120,000 lost ballots in LA County


Hmm this happened during the general election primary as well. Weird.



Your votes don't count anyway, why worry?



Um they do in state elections, Einstein. That said, I don't live in LA and voted without a hitch, no worries :) 

Um.... I'm busting your balls Eintstein, contrary to your belief ALL votes count in every election.  And it's not lost ballots, it's lost/purposefully erased voter rolls. I understand the confusion and BS but a vote could have been cast if they were adamant enough and filled out a ballot. 



I started my post before your edit.. 

Sure you did :) Maybe give the refresh button a break, Einie.

Refresh button,,, huh? 

Settle down Corky.   You don't even know the difference between lost ballots and purged voter rolls.

its ok, they are mexicans...

Dise gets easily fooled by the Russian propaganda machine.