❤❤❤ Best wishes to SIOBUD's daughter K ❤❤❤


>>> My daughter's been in the hospital this week and needs to have a procedure done on her colon tomorrow.  Positive vibes all around~ <<<

((( Positive vibes all around~ ))) ((( Hugs ))) ((( Best possible results ))) ((( K laughing and playing )))

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tie-dye Gnome-Babies.jpg

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One of the toughest parts of being a parent is having to give up your little one to the surgeon.


Jay, I'm thinking about you and your daughter and wishing your entire family all the best for a successful procedure, speedy recovery, and allowing the kid to be a kid again.


With love,




     Get Well Soon



Best wishes to Siobud and his daughter. Positive outcomes on the way.   

Healing vibes and wishes


(Oregon stones; Fall Creek Carnelian from Lane County, Lode gold from Josephine county, Calapooia Indian "bird points" from Benton County, and Star Garnets from the OR / ID border) 

Zone Vibin' strong for your youngblood daughter -


Hope all goes smoothly. 

Best wishes for success 

Thank you so much for the love and support everyone.  I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.  It's been a whirlwind couple of months for me.  My kid's Mom had a severe mental health crisis and my daughter was placed with me while things shake out for her with the DCYF investigation.  I received a summons to appear in court next month and was encouraged to seek legal council as I was included on the petition that was filed by DCYF.  I don't think they realized at time of filing that Mom and I co parent my daughter and at no point did we ever live together.  The state includes the Father on petitions as, to them, they view the Father as being complacent in the abuse for not reporting earlier.  I'm a co parent and with the nature of my relationship to my kid's Mom, I get a very curated version of what's actually going on.  How am I to know the severity of what's going on when my daughter is with her Mom?  I provide health insurance and a roof over my daughters head and have done nothing to deserve any of this.  This month makes 7 years since I quit alcohol and I don't abuse drugs.  I spent all weekend in the hospital, received a summons to court yesterday and am now here in the waiting room for surgery today.  So many questions- I've been periodically crippled with anxiety this last week but Dad needs to stay with it and be strong.


Love to you all~

Thank you so much for the love and support everyone.  I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.  It's been a whirlwind couple of months for me.  My kid's Mom had a severe mental health crisis and my daughter was placed with me while things shake out for her with the DCYF investigation.  I received a summons to appear in court next month and was encouraged to seek legal council as I was included on the petition that was filed by DCYF.  I don't think they realized at time of filing that Mom and I co parent my daughter and at no point did we ever live together.  The state includes the Father on petitions as, to them, they view the Father as being complacent in the abuse for not reporting earlier.  I'm a co parent and with the nature of my relationship to my kid's Mom, I get a very curated version of what's actually going on.  How am I to know the severity of what's going on when my daughter is with her Mom?  I provide health insurance and a roof over my daughters head and have done nothing to deserve any of this.  This month makes 7 years since I quit alcohol and I don't abuse drugs.  I spent all weekend in the hospital, received a summons to court yesterday and am now here in the waiting room for surgery today.  So many questions- I've been periodically crippled with anxiety this last week but Dad needs to stay with it and be strong.


Love to you all~

Holy Fuck man, God Bless ya. Don't get discourage over the shit currently being heaped upon you, you're doing all the right things, for your daughter and her mom. This is not easy stuff, but you're a strong man and it sounds like you got this.  Keep it up bro, and good fucking job !!@  

I sometimes deal with people with mental health issues (no, not just Bryen) and it's a tough road. Sometimes there's not a lot to be done and where I'm at (in Utah), the mormon taliban legislature resists funding services properly. If you can't be faulted, don't worry. Many caseworkers are working hard to find solutions, and you being clean and sober and responsible may offer them one. Good luck.   


     You need to speak to a lawyer, it's good that you're focused on the matter at hand, but you'll feel better and less anxious once you speak to an attorney, even if he or she is simply in an advisory role...in a perfect world you should have legal counsel.



     [stay classy slick]     

I think I'm just going to represent myself.  I'm stretched so thin financially right now between my kid's medical bills, my mortgage, car repairs, general life stuff.  The DCYF investigators know what's up and the person I am so I know they're advocating for my ability to provide.

In terms of my daughter's health, she started passing large amounts of blood in her stool 3 weeks ago from out of the blue- she's 3 1/2.  Over the last 3 weeks she's had about 250 bloody poops (yes we have been tallying).  It's very scary and has thrown off her blood levels.  She's a trooper though and is in great spirits- aside from the occasional screaming from the doctors/nurses poking and prodding her.



It's easy to be a holy man from the top of the mountain. This is a test of unconditional love. Stay strong, stay focused, compartmentalize the issues, accept help, be kind to your self. Love is stronger than fear. 

Persevere dad, you are on point

exhale  out.    some of the stress

breathe in strength

Your  commitment and compassion will guide you

and give you strength 

One breath at a time 

one step at a time


thank you for sharing 

thank you for being you  

all our love your way


lets get that little girl giggling and smiling and playing make believe 

Oh my goodness, hang in there and best wishes to you and your daughter.  Get well little Sio.

>>compartmentalize the issues

That's exactly how I've been describing my process this last week.  Compartmentalizing.  I leave for London on Saturday for work and the guy at my work quarterbacking this whole trip has been up my ass about missing time but he needs to understand my family comes first.

It's tough juggling my kid's illness, custody issues and work/travel commitments but I'm dealing.


love and strength to you and the kids buddy

{{{{{ healing vibes Siobud's daughter }}}}

{{{{ vibes to Siobud & mother }}}}

I'm just catching up.



I'm sending extra loving vibes directly to you, Jay.

I have been following you posts and comments for a very long time now, Bro. Since you lived with your folks, you really have your shit together more than most.

I truly from the bottom of my heart wish you and your little girl the best the future can bring.

You are one interesting fellow, (the good way).


Get some onya! In the long run things seem to work themselves out.

Vibes are real, so VIBES are coming your way. It really does mean something. 

((Siobud and family))))

Sending prayers for your daughter.

Thanks for posting this ,J. It brings out the best in Zoners. 

My daughter's resting now.. the docs said her colon is all inflamed with ulcers and biopsies taken.. likely she's going to have Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's.  I'm just relieved it doesn't appear to be anything more serious.. hoping for something that can be mitigated by diet mods.  She's going on a round of steroids to calm everything down and then some other med for the next few months to basically lube up her insides good.  I'll keep you posted- thanks again ^__^

Thanks for the update.


Still hoping for the best outcomes.

Thanks for letting us know, Jay. Kids often bounce back quickly; I hope she responds to the medications and heals quickly. Damn, you are juggling so much. Hold on, find balance, give K a hug from Viva and have someone give you one from us. Love to you.

Keep on putting one foot fwrd...sounds like you are doing a pretty good job juggling all the above mentioned, and that is no easy feat.


Just remember to take care of yourself! You are no good to your daughter, or anyone, if you arent good to yourself.


You and yours are in my prayers.


Wishing your little one all the best , w outcome, and in the future. Best wishes.

Welcome news Jay. My 20 year old nephew is going thru similar issues with his digestive system. Very scary when 1st diagnosed but now under control with, like you said, diet and meds. He's young tho,  and still has a colitis flare up when he ignores the 'do not eat' list. 

just love to you both



Thinking about you and yours a lot over the past week. Sending strength for little one and for Papa Siobud. Really proud of you bud, let's get this thing in the rear view mirror.

(((Sio Fam)))

Hi folks.  My daughter got diagnosed with C Diff based on her stool sample that was taken.  I'm glad we have a diagnosis and she's on Vancomycin right now to clear up... kind of a weird thing for a toddler to get and we're not sure how she picked it up.

Excellent. Always a good feeling when the diagnosis is something relatively easily curable. Rough winter for zoners and familys but springs almost here and hope springs eternal.


C diff can develop after a round of strong antibiotics. I would suggest probiotics when she is done with the current treatment. Best of luck. 

Just catching up with this.  Are you in London? 

Very good news, Jay. Thank goodness the diagnosis wasn't Chrone's. 

Best o' luck in a fast recovery.  

((((Little ones)))

 missed this thread

Strong vibes your way Jay, Take care of your girl!


SIOBUD ~ Nothing but the best for both U and your daughter!

>>C diff can develop after a round of strong antibiotics

Right.. which I think is odd.  She's only had one round of antibiotics in her life- about a year and a half ago now when she was suspected of having Lyme disease.  

>>>Are you in London? 

I am!  I'm staying in the Regents Park neighborhood.  Just finished my work commitments ^__^


Sometimes I feel guilty being gone for work- especially right now with everything going on in my personal life.  Ultimately, I need to bring home the bread though and I envisioned a career working out in the field for a long time now.  Thankfully, my family (and my kid's Mom's too) help out in terms of child care which I'm enormously grateful for.  My kid's Mom is from a town about 35 minutes south of where I live and my office is 30 minutes north of my house... on the week's I don't travel my kid sleeps down at her grandma's as I'm going to and from work on weekdays.  If I wasn't traveling, she would still need to stay with grandma to allow me to go to work.. the distance is just too far in the opposite direction to drop her off on my way in/out.  I get to work from home 2 days a week too which helps.  In short, I feel guilty being away from my kid but I'm working and even when I don't travel, she stays with grandma right now Monday - Thursday.

My work trips for next few weeks:

London -> Alabama -> Pennsylvania -> Bahamas -> Puerto Rico -> New Jersey

Looking forward to checking out the Bahamas for my first time in 2 weeks ^__^ 

Thanks for the love and well wishes.

Nice pic!  All the best man in your travels and the journey through your daughters recovery.  


Thanks for the updates, Jay. Looking sharp, man. Glad to hear of the news.

You're a fucking rock star, Jay. Mad props to you.

Hope she's doing well, Jay. Dude-London is far better than Hazard, KY.

Hope she's improving and feeling better!

C diff can be extremely dangerous.  So glad to hear that it was found and treated.  I hope that solves everything else (well, I guess that there are a lot of things going on in the "everything else" category).




Sorry to hear this Jay, hope it all works out for you and your daughter, let me know if I can do anything

Glad to hear the kid's on the road to recovery.  Enjoy London and the rest of your work-related travels.  Hopefully you are racking up the Frequent Flier Miles.

Where in Jerseyland does your work send you?  If you are anywhere nearby,  let's go out for a Pizza and/or Cheese Steak.

>>Where in Jerseyland does your work send you?

Ridgewood.  That near you?

>>let me know if I can do anything

Thanks, JK.  I've been meaning to send an email to see what shows are on your radar.  Got anything coming up?  Shoot me and email (or a text now haha) if you think of it.

>>You're a fucking rock star, Jay. Mad props to you.

Thanks Brian.  Sometimes I feel like my life is similar to the production of, say, hot dogs.  The end product looks and tastes nice but you don't see the chaos and what not that went into its production ha.