130 Degrees !


Death Valley hit a 130 Degrees over the weekend.


Thats A Bit Toasty

Highest ever "reliably" recorded temperature.  There are a few instances of 131 degree measurements in North Africa from the early 20th Century, but the accuracy of those has been called into question. 

I think Death Valley hit 134.  

But it's a dry heat.



That shit cracks me up.   

Although it's pretty swampy here in ATL.   

108 at my place yesterday. Ick.

Ive been there. I can believe it.

Stopped driving through for lunch, faced SUV towards sun and made our sammies in the shade of the hatchback. By the time I bit into my said sandwich the bread was half toasted.

Swear to God.


Ive been there. I can believe it.

Stopped driving through for lunch, faced SUV towards sun and made our sammies in the shade of the hatchback. By the time I bit into my said sandwich the bread was half toasted.

Swear to God.


My dad drove us through Death Valley in the Summer of 1982 on our way from Las Vegas to San Francisco on a family trip. It was around 115 degrees that day.  I remember we pulled off to the side of the road to check out the scenery, and I made the mistake of briefly trying to sit on a metal guardrail.  Hot pants!

wiki: - 134.1 on July 10, 1913 in DEATH VALLEY was the highest recorded temp. Libya supposedly hit 136 some years later but maybe never proven.

Kai and I spent last Thursday night at Death Valley.   At midnight, it was 106 degrees.  We laid a thick blanket on the scorching Earth and slept under the stars (I was surprised to have a very good night's sleep). 


We woke up before sunrise and decided to enjoy the brightening surroundings while driving towards home. 

Star Wars was partially filmed in Death Valley, including the scene where the droids escape Princess Leah's ship and land in the middle of the desert and start bitching at each other.  We went there as kids, and made our parents hike out in the heat to the very the spot where the filmed it in the dunes.  Still have a bottle of  "Tatooine Sand." 

Libya 136 has been pretty much disregarded and the Death Valley 134 is suspect also. (You can find extensive article about that with google ).

Iran, Iraq , Kuwait have 127' 128's and 129 but never a 130 which would make this recent reading the highest recorded temp. ever.

( Historically July is the hottest month in Death Valley )

When I was a kid my dad was a watermelon broker with his dad and brother. We lived in Brawley, CA in the summers from June til the watermelon season there was over, then we'd move north up the Central Valley til we left Fresno in August. The temperature in Brawley averaged 110˚ but was 115˚ pretty often and higher once in a while. It was awful. That is all.

"Star wars canyon" in Death Valley is known for military jet extremely low flyovers,

<When I was a kid my dad was a watermelon broker>

there's a Country song in there somewhere...

"When I was just a little bitty kid ,
my daddy was a watermelon broker.
Mom made wine from the fermenting rinds,
but he was just a noon to moon toker"

somethin like that....



Alan, the fermenting rinds are all too real in the box cars they transported the melons in. Melons got cracked as casualties of loading and the smell of the box cars in that heat was bad. Unforgettably bad.

bonny doon/waddell creek on fire...


So many fires in California. It looks like everyone's being touched by them. Very sad and pretty frightening.

Brawley, CA

elevation: minus 121 feet below sea level


130 F is like a summer evening in Louisiana. 



I thought you lived in SoCal at some point, Jaz. There's no humidity or alligators out here.

I lived in SoCal better part of the 1980s ,Mike.


My comment is in reference to the cajun that went to hell.


Straight to the punchline. 


The devil could not make it hot enough for the south Louisianain so Satan turned the Air Conditioning on freezing and ice particles started forming on the walls of hell.


Devil says, what about that. Cajun says,  The Saints done won the Superbowl. 



The joke applies before the 09 Superbowl. 

Took a pee break on the Zzyzx road exit once in August. 

Hell on earth for sure.  Is that Death Valley? I dont remember. 

> The Saints done won the Superbowl. 

I'm glad I asked. lol

hey Jaz,know any good boudreaux jokes you'd like to share with the group?


Zzyzx is on the 15 going to Vegas.

Near Baker, south of Death Valley.

Yeah on the way to Vegas,,,, Death Valley??


Mojave desert. 

Boudreaux was walking down the street and saw Thibideaux running toward him at full sprint. When he stopped running Boudreaux asked, "Why are you running Thibideaux?" Thibideaux responds, "Well, there is this guy named Clarence who lives down the road eh? Some body told me that he was hankerin for a fight so I was headed down there. I got about half way there and was about to go under the bridge when I saw a sign that read "Clearance 12 feet" so I turned tail and ran!"


I lived and worked in south Louisiana in the mid 70's. Loved the music, the people and especially the food. And the gators and swamps. Cool country.

But the high humidity was unbearable. I could not handle it.