16 Year Old Pro Surfer Dies Riding Irma Waves




Be careful surfers.  His last words were "I just got the best wave of my life".  Wish someone could have given him a miracle.  Tragic.

Can't stop Darwinism.......

I'd like to think there is a big difference between how this kid died, and how the guy at Burning Man died.  In the former case, the kid had a chance of surviving, in the latter, there was no chance. 


Most of us have, and may continue, to engage in high risk activities.  I volunteer with the People's Harm Reduction Alliance to try to reduce the risks involved for people who engage in some of these. 


I'm curious how the parents of the Zone feel about their children engaging in risky activities.  Zander was a pro surfer, so I'd imagine that his parents had confidence in his abilities and sanctioned his involvement in surfing.  Many parents today are grappling with whether to allow their children to play sports like Football or Ice Hockey now that research on the devastating affects of concussions occurring in those sports has arisen.  Would you allow your child to Base Jump, or to jump off a cliff in a wing suit?

>>>I volunteer with the People's Harm Reduction Alliance to try to reduce the risks involved for people who engage in some of these. 


(((Value Signaling)))


Sad about the surfer. Wishes to his family.


Mark, if it was virtue signaling, I think it would have been done a long time ago. After all this time and constant ribbing, it's a very far stretch to call it that.

The peoples harm reduction alliance? Is that really a thing? Sounds like an obscure dept. of the Chinese government.

It's not real.

BK, please. I'm zoning here, man. 

Sorry, man, I had a brief moment of misplaced humanity. My bad.

I googled it and it's real. I'd be down with a  few snort kits, and maybe a pregnancy test or two.

It's okay, Brian.  Mark is just trolling. It's what he does. Haters gonna hate.  I appreciate your calling him out.



It's called high risk for a reason

((RIP, dummy))

High risk activities cost more than golf. 

No dummy. Very few people get killed surfing. The waves that killed him, although obviously intense, were much less powerful and dangerous than many other waves around the world. if you get caught in the wrong spot a head-high wave could be fatal. Even giant waves are safer than driving to the beach.

The combination of youth and extreme professional skill is very tricky and ultimately can not be controlled.


Those types are gonna' let 'her rip, no matter what others say or do.

Let 'er rip kid.

My hat's off to you.

(If it was some knucklehead amateur I would have something different to say)


>>> People's Harm Reduction Alliance 

aren't those the people who sneak up on you in the parking lot while you are dabbing and say they're going to give you a citation for partying too hard then want five bucks for a shitty sticker? 

Um, no, they're the people that try to make sure you have Narcan, so when you OD, you have a chance of not meeting the same fate as the kid in the OP.