“President”[*] Biden’s Speech



     [* a stolen presidency...therefore not a presidency at all, but rather absurd theater.]

     At some point someone needs to state the obvious...the open secret that this presidency is illegitimate and anyone pretending otherwise should probably avoid decisions of any consequence.

     Without sounding as if deadheads are subjugated into two separate groups, I don't know any serious guys on tour at nearly every Garcia performance [practically speaking] that would exhibit the naïveté to believe this farcical absurdity that Biden could even pronounce and give a brief definition of the word legitimacy...to think otherwise is the height of disingenuousness.

     Maybe if you just casually approached seeing Garcia at convenient venues you could claim ignorance, but I don't know anyone that was at practically every Garcia performance that would think for a moment Biden is a legitimate president, which is reason #1 why this evening's speech was so bizarre.








Not worthy of a response

Ha Ha Ha Ha (cult boy delivers again)






     I thought Tim Scott gave the speech of his life










     “President” [*] Joe Biden’s postponed for what reason we don’t know State of the Union speech as if he were the duly elected president:






     Republican response to "President" [*] Biden's speech to congress:

















Go kiss yourself 


And go be a delusional lunatic elsewhere

please please please please

I know there such a thing as free speech


have you looked into psychiatric treatment or any mental hospitals  nearby


You really do need some help son

Go kiss yourself 


And go be a delusional lunatic elsewhere

please please please please

I know there such a thing as free speech


have you looked into psychiatric treatment or any mental hospitals  nearby


You really do need some help son





     Long Live the Dead....


     namaste...love, respect, admiration and peace be with you





     I would humbly ask you to possibly, if it's easily done, identify this photograph as the backstop of the be-in at Palo Alto that you attended, thank you in advance...with all humility, all good things to you and yours!  :)



Hey Bryen .  I'm sorry I have to do some research as my addled brain tells me they were two separate concerts at  El Camino ballpark the one in 1967 I was referring to by the far end With the redwoods nearest Menlo park and the creek on a flatbed truck


There was another one Near the middle of the park were they might've had a batting cage


I'll try and do more research later


Maybe the black Les Paul could be a clue






     Groovy, thanks :)
























     I suppose my problem with the "shtick" of insincerity is knowing the emperor wears no clothes











     ...that is to say that it crossed my mind for the first time this evening what we may be witnessing is a strategic "stolen election as shtick", or more accurately "we stole it what are you going to do about it?" type vibe.

     I could be mistaken but that doesn't happen frequently.

     It seemed like an ode to an election thief  
























































Haha re the map... Bry does the same thing here on the zone. He thinks that all that black screen for a link that no one clicks is content 


I just love not having a sweaty orange catcher's mitt in a girdle, shoe lifts and a ladies watch yell at us about how he's the greatest thing ever to happen to America for 90 minutes until his snorted adderall wears off.

Bry - you do know that nobody here ever clicks any of your links?

Biden/Harris are both intelligent and articulate.  It's understandable why those two factors would be threatening to at least 50% of the US population.


Shouldn't you be in Maralago you broke ass bitch?

You are a fucking idiot.

Also, traitor. 

<<  you do know that nobody here ever clicks any of your links?

Not a one

<< traitor


Bryen never saw Jerry.

"I don't know anyone that was at practically every Garcia performance that would think for a moment Biden is a legitimate president"

Poor lad, has the same affliction all trumpers have -- Easily Duped

And if Garcia was still with us, he'd relieve himself all over the fool,,,, 

well maybe not Jerry, he's got too much class for that. But me n my dog definitely would.

Big Steve Parish was at practically every Garcia performance, why don't you ask him?

I look forward to your answer.

Extra credit for this "sentence"


"Without sounding

as if deadheads are subjugated into two separate groups,

I don't know any serious guys on tour

at nearly every Garcia performance

[practically speaking]

that would exhibit the naïveté to believe

this farcical

absurdity that Biden could even pronounce and give a brief definition of the word legitimacy"

Hey kid  were your parents married when your mom gave birth

Oh or are you illegitimate

and I'm also curious, was there a good father figure / role model in your life?

It's getting sexist and probably racist in here. 

You guys are arguing about what Jerry would think of Biden? Lol. That's classic zone shit. Awesome

this thread is normal people dunking on a Troll.

end of story.