I was or am "happy" about his getting the boot. I think in many ways he's an excellent coach and as fans we tend to see it all as black & white, but I began squirming a bit even by the end of his first year - FUCK YOU Kyle Williams - (it was the Williams disaster that first got me worrying about the depth of Harbaugh's NFL skill set) and I could point out numerous things from all four years that to me were significant red flags.
Harbaugh never got the chance to show if he could learn & grow in the NFL game, but it's an easy argument to make that he doesn't think he has ANYTHING to learn. It's also a fact that he took over a loaded team and that the team's/his success with those three penultimately successful (or ultimately unsuccessful) teams were based almost completely on the defense that by his own admission he had almost nothing to do with, and it's a fact that as soon as the talent level dipped a bit (but was still very solid) the performance of his team went straight into the tank.
That dramatic fall in 2014 has always been excused and blamed on how Fucking York was "undermining" him during that season, but suck is suck, and if he's going to get the credit for coaching the good teams then the blame for such a sudden collapse should be focused on him as well. And 2014 was absolutely a collapse for Harbaugh's lesser but still talented team.
Ultimately it's my uneducated opinion that his approach isn't intellectual enough for the pro game. I think he's perfect for the college game, I think his brother destroys him at the pro level, and I think that if:
A) Fucking York & Baalke had hired Adam Gase two years ago (the job was offered and by all reports he was ready to say yes but he wanted to keep Vic Fangio at DC and Fucking York said it would have to be Tomsula, so Gase wisely said NO THANK YOU)
B) If Baalke had taken Derek Carr instead of Jimmy Ward (who is a very good young player but obviously not a young MVP caliber franchise QB) I believe things would be much different with the red & gold right now. Certainly not all fixed and charging into the playoffs, but I believe if those two things had happened, and the first one might well have lead to the second one, they'd be on a much better track and no one would be crying about the Harbaugh firing now.
Now, if Harbaugh had been given the MASSIVE contract extension he would have demanded I doubt the team would have gone full collapse as they have and maybe if Harbaugh had not been fired he could have convinced Baalke to take Carr, but it was Harbaugh who was desperately in love with Kaepernick and who convinced Baalke to trade up to take him, so I doubt that would have happened.
As bad as Fucking York is many owners are delusional dipshits, and there are many examples of know-nothing rich guys making multiple stupid decisions before getting lucky with one good decision and seeing their team become successful, and I think that's still possible with Fucking York.
We've seen that happen with the 49ers once before, which is what I meant by we've been here before. Jed isn't Eddie, but Eddie is hugely over-rated himself, with a number of bizarrely stupid decisions on his resume from before, during and after Walsh fell into his lap.
He made one excellent, and very easy, decision, and for the most part he rode that one decision into the Hall of Fame. I still believe Fucking York can get lucky once too.
The operative word being "can", not necessarily "will", because he most definitely is a delusional, dipshit, know-nothing rich guy.
But then so was Eddie.
(It's been a while since I've written out a nice, long 49ers rant. That felt good, thanks for asking)
GO NINERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: felina mrfelina
on Saturday, January 7, 2017 – 07:00 pm
>>>Well then I'm still
>>>Well then I'm still wondering what you meant by "all you people" who were happy about it
I know so many people who were happy he was fired. That's what 'all you people' meant...not necessarily zoners, although I know there were some (like you for example).
I would love to see him come to the Bears because he has a great track record but I haven't had the experience with him like you have so it's possible I would come to regret that desire. I'm not really in the know...but like I said, he sure seems like he makes his teams better.
I've heard Chicago is the one pro organization he would consider leaving Michigan.
One thing is for certain, I was really disappointed we got the guy who didn't have his team ready for a SB is such spectacular fashion and the two years we've had him have done nothing to change my opinion. Our front office is the worst front office in the NFL and has been for a long, long time. It sucks that that family won't sell that team.
I gotta say though, if the Bears could get Jim now, I'd take him in a heartbeat.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Saturday, January 7, 2017 – 07:53 pm
Hey, I wouldn't freak if he
Hey, I wouldn't freak if he came back to the 49ers, which obviously would never happen. His track record is very convincing that he does improve the teams he takes over, but he admits himself that he's not a strategist and his track record also is pretty convincing that his act wears out, and wears out everyone around him.
I know someone who works for the 49ers and he has seen first-hand how bizarre Harbaugh can be, but my personal issues were more about his extreme stubbornness to recognize and accept mistakes or failure - his refusal to accept that there were any issues with his offensive coordinator was a big problem with his bosses, and almost all of us fans - and the way his teams performed at the end of big games, specifically the play-calling and clock management, i.e. championship level game performance as a coach.
IMO he personally choked away both the Super Bowl in '12 & the Championship Game in '13 with very poor coaching performance under the biggest pressure, and as a lowly fan there were other preparation issues that I had with him in all four of his seasons. Issues that might seem nit-picky, but important if you're trying to win a championship and not just improve.
I think he's an excellent football coach and a very intense, strong personality, but IMO his strengths maybe apply more to the later than the former.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lord Kalvert Lloyd_Klondike
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 11:08 am
Personally I think Kelly
Personally I think Kelly could have stayed on as HC and just find the best defense coordinator available...and rebuild from there.
Starting with QB, and defense.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 01:10 pm
>>>"Raiders Village"<<<<<
>>>"Raiders Village"<<<<< Really Lance......
Here's the Unfaithfuls Hamlet. What a bunch of idiots.
1 L for each loss :)
Average attendance 3,000 Bay Area Idiots and 7,000 visiting Fans!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: felina mrfelina
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 02:30 pm
>>>but my personal issues
>>>but my personal issues were more about his extreme stubbornness to recognize and accept mistakes or failure
Yeah, he's most surely a Trump supporter. I mean...I have no idea really, but I would almost feel comfortable betting my life on it.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 06:32 pm
oops 2-14ers lol
2-14ers lol
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 06:35 pm
Against my better judgment I
Against my better judgment I'll respond, once, to poor Dan.
Every one of those seats in that photo is sold to season ticket holders - 49ers fans, and also as always and everywhere to scalpers. 49ers fans are pissed right now and some are showing that by not showing up, but they're still invested in the team with their money, not just their mouths. And of course that shot was taken late in yet another blowout loss so lots of fans who were there had left, so while not quite a Kingman swing, still about par for the 2dank course.
8 straight years of crap and misery at Candlestick from '03 - ' 10 and all 70,000 seats were sold out for every game in what was universally considered the worst stadium in the league. There was nothing easy, comfortable or cheap about going to a game at the 'Stick, yet even in the years they stunk there was a waiting list for season tickets and a home 49ers game hasn't been blacked out since 1979.
The Raiders couldn't come close to selling out their stadium to season ticket holders when they moved back from LA, which should have been one of the great moments in Oakland Raiders fans history, and other than the couple of winning years with Gruden they struggled & mostly failed to sell out their games and it was extremely rare when they WOULDN'T be blacked out.
Ultimately they couldn't sell out their stadium until they tarped off almost 10,000 seats and dropped tickets to unbelievably low prices, and even then you could buy a ticket at the door to most games until this season.
The entire 3rd deck that is available at the Mausoleum, and that's a lot of seats, goes for $22.50 a game to season ticket holders and $30 for single games, and almost all the seats in the place are less than $100. Those are unheard of prices for NFL games in this era. Only once they slashed their stadium capacity down to what is by far the smallest in the league and also dumped their ticket prices to almost nothing (and now have become a winner) have the Raiders begun selling out again. Bargain basement loyalty.
The one thing that nobody is talking about when it comes to building a new stadium locally (or even re-building their existing one) is the fact that if they do that and stay in Oakland the tickets won't be going for the price of a shot & a beer anymore.
Given all the evidence, even if the Raiders continue to grow and maybe win a championship it's hard to see them selling out a new stadium in Oakland to season tickets that will come with the evil, gouging PSLs and ticket prices four times higher than they are now. And it's the season tickets with the PSLs that the fucking owners want/need to build a new place, which is why sooner than later it's goodbye Oakland Raiders.
That's too bad because there are many heartfelt, win or lose truly loyal supportive Raiders fans in the region, some of the best fans anywhere, but clearly there aren't THAT many.
It's true that moving the 49ers to Santa Clara tore a wedge between the fan base, especially the older fans. While Santa Clara is a fine area and the south bay deserves a major league team it's not San Francisco or a suburb of SF so it's a major & unnatural transition and in general is a BS situation because of the state of the organization.
But Santa Clara is still in the Bay Area and even at Candlestick a large chunk of season ticket holders lived in Santa Clara county and there are tons of 49ers fans around here, but it is a new and different world. The new stadium is dull and not user friendly and it's true that many of the long-time Candlestick fans were priced out, but others stepped up and it still sold out quickly, because the 49ers rule the Bay Area and there are legions of fans, fans who actually support the team with their wallets.
Those fans are now seriously pissed so that situation may change if the team continues to bumble and wallow at the bottom of the league, but it didn't happen when they were wallowing 10 years ago in a worse venue and the same clueless ownership, and even if significant numbers of fans do begin dropping their tix and try to back out of their PSLs there is a long waiting list for 49ers season tickets, so it won't happen overnight and they won't have to tarp off multiple sections and sell their tickets at 1970's prices.
The 49ers have a huge fan base. As always some are fair weather and some only support with talk and little walk, but it's still big enough to support the team in numbers win or lose, crappy stadium or nice, expensive or VERY expensive.
There are many Raiders fans who I put at the very top of the quality fan heap, and overall maybe the Raiders fan base is a nation, but it's a small, third world nation that only shows up in numbers when things are dirt cheap or the weather is fair.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, January 8, 2017 – 07:36 pm
>>>>>"And of course that shot
>>>>>"And of course that shot was taken late"<<<<<
The opening kickoff against JETS! Dec. 11th 2016
>>>>>"a home 49ers game hasn't been blacked out since 1979."<<<<<
Yes, the Yorks have always bought up the leftover to make sure they where on TV! So not REAL Sell Outs.
>>>>>"The Raiders couldn't come close to selling out their stadium to season ticket holders when they moved back from LA"<<<<<
True, a ton of old school Raiders Fans became Whiners fans when they moved to LA. And I know a lot of them that Hate Al Davis to this day because of the move to LA
>>>>"other than the couple of winning years with Gruden they struggled & mostly failed to sell out their games and it was extremely rare when they WOULDN'T be blacked out."<<<<<
Wrong! Never had more than 4 games blacked out in a season. Also never effected me as I had a PSL. :) Have you ever walked up to th SHIT HEAP known as Mt. Davis? Those seats are complete trash and the worst thing they ever did to the stadium. Mt. Davis should have never been built. Also Al wouldn't buy up the leftover tickets. Blackouts where devised to try force fans to go to the games. We haven't been blacked out in years....
>>>>>"almost all the seats in the place are less than $100"<<<<<
You could only buy tickets on the secondary market for this season as every AVAILABLE seat was owned by a Season Ticket Holder and the cheapest I ever saw them was $200 this year. Are the prices low, HELL yea the stadium is falling apart.
This season we picked up a lot of your unFaithful. If Mark had pulled the Tarp those seats would have sold out as well. Winning has a way of getting butts in seats. Just like sucking cock 2-14 and changing coaches every year has a way of emptying them......
>>>>>"B) If Baalke had taken Derek Carr instead of Jimmy Ward (who is a very good young player but obviously not a young MVP caliber franchise QB)"<<<<<
Enjoy watching the QB you coveted playing in the Silver & Black! hahahaha :)
Even when we were 2-14 we still had 45,000+ DieHards showing up!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, January 9, 2017 – 03:01 pm
Nice Deflection by the way,
Nice Deflection by the way, Dingleberry!
As we both know SPORTS is what have you done for me lately!!! It's a NOW Business.
So the Raiders have sell outs every game, taking over other teams stadiums and packing Aztec Stadium as well.
Whiners have 70% empty seats. When you look around at the empty seats do you feel foolish for showing up?
So what is Jed going to do to fix what he's broken?
Don't tell me he already has because your amazingly stupid GM Baalke is gone.
If you know all that you say you know then you know the real problem....... JED YORK. and mommy & daddy aren't taking away his TOY because he's making them so much $$$ on the FOOLS that go to the games. They don't spend any money to improve the roster, so they have the largest CAP Space in the NFL and are paying a Penalty for it. But he is still making them more $$$ by not putting a team on the field.
So how are they going to improve? No new GM or Head Coach can change what is going on....
PS: I have that $40 I won in our BET framed on my wall. It reminds me everyday that even idiot know it alls, are still stupid enough to give me their money! :)
I'm out
mic drop
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 – 03:38 pm
I know the TRUTH Hurts when your hiding in a closet.......
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, January 15, 2017 – 09:00 pm
>>>>>"Personally Kyle
>>>>>"Personally Kyle Shanahan is who I hope my 49ers hire to be their head coach. I like his offensive style, his past track record and his lineage, but it does look like the 49ers want Josh McDaniels. Maybe he'll turn them down and they'll go for Shanahan.
Maybe he'll turn them down too.
You will get Tom Cable and you'll be happy someone is dumb enough to take that garbage job!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: |-|/-\|_|_ Googlymoogly
on Monday, January 16, 2017 – 03:39 pm
>>>I have that $40 I won in
>>>I have that $40 I won in our BET framed on my wall.
One of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen a grown man post on the internet...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Thursday, January 19, 2017 – 07:34 pm
Tom Cable & Eliot Wolf say
Tom Cable & Eliot Wolf say "NO!"
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Friday, January 20, 2017 – 07:13 pm
"Packers director of player
"Packers director of player personnel Brian Gutekunst" Says "NO!" To GM job
This is so fun to watch.
Who will be dumb enough to risk their whole career in the NFL on the West Coast Cleveland Browns?
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Saturday, January 21, 2017 – 06:32 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, January 30, 2017 – 03:58 pm
John Lynch???? really....
John Lynch???? really....
Dumpsters still burning....
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: felina mrfelina
on Friday, April 28, 2017 – 02:41 am
Well, SF football fans should
Well, SF football fans should be pretty ecstatic about the fleecing that just happened tonight.
How does someone give up FOUR picks to move up ONE spot and take a guy who started THIRTEEN college football games?
And didn't even look that great while doing so.
I didn't really have a strong opinion about Pace, our GM, but this is the biggest head scratcher I've ever seen with my team, at least.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Lance minimum goad Newberry heathentom
on Friday, April 28, 2017 – 03:30 am
I have to admit I'm pretty
I have to admit I'm pretty ecstatic.
I heard the news on the radio tonight while driving home from one of the great concerts I've seen in many years.
Solomon Thomas AND Reuben Foster?
I was hoping they'd get ONE of those two guys, I really liked them both, and then I hear they got both. Plus I see a brilliant concert by one of the greatest musicians of our time; it was a pretty good night for me.
But felina, if Trubisky turns out to be good no one will mind this deal.
And the guy looks like he's pretty good.
But yeah, it was a real good deal for the 49ers, since they weren't going to take Trubisky anyway. Apparently they at least made the Bears believe another team was going to trade for #2 and take Trubisky. If that's true and the Bears REALLY liked the guy, and lots of teams liked him, then it's still a good deal (as long as he turns out to be good). If it's not true then they got fleeced, but if he turns out to be good it still won't matter that much. I think paying all that money to Glennon was a worse deal, but even he doesn't stink so now your team has two guys who can play.
And no matter how that turns out you're rid of Cutler. Just that should make YOU ecstatic.
But again, a real good deal for the 49ers. Solomon Thomas is made for the NFL. He's going to be a top, winning player if not an All-Pro, and Reuben Foster? Dude's a beast on jets. It's a damn good day for John Lynch's first day of real work.
No matter how good this draft turns out for the 49ers, and with those two guys and lots more picks coming up it could turn out real good, hiring John Lynch may be the best addition the team makes this year.
Well done Niners.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: O'Toole Foghorn
on Friday, April 28, 2017 – 11:43 am
Trubisky is a few years away
Trubisky is a few years away from being a productive starter, still Chicago must have worked him and done enough research to feel good about it...
The Skins got the steal of draft in Jonathan Allen..Finally they make the right pick.
Almost expected a Cousins trade, imo a high first was not enough to trade him. Still if any team is looking at Cousins next year you have to realize without Jordan Reed he is a different QB.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Wednesday, May 3, 2017 – 02:25 pm
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: _ ender
on Thursday, June 15, 2017 – 11:16 am
49er's roast
49er's roast
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: O'Toole Foghorn
on Friday, June 16, 2017 – 05:24 pm
2dank has some strong work in
2dank has some strong work in this one...
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, June 18, 2017 – 09:58 pm
Thank You! :)
Thank You!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, September 10, 2017 – 11:22 am
Here comes 0-1!!!!
Here comes 0-1!!!!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, September 11, 2017 – 02:08 pm
Empty Stadium again........
Empty Stadium again........
The UNFAITHFUL fail to show up just like the SANTA CLARA 3-13ers.
Nice QB you got there!!!!!! hehehehehe
Ok they could maybe accidently win 4 games this year but probably NOT!
3-13 is my prediction!
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, September 18, 2017 – 04:16 pm
0-2 maybe they will go 0-16
0-2 maybe they will go 0-16 lol
nothing to see here.... lol
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Thursday, September 21, 2017 – 11:35 am
here comes.......
here comes.......
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Friday, September 22, 2017 – 12:08 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Monday, October 2, 2017 – 12:27 am
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Dan 2Dank
on Sunday, November 19, 2017 – 12:29 am
Been weird trying to get back
Been weird trying to get back to normal after these fires.
that feels more like normal