Ann Coulter: The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them!
After a Bernie Sanders supporter tried to commit mass murder last week – the second homicidal Bernie supporter so far this year — the media blamed President Trump for lowering the bar on heated political rhetoric by calling his campaign opponents cruel names like “Crooked Hillary” and “Lyin’ Ted.”
As soon as any conservative responds to Trump’s belittling names for his rivals by erupting in a murderous rage, that will be a fantastically good point. But until then, it’s idiotic. Unlike liberals, conservatives aren’t easily incited to violence by words.
What we’re seeing is the following: Prominent liberals repeatedly tell us, with deadly seriousness, that Trump and his supporters are: “Hitler,” “fascists,” “bigots,” “haters,” “racists,” “terrorists,” “criminals,” and “white supremacists,” which is then followed by liberals physically attacking conservatives.
To talk about “both sides” being guilty of provocative rhetoric is like talking about “both genders” being guilty of rape.
Nearly every op-ed writer at The New York Times has compared Trump to Hitler. (The conservative on the op-ed page merely called him a “proto-fascist.”) If Trump is Hitler and his supporters Nazis, then the rational course of action for any civilized person is to kill them.
That’s not just a theory, it’s the result.
A few months ago, 38-year-old Justin Barkley shot and killed a UPS driver in a Walmart parking lot in Ithaca, New York, then ran over his body, because he thought he was killing Donald Trump. During his arraignment, Barkley told the judge: “I shot and killed Donald Trump purposely, intentionally, and very proudly.”
In the past year, there have been at least a hundred physical attacks on Trump supporters or presumed Trump supporters. The mainstream media have ignored them all.
Schoolchildren across the country are being hospitalized from beatings for the crime of liking Trump. In Pasco, Oregon, a 29-year-old Trump supporter was stabbed in the throat by a Hispanic man, Alvaro Campos-Hernandez, after a political argument.
Last month, the anti-jihad scholar Robert Spencer was poisoned in Iceland by a Social Justice Warrior pretending to be a fan, sending Spencer to the hospital.
It’s become so normal for leftist thugs to assault anyone who likes Trump that, in Meriden, Connecticut, Wilson Echevarria and Anthony Hobdy leapt out of their car and started punching and hitting a man holding a Trump sign, rolling him into traffic right in front of a policeman.
If any one of these bloody attacks had been committed by a Trump supporter against a Muslim, a gay, a Mexican, a woman, or a Democrat, the media would have had to drop its Russia conspiracy theory to give us 24-7 coverage of the epidemic of right-wing violence.
The liberal response to this ceaseless mayhem toward conservatives is to produce a single nut, who fired a gun in the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in Washington, D.C., last December (hurting no one) to “rescue children,” after reading on obscure right-wing blogs that the restaurant hid a Democratic pedophilia ring. (They’ve also hyped a long list of “hate crimes” that were utter hoaxes.)
Congratulations, liberals! You got one. And some tiny number of girls raped men last year. QED: Both sexes have a rape problem.
Liberal aggression has ratcheted up dramatically since the dawn of Trump, as has the dehumanizing rhetoric, but epic violence from the left is nothing new.
We don’t have to go back more than century to note that every presidential assassin and attempted presidential assassin who had a political motive was a leftist, a socialist, a communist, or a member of a hippie commune. (Charles J. Guiteau, Leon Czolgosz, Giuseppe Zangara, Lee Harvey Oswald, Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, and Sara Jane Moore.)
Instead, we’ll start in the 1990s. Al Sharpton’s speeches helped inspire people to murder two people in Crown Heights in 1991 and seven people at Freddie’s Fashion Mart in 1995. As scary as David Duke and Richard Spencer are, I’ve never heard of anyone committing murder after listening to one of their speeches.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, among other acts of violence, Obama supporters Maced elderly volunteers in a McCain campaign office in Galax, Virginia. They threw Molotov cocktails at, stomped, and shredded McCain signs on a half-dozen families’ front yards around Portland. Another Obama supporter broke the McCain sign of a small middle-aged woman in midtown Manhattan, then hit her in the face with the stick.
(All this for John McCain!)
At the Republicans’ convention that year, hundreds of liberals were arrested for smashing police cars, slashing tires, and breaking store windows. Police seized Molotov cocktails, napalm bombs, and assorted firearms from the protesters. Elderly convention-goers were Maced and sent to the hospital after protesters threw bricks through the windows of convention buses. On the first day alone, the cops made 284 arrests, 130 for felonies.
That same year, California voters approved Proposition 8, banning gay marriage. In response, left-wing opponents of the measure ferociously attacked Mormon and Catholic churches, smashing glass doors, spray-painting the churches, and burning holy books on their front steps. The mayor of Fresno and his pastor received death threats serious enough to require around-the-clock police protection.
(Although the measure would not have passed without the support of black voters, liberals held black people blameless for their opposition to gay marriage. Mormons and Catholics were a much funner target.)
In 2009, one conservative had his finger bitten off at a Tea Party rally in Thousand Oaks, California, by a man at a counter-protest. At a St. Louis Tea Party rally, an African-American selling anti-Obama bumper stickers was beaten up by two Service Employees International Union thugs, resulting in charges.
For the past few years, the media have enthusiastically promoted Black Lives Matter, hoping to galvanize the black vote. The mother of Michael Brown was even invited to appear on stage at the Democrats’ convention. But, as the British discovered with their Indian auxiliaries during the Revolutionary War, having ginned them up, they couldn’t calm them down.
As a result of the media’s tall tales about homicidal, racist cops, Black Lives Matter enthusiasts staged sneak attacks, executing two policemen in Brooklyn, five in Dallas, and three in Baton Rouge.
Liberals know damn well that their audience includes a not-insignificant portion of foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics, prepared, at the slightest provocation, to smash windows, burn down neighborhoods, physically attack, and even murder conservatives. But instead of toning down the rhetoric, the respectable left keeps throwing matches on the bone-dry tinder, and then indignantly asks, “Are you saying conservatives don’t do it, too?”
No, actually. We don’t.
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Liberals know damn well that
Liberals know damn well that their audience includes a not-insignificant portion of foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics, prepared, at the slightest provocation, to smash windows, burn down neighborhoods, physically attack, and even murder conservatives. But instead of toning down the rhetoric, the respectable left keeps throwing matches on the bone-dry tinder, and then indignantly asks, “Are you saying conservatives don’t do it, too?”.
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Breitbart? You still read the
Breitbart? You still read the mouthpiece for the white nationalist Alt-right?
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Democratic strategist James
Democratic strategist James Devine continued to defend his controversial ‘hunt republicans’ tweet that sparked outrage earlier this week.
Posting from his Twitter account on Wednesday, hours after Rep. Steve Scalise was critically wounded at a GOP baseball practice shooting, Devine created #HuntRepublicanCongressmen and #HuntRepublicans.
left wing wacko, mentally unbalanced
poor libs
hate, violence and deception is their game
Another Hollywood star 'joked' about killing Trump
Actor Johnny Depp on Thursday became the latest US celebrity to invite controversy by making a thinly veiled allusion to the killing of President Donald Trump, asking the crowd at the Glastonbury arts festival in England, "When was the last time an actor assassinated a president?"
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Devine and Depp were wrong to state such things. Divine's comments are disgusting, but they are similar to Sarah Palin's, "Don't retreat, reload." I assume you were appalled be this statement. And also assume you were shocked and horrified when Rep Gabby Giffords was shot.
I wonder, did you start multiple threads about the out of control threats and violence coming from folks on the right?
I assume you were quick to condemn Trump when he said...
"Hillary wants to abolish -- essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know."
Maybe you can post some more articles from that white nationalist news source that you seem to read.
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but they are similar to Sarah
but they are similar to Sarah Palin's, >>
very wrong
not even close.
making excuses for intolerable behavior makes you part of the problem.
from that white nationalist news source that you seem to read.>>
that is an article written by Ann Coulter
it was published on multiple websites.
Is there anything written in the article that is untrue?
any fake news?
when you can't dispute the facts
you attack the source..very typical.
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You ignore Gabby Giffords.
You ignore Gabby Giffords.
And yes, Sarah Palin's comment is similar.
I guess you're forgetting the poster with Democrats in cross hairs?
I didn't ignore the comments by Depp and Devine, I clearly wrote that they are wrong and Devine's comments were disgusting.
>That is an article written by Ann Coulter
it was published on multiple websites<
Ann Coulter is a right wing ideologue and a hate monger.
If published on multiple websites, why cite that white nationalist rag?
I asked is if you still read that trash?
It seems that you do.
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They wanted to “wake people
They wanted to “wake people up.” Three men from a small militia group called The Crusaders gathered a stockpile of firearms, ammunition and explosives last year and plotted to load up four vehicles with bombs. Their target was a sprawling apartment complex in Garden City, Kansas, where many Somali immigrants live and pray. The militia members referred to Muslims as “cockroaches,” and wanted to kill the men, women and children who called the complex home in a large explosion.
“The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim,” one of the men had told the others. They were arrested in October before the attack could be carried out.
The incident in Garden City is just one of 150 plots and attacks compiled in “ A Dark and Constant Rage: 25 Years of Right-Wing Terrorism in the United States,” a new report from the Anti-Defamation League provided in advance exclusively to Newsweek. It makes clear that even as political rhetoric and public discourse focus on what the ADL report calls “radical Islamic terror,” there is a steady stream of violence carried out by right-wing extremists...
Together, white supremacists and anti-government extremists account for 85 percent of the plots identified on ADL’s list of right-wing terrorism incidents. The remainder can be attributed to anti-abortion, anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and other extremists. Firearms and explosives were the most common weapons of choice in these attacks, which in total have left 255 people dead and more than 600 others injured
Between 1990 and 2014, the ECDB has identified 38 homicide events motivated by Islamist extremism that killed 62 people. When you include 9/11, those numbers jump dramatically to 39 homicide events and 3,058 killed.
The database also identified 177 homicide events motivated by far-right extremism, with 245 killed. And when you include the Oklahoma City bombing, it rises to 178 homicide events and 413 killed.
Although our data for 2015 through 2017 are still being verified, we counted five homicide events perpetrated by Islamist extremists that resulted in the murders of 74 people. This includes the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando, which killed 49 people. In the same time period, there were eight homicide events committed by far-right extremists that killed 27 people.
These data reveal that far-right extremists tend to be more active in committing homicides, yet Islamist extremists tend to be more deadly.
Our research has also identified violent Islamist extremist plots against 272 targets that were either foiled or failed between 2001 and 2014. We are in the process of compiling similar data on far-right plots. Although data collection is only about 50 percent complete, we have already identified 213 far-right targets from the same time period.
They and untold thousands like them are the extremists who hide among us, the right-wing militants who, since 2002, have killed more people in the United States than jihadis have. In that time, according to New America, a Washington think tank, Islamists launched nine attacks that murdered 45, while the right-wing extremists struck 18 times, leaving 48 dead. These Americans thrive on hate and conspiracy theories, many fed to them by politicians and commentators who blithely blather about government concentration camps and impending martial law and plans to seize guns and other dystopian gibberish, apparently unaware there are people listening who don’t know it’s all lies. These extremists turn to violence—against minorities, non-Christians, abortion providers, government officials—in what they believe is a fight to save America. And that potential for violence is escalating every day.
“Law enforcement agencies in the United States consider anti-government violent extremists, not radicalized Muslims, to be the most severe threat of political violence that they face,” the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security reported this past June, based on surveys of 382 law enforcement groups...
According to Arie Perliger, director of terrorism studies at the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, the three ideologies within the violent American far-right are racist, anti-federalist and fundamentalist...
In recent years, an explosion in the number of militias has been linked by experts to the beginning of the Great Recession in December 2007 and the election of Barack Obama months later. In 2008, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, there were 42 militia groups; today, there are 276...
lots of sovereign citizens end up under criminal investigation...But in the worst cases, all that simpleminded gibberish drives believers to violence, particularly against law enforcement during traffic stops. The most famous of those cases: the two Arkansas police officers killed by sovereign citizen Joseph Kane in 2010 after they pulled him over. Kane mowed them down with a variant of an AK-47.
The Assault on Islamberg
Conspiracy gourmand Alex Jones trotted out a new theory for the listeners of his radio show on March 19, 2015: The federal government was preparing to invade Texas
At about that same time, Robert Doggart, an anti-government extremist in Tennessee, was on the phone with a militia sympathizer in Texas. The two discussed Doggart’s evolving plan to launch an attack on a heavily Muslim community near Hancock, New York, called Islamberg. They thought martial law would be declared in Texas and probably Utah, and that development should play a big role in the plot.
“We’ll wait on, on, what happens in Texas, and the intelligence as it comes in,’’ Doggart said. “[A]s soon as the thing in Texas and Utah happens, then you hit it, right then. Right then, because it will divert the entire federal government into ‘Hey, we’ve got a problem in this other state.’”
Doggart—an ordained Christian minister in the Christian National Church who unsuccessfully ran for Congress in 2014 as a far-right-wing independent—bemoaned the fact that he and the 10 other members of his attack team would never be celebrated as heroes after their assault on Islamberg because history is all lies written by the winners. “But we’re still going to do this thing.”
Meanwhile, in Gastonia, North Carolina, two anti-government extremists—who had their fears about Jade Helm reinforced by the words and actions of politicians like Abbott, Cruz and Gohmert—were working to construct bombs they could use on American troops when martial law was declared. The plot was allegedly conceived by Walter Eugene Litteral, who had arranged for a pal to construct the bombs. Authorities say Litteral wanted to pack tennis balls with smokeless rifle powder and a binary explosive that can be detonated with a gunshot; then, for added destructive power, Litteral wanted to tape nails to the outside of the balls, so he could shoot them from a distance and blow shrapnel into a passing soldier. He planned to do the same with coffee cans, which he would load with ball bearings
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The right has been fomenting
The right has been fomenting this type of violence for years. It's pathetic that you are finally realizing that this is a problem, and that you put the blame solely on folks on the left. Folks like Limbaugh, Hannity, Jones, and Coulter have been stoking the coals for years.
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Nebraska Democratic Party
Nebraska Democratic Party official: 'I'm glad Scalise got shot. I wish he was fucking dead'
An official with the Nebraska Democratic Party was fired Thursday after an audio recording surfaced of him saying he was glad House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., was shot last week.
"His whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to fucking kick people off fucking healthcare," said Phil Montag, a technology chairman with the state Democratic Party. "I hate this motherfucker. I'm glad he got shot."
And yes, Sarah Palin's comment is similar.>>
no its not
not even close..
Liberal aggression has ratcheted up dramatically since the dawn of Trump, as has the dehumanizing rhetoric, but epic violence from the left is nothing new.
What do we want?
Dead Cops
poor left wing wackos
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Ann Coulter is a right wing
Ann Coulter is a right wing ideologue and a hate monger. >>
So Ann Coulter is a "hate monger"
and Brietbart is "white nationalist rag"
but..what is untrue or incorrect with Ann Coulter's article?
I know the left wing wackos are just peace loving misunderstood wonderful well meaning people..
'I'm glad Scalise got shot. I wish he was fucking dead'
poor guys
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Montage's comment is
Montage's comment is reprehensible.
Deny all you like, but you are wrong, Palin's comment is similar.
You still ignore the violence incited and perpetrated by folks on the right.
You reek of hypocrisy, and your hubris is sickening.
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From Coulter's article
"As soon as any conservative responds to Trump's belittling names for his rivals by erupting in a murderous rage, that will be a fantastically good point. But until then, it's idiotic. Unlike liberals, conservatives aren't easily incited to violence by words"
Coulter ignores reality...
He yelled ‘Get out of my country,’ witnesses say, and then shot 2 men from India, killing one
Authorities in Kansas filed first-degree murder charges against a man accused of opening fire in a bar there, killing one Indian man, injuring two other people and causing fears about bigotry to reverberate across the globe.
According to witness accounts, the gunman reportedly told two of the people who were shot — both Indian men who work for Garmin, the technology firm — to “get out of my country” before opening fire and had also used racial slurs during the Wednesday evening shooting.
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A Professor’s Facebook Post,
A Professor’s Facebook Post, A Campus Lockdown, and Calls To Let White People Die:
Trinity College in Hartford
By Evan Lips | June 21, 2017,
President Joanne Berger-Sweeney in her letter acknowledged Professor Johnny Eric Williams’s social media posts, made Friday night and first reported by, in which he posted a link to an opinion article concerning last week’s attempted massacre of several GOP lawmakers in Virginia and called for “the racially oppressed” to “put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system.” Williams emphasized his point with a hashtag — #LetThemFucking Die.
#LetThemFucking Die.
hate, racism & violence
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UC Berkeley riots: Violence
UC Berkeley riots: Violence looms as mayor questioned over ties to left wing extremist group
The University of California, Berkeley is likely to once again be the site of brutal protests on Thursday as questions arise about whether the city’s mayor has ties to an extremist group sparking violence.
There have been at least three UC Berkeley free speech protests that have devolved into violence since February 1st – leading to 34 arrests, 39 injuries and property damage totaling at least $100,000.
left wing violence
they will destroy property
they will kill you
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You continue to reek of
You continue to reek of hypocrisy.
Trump ally apologizes for racist rant against Obamas
By Carl Campanile
December 27, 2016 | 2:08pm
A top New York ally of Donald Trump apologized Tuesday for saying he wished President Obama dies of mad cow disease and that First Lady Michelle Obama lives in a cave.
Buffalo businessman and 2010 GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino ate humble pie after critics slammed his remarks in a Buffalo alternative weekly paper as racist and called for his ouster as a member of the Buffalo school board.
Marck Sandford seems to get it...
GOP lawmaker: Donald Trump's violent rhetoric is 'a problem'
President Donald Trump's violent rhetoric is "a problem" that has led to great division in the country, a Republican congressman told CNN Thursday.
"The blame can go on the Republican side, it can go on the Democrat side, but when the President says to somebody in the audience, 'I wish I could hit you in the face. If not, why don't you do it and I'll pay your legal fees,' we ought to call it for what it is. That's a problem," South Carolina Rep. Mark Sanford told CNN's Anderson Cooper at the Congressional Baseball Game.
At a February 2016 rally, then-presidential candidate Trump told his supporters about protesters: "Knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell -- I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees. I promise, I promise...
Sanford, who has frequently been at odds with the President, did not fault Trump for Wednesday's assault.
"And I want to be clear, I didn't blame him for the shooting that took place," he said. "What I said was 'We have gotten to the point in terms of breakdown in civility in our country, that it's a problem and that everybody's to blame.'"
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The Honorable Minister Louis
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan received the “Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. Lifetime Achievement Trumpeteer” Award at the 2007 Trumpet Gala held on November 2, at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.
Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.
Preaching directly from the Quran before a packed Baptist church, the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan told his adoring audience that violent retaliation is the only way for American blacks to “rise up” and overthrow their white oppressors.
Speaking about white people as one entity, Farrakhan proclaimed, “He is worthy to be hated.” He also claimed that “God hates,” and man is no better than God.
Farrakhan frequently characterized Jews as “Satanic” and promoted a wide range of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, alleging Jewish control over government, finance, entertainment, and other sectors.
“The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”
Obama says that rather than advising him on strategy, Wright helps keep his priorities straight and his moral compass calibrated.
violence & hate
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Can you find me a qoute where
Can you find me a qoute where Obama encourages a supporter to commit a violent act, like Trump has?
If you believe that Farrakhan is held in esteem by folks on the left, you are as much a fool as you are a hypocrite.
I'll leave you to wallow in your hypocrisy and hubris... Have at it.
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If you believe that Farrakhan
If you believe that Farrakhan is held in esteem by folks on the left, >>
Lets see
The "church" that obama and wife were members of for 20 years endowed Farrakhan with their "Lifetime Achievement Award"
Obama stated that the head of the "church" Jerimiah Wright was his "moral compass"
Farrakhan as one of the giants of the African-American religious experience in the 20th and 21st centuries .says Wright
“When Minister Farrakhan speaks, black America listens,” Wright said. “His depth on analysis [sic] when it comes to the racial ills of this nation is astounding and eye-opening. He brings a perspective that is helpful and honest.”
JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama’s face several times graced the cover of an anti-American magazine run by his longtime pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., appearing on one issue alongside Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan.
Issues of Wright’s Trumpet magazine reportedly have suggested America was guilty of genocide in Africa, decried the Fourth of July as the “national holiday of the dominant culture,” referred to America as a “diaspora” for blacks, repudiated American patriotism and entertained suggestions the Bush administration knew about the 9-11 attacks before they were carried out.
is this confusing?
its rather straight forward
Obama and wife were members of the hate group that masqueraded as a church.
The so called church openly railed against the white race, against the Jews, against the United States and against homosexuals.
pure hate
its who and what the left is
and what the left embraces..
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ted nugent sucks
ted nugent sucks
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It is rather straight forward
It is rather straight forward...
You condemn behavior of those on the left, while you refuse to acknowledge similar behavior from folks on the right. You are a hypocrite, plain and simple.
>>ted nugent sucks
Even Ted Nugent graps what eludes dead2...
Calling for civility, Ted Nugent explains why he once told Obama to ‘suck on my machine gun.’
Musician Ted Nugent is known for speaking his mind about the Second Amendment and hunting, but especially on politicians. He once said then-Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama should “suck my machine gun.” When President Obama was running for reelection in 2012, the rocker said during the National Rifle Association convention that, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year.” The statement attracted the attention of the Secret Service.
But after Wednesday's shooting at a congressional baseball practice, Nugent has decided to be “more selective with my rants and in my words.”
“At the tender age of 69, my wife has convinced me I just can’t use those harsh terms,” he said on the 77 WABC radio program Thursday. “I cannot and will not and I encourage even my friends, slash, enemies on the left, in the Democrat and liberal world, that we have got to be civil
to each other.”
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while you refuse to
while you refuse to acknowledge similar behavior from folks on the right. >>
there is no comparison
I suggest you read the article I posted by Ann Coulter..instead of simply condemning her.
For the past few years, the left wing media have enthusiastically promoted Black Lives Matter, hoping to galvanize the black vote. The mother of Michael Brown was even invited to appear on stage at the Democrats’ convention.
Obama sent three representatives to Michael Brown funeral; none to James Foley Mass
President Obama did not send a White House representative to attend the memorial Mass on Sunday for James Foley, the American journalist beheaded by the Islamic State militants.
The president did, however, send three White House aides on Monday to attend the funeral for Michael Brown, the 18-year-old black male who was fatally shot by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, CNS News reported.
The Department of Justice’s extensive report on the death of Michael Brown backs up former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson’s version of events with the accounts of several predominately black eyewitnesses, and it reaches the conclusion that Wilson’s use of deadly force on the unarmed teen on Aug. 9, 2014 was not “objectively unreasonable.”
Michael Brown’s Father on Ferguson Riots: ‘They Asked for It’
“Now the campaign of terror against police has come back to where the great lie started. Obama and Holder will not finish until they have destroyed Ferguson–destroyed it, in the oft-mocked parlance of the Vietnam era, in order to save it, razed it to rebuild it in the stylized image of Selma 1965, razed it in order to fit the delusions of an Attorney General who thinks we have made no progress since the era of Malcolm X and a President who once promised–incredibly!–to unite America,” Breitbart’s Joel Pollock wrote at the time.
Breitbart News reported extensively on the aftermath of the shooting in Ferguson and the subsequent riots and political chaos that arose over the next several months.
violence and destruction
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so palin was targeting
so palin was targeting districts, not people. apples & oranges, but i get the over the top rhetoric.
loughner wasn't politically motivated, he thought women didn't belong in the government. he didn't believe in government & he didn't like bush either.
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>>>>>but..what is untrue or
>>>>>but..what is untrue or incorrect with Ann Coulter's article?
Nobody has disputed that that kind of hate speech is wrong. Except you who refuses to acknowledge the same type of speech from your team.
>>>>>there is no comparison
Yeah, actually there is for sane people.
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Fair enough on loughner,
Fair enough on loughner, Hillman. But I believe Palin's use of targets is less than benign.
Dead2, I read Coulter's article. I guess you missed my post where I quoted it, and referenced the incident in Kansas. Like her, you dismiss the actions of those on the right.
Citation in earlier post...
Between 1990 and 2014 the ECDB identified 177 homicide events motivated by far-right extremism, with 245 killed. And when you include the Oklahoma City bombing, it rises to 178 homicide events and 413 killed.
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A Brief History of Radical Left-Wing Violence in America
Pundits eager to dismiss modern far left's roots in extreme tactics, rhetoric of the past
The 1960s and 1970s saw the emergence of left-wing domestic terrorist groups such as the Weather Underground, the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, the Symbionese Liberation Army, and the Puerto Rican organization FALN (Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional).
The Weather Underground was responsible for a number of bombings and arson attacks across the country. These included the bombings of the Haymarket police memorial in Chicago on October 6,1969, the U.S. Capitol on March 1, 1971, the Pentagon on May 19, 1972, and a Department of State building on January 29, 1975.
Left Denies Responsibility for Rhetoric in Wake of Scalise ShootingAlexandria ambush occurs against backdrop of increasing incidents of anti-GOP violence
The Black Liberation Army committed a series of murders, bombings, robberies, and even prison breaks, while members of the Black Panther party also committed numerous violent crimes, including murder. In 1973 Assata Shakur, a former member of the Panthers and a then-member of the BLA, and two other members of the group, murdered a New Jersey state trooper.
Also in 1973, two members of the Symbionese Liberation Army murdered Oakland school superintendent Marcus Foster. In 1974, the group infamously kidnapped publishing heiress Patty Hearst. Between its creation in 1974 and 1983, FALN carried out more than 120 bombings in the United States.
But left-wing terrorism in America didn't end in the 1970s. The 1980s saw the establishment of the May 19th Communist Organization (M19CO) and the United Freedom Front. The M19C0 was responsible for a string of bombings, at least one bank robbery, and a break-in to release Assata Shakur from jail.
A 2001 study done on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Safeguards and Security found that "Leftist extremists were responsible for three-fourths of the officially designated acts of terrorism in America in the 1980s."
Not only is the history of the American left often speckled with violence, but that violent past is often actively celebrated. Only this month, Oscar López Rivera, one of the leaders of FALN, was the guest of honor at the Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City.
Assata Shakur is considered some kind of patron saint among social justice activists, frequently referenced by Black Lives Matter founder Alicia Garza, and leftists across the country proudly wear the face of a mass killer — Che Guevara — on their T-shirts.
It’s no surprise, then, that the American Left’s violent tendencies continue to this day. In 2012, two Occupy Wall Street activists, Morgan Gliedman and Aaron Greene, were arrested after police found explosives in their apartment.
Violent Antifa agitators are increasingly prone to attacking conservatives and moderates at political rallies and on college campuses across the country.
Hateful: Scalise Shooting Puts Focus on Left’s Vilification of GOPAlexandria ambush highlights Democrats' dehumanizing, hyperbolic, anti-conservative rhetoric
And of course this is just in America. Kohn's claims are even more absurd when one considers world history, which illustrates clearly that violence has been an inherent and fundamental part of the Left since its very beginnings.
The French Revolution, the first identifiable expression of modern Leftism, saw over 40,000 people murdered during the Reign of Terror. The Bolshevik leaders of the Russian revolution praised terror and violence. "The 'fundamental feature' of the concept of dictatorship of the proletariat is revolutionary violence," wrote Lenin. Trotsky authored an entire book titled "Defense of Terrorism."
From the 1920s through the 1980s, communists and socialists in the Soviet Union, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Central and South America wrought a level of death and destruction nearly unprecedented in human history, murdering nearly 100 million human beings — all in the name of social justice
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The Left is countenancing a
The Left is countenancing a radical, dangerous movement.
If Black Lives Matter were conservative, it would already be one of the most discredited and despised movements in American history. Can you imagine the elite Left’s reaction to a conservative movement built on a founding lie that has incited riots, inspired shootings of police, and correlated with an astounding and deadly increase in violent crime in America’s major cities?
Obama on Black Lives Matter: they are 'much better organizers than I was'
Activists meet with president at White House to discuss efforts to reform the US criminal justice system but panel reveals divide within movement
What do they want?
Instead, we’ll start in the 1990s. Al Sharpton’s speeches helped inspire people to murder two people in Crown Heights in 1991 and seven people at Freddie’s Fashion Mart in 1995. As scary as David Duke and Richard Spencer are, I’ve never heard of anyone committing murder after listening to one of their speeches.
Al Sharpton Becomes Obama's Race Ambassador
The Rev. Al Sharpton has come a long way from his bullhorn-shouting presence at some of the nation's most racially charged events, and has become President Barack Obama's go-to man for a White House seeking to make a connection when tensions are flaring between the races, a Politico Magazine article claims.
Sharpton's rise has also confounded people who have been watching him for years.
"I don't know how he's managed to do it," Basil Smikle, a Democratic operative long active in Harlem politics, told Politico. "He's an outsider's insider or an insider's outsider, depending on your perspective. He's essentially covering for the president in Ferguson. ...
The left embraces division and hate
poor guys
so confused..