1974 PNW Dead on 'Morning Dew'




OK, everybody take a deep breath.

I know you're all worried about the extra hour tonight, you know the one where we all fall back....

Well, 'Morning Dew' Airing between 1:00 - 3:00 AM (EST) on WBAI-FM, 99.5 in NYC and streaming at www.WBAI.org worldwide have solved the problem for you!

We will fill the extra hour with a brand new 1974 Grateful Dead collection from their new limited edition Pacific Northwest box set.

Your host, Don Grossinger, has chosen a super sample from the 19 disc box set for your listening pleasure.

After the '74 Dead, we will return to fund raising mode and hope we can entice you to choose to partake of a Mexican Dinner and a Concert package, among other nifty premiums.

Remember there's more of Morning Dew TONIGHT!!