1 minute 7 seconds of Primal Dead


GRATEFUL DEAD 7/16/1967 ~ Golden Gardens Beach in Seattle Washington.

 Other One





 Boys look "happy "

I'm not sure they changed their clothes that often back then

I saw Jerry with a very similar shirt on two weeks prior



an article about that day:



"On July 16, 1967, the Grateful Dead perform at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle. Five other local bands perform at the "Be-In." Admission is free. 

Located in Ballard, Golden Gardens was typically a place where the “straights” hung out, far away from the usual hippie hangouts near the University District and Capitol Hill. The crowd of 2,000 people who gathered at the park for the Be-In was a mix of all folks who just wanted to enjoy some rock music in the hot summer sun. 

The bands performed on a flatbed truck with electricity provided by a small portable generator. Brick went on first, followed by Karma, The Daily Flash, The Time Machine, and Pappa Bear's Medicine Show. The Grateful Dead came on last. 

The Dead were in Seattle for a show that evening at the Eagles Hall, and since they were veterans of many Be-Ins in San Francisco, the band and their manager, Rock Scully, decided to take part in the gathering at Ballard. The Be-In was arranged by Tim Harvey of Overall Cooperative Structure and Jerry Mathews of United Front Productions. "

there's a little more...

Never noticed Jerry's teeth before 

Neato. I had the handbill for this earlier this year;


Jerry and Bob were both definitely hurtin' in the dental hygiene dept. back then, for whatever reason.


That said, loved the clip.

poster for that night's show
(I notice Jerry is not flashing a big teethy smile)


Diggin it.... thank you  

Got me looking at other 1970 gigs like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OWi1g8Xz5s

Candyman  was a sweet surprise in that one. Jer putting his heart into a very early performance of the tune

Nod, Warning. Between the Workingman's Dead / American Beauty podcasts and the recent (Garloo) video drops and the existing scholarship, it's real easy to kill a whole day getting sucked into that era.  They were so prolific 70 > 71. Thank goodness it snowed so I had an excuse to do it. This recent film has me going back to summer 67 to hear how certain tunes evolved. Dead archeology -- I love it.

Nice find, Alan.  This was the very first GD appearance in Seattle.  Portions of the show that evening at Eagles Auditorium wound up on Anthem Of The Sun.

Dave, That was some tour. I've always had the poster from the nights before (Vancouver) up in my house (got a copy on my honeymoon, looking at it now). But I forget about the Seattle shows.

I'm glad that little snippet surfaced. Wow. When I was kid sitting around a dormroom, we always imagined seeing some summer 67 footage one day.


The Daily Flash was the most successful of those other bands.   I've had a few of their LPs and singles, and enjoyed them.  

My birth place some years earlier. Northwest Hospital.

cool archive! Still have family there.

Good one, Burnz.

I loved that Other One, thanks, Alan. Garloo has found some good stuff.

Just to put it in context, here's what they were playing around the time of that Seattle show:

 July 21-22. Santa Clara: Set one: 1. Viola Lee Blues (30:00) 2. Morning Dew (5:00). Set two: 1. The Golden Road (3:00) 2. (Pigpen song) (13:00) 3. New, New Minglewood Blues (4:00) 4. (????) (14:00) 5. He Won (?) (8:00) 6. Midnight Hour (15:00).

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released 2 months before. 

I remember listening to Sgt. Peppers lonely hearts club band when it came out. Passing the joints and loving the sounds.

I guess it wasn't only weed.