¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ¡ Happy Chanukah ¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡


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Happy Chanukah!

IMG_0172_0.JPGAnd good latkes to all.


Happy Chanukah!!


Tonight at my house. I love the reflection in the window. Brian, you have so many special menorahs!
Here's to love, and light, and miracles.

We have five, Judit, one for each of us.

The progeny just left, on their way to Mom's for X-mas festivities. We got all of of our Hanukkah traditions in.

Latkes, matzoh ball soup, donuts.

We each light a menorah. The kids track the burning candles, and the winner is the last one burning. Out of nowhere, a different menorah won this year. It had been Noah's Ark for the last 7 years or so.

I We then sat around the table and laughed. It's rare to have all of us in the same place these days. Fun!






Happy Chanukah!


Happy Chanuka Everyone!

Spent a low-key holiday with family.....after eating so much, my almost son-in-law had the best quote of the night...."I've hit the Hurt Latka." Well, I thought it was funny (for a goy).

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