10 Scientific Studies From 2016 Showing Marijuana Is Safe


10 Scientific Studies From 2016 Showing Marijuana Is Safe and Effective

The year has seen another mountain of marijuana research, and there's a lot of good news.



10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy in 2016

It was a big year for buds.


Plenty of paranoid and delusional people use marijuana. yeah, they were probably cray cray before using the marijuana, but I don't think it helps people who are paranoid  and likely makes the break from reality worse. Sure, for most people marijuana is good 'medicine' - for others not so much.

LSD is better for cognitive functioning. Ultra-low doses improve cognitive functioning, emotional balance, and physical stamina. Where weed seems to kill your asshole gene but paranoia is in the mix to for some peeps.

Bad people use all sorts of substances doesn't make the substance bad just the peeps!

Very true.  The same people that say guns don't kill people, people do; seem like the first to blame drugs for other problems instead of the person using the drug.



Has no idea this was a thing. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis syndrome causes people that chronicly smoke to vomit.. 

Mental Illness needs to tackled in 2017. What happened to those kids at Sandy Hook elementary in Connecticut can never be forgotten. Reagan put allot crazies on the street in name of poor treatment/abuse and also saving money. Bad move!

Mental Illness + drugs/alcohol + guns = Mass Casualty Shootings like Sandy Hook!


My Dad has Parkinson's and just recently tried using a tincture. FIrst time he's ever used marijuana in any form and it worked to reduce the tremors. he stopped using it because he said it wasn't working like it did when he first tried it. I suggested he double the dose. His regular docs will give him no advice on the use of MM, really sucks. I have an elderly friend who sees a Stanford doc and he gives her plenty of good advice on the use of MM. my Dad is worried about other drug interactions and still has a hard time unlearning all the negative stuff associated with weed. He doesn't want to take medical advice from anyone but his doctors, this has been a huge break through and I'm hoping he continues to use the tincture.


have you looked into THC-V? or, is the tincture thc-v based? 



Ned I seen that on KCRA news the other night. 

#4 Medical Cannabis Access Associated With Less Prescription Drug Use

3. Fewer Traffic Fatalities Occur In Medical Cannabis States

Law Enforcement, Big Pharma and Alcohol companies feel threatened by these hard truths and will be pushing this very RARE disease as propaganda. I've not encountered this rare disease in my 30 years of pot smoking and 7 years of hanging out in a weed art lounge.

Dabs causing peeps to almost blackout or almost collapse needs some studying in my opinion. Not a seizure but mimics it somewhat.

>>>>Cannabinoid Hyperemesis syndrome causes people that chronicly smoke to vomit.. 


I heard people who drink chronicly also vomit a good bit.

CBS did a piece too...the ramp up for prez Twitter Troll to move against legalization.*  Drug Policy Alliance sent me a pre-addressed post card for Dump to remind him he promised to let states decide.


*I am projecting based on statements by Jeff Sessions on the subject.