Dylan sends speech for Nobel ceremony


Though he wont be there he will send his speech. Patti Smith will perform A Hard Rains A-Gonna Fall.



My 83 year old mother took his not showing up in her home country to receive his award very personally. 

Shows how much the nobel committee means to Dylan.

The man who wrote "Masters of War" doesn't need money from the legacy  of the man who invented dynamite !

I read a thing on the new Stones album and they talked about Desert Trip.  Sounds like Dylan was really questioning if he deserved it or not going by the Stones comments. 

Smart move on Dylan's part. Patti Smith will read the speech beautifully and sing the chosen song hauntingly.

I think the Nobel Committee means a lot, and he's truly stunned by getting the award. But he doesn't want to put on a monkey suit and sit through the ceremony. And we all know how lousy he is at giving speeches--even prepared ones.

As for whether or not he "deserves" the award... if the committee gave it to him, they think he deserves it. And it's their call, right?

I always thought he won it already. I think I'm confusing it with the Kennedy Center honors. He also played for the pope.