The 1st Joe Biden sucks thread


hopefully this can be a safe space to discuss topics headed up by heater and other disgruntled bernie bros, along with those crazy right wing step children of viva. 

So far so good.   The 17 executive orders being signed today are alright by me, but just because he is bringing some normalcy back to the WH doesn't mean he gets a pass on environmental protection, social justice, racial equity, and protecting workers and consumers.


Will he put an end to Space Force?

My life has been exactly the same in every Presidency, except for a couple summers during the Reagan administration when it was increasingly difficult to find decent weed. 

JP, exactly and my tax deductions change from my employer 

Sweet offer. No suck taken. Not yet at least.

I am relieved.

My criticism to this point is him saying that black and hispanic folks should receive priority for vaccine distribution.  That's the kind of stuff the right will use as canon fodder to say "SEE! He IS bowing to the wokeness!".  

Well Tarump did make it up to states to legalize it or not. Firing Sessions. Something Biden would never do! He's very anti drugs.Thank's Hunter.

Jay, they are treating the elderly first because they are most effected, Black and Hispanics are also at a higher risk than whites. I see no problem in letting them cut in front, especially when they were the ones at Walmart, Hospitals and Grocery stores while the rest of us were in our homes safe for the most part, and he was elected to end systematic racism. Those frontline workers also deserve a shot before I do. I also think that athletes that provide a majority of our sports entertainment should also be getting the shot first. The NBA, WNBA, NCAA and NFL got no respect from Trump when they put their health on the line for our enjoyment of sports, and the almighty advertising money. The NBA showed in their bubble that we can defeat the virus with intelligent people leading the way. 

> Tarump did make it up to states to legalize it or not

No, he didn't. States legalized weed before Trump was elected.

>>>Black and Hispanics are also at a higher risk than whites

I'm just curious what puts them at a higher risk?  Not trying to troll, I just don't understand- are they genetically more inclined to contract Covid?

It's already been explained to you and you still don't get it?


 Mr_timpane on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – 12:08 pm

If you're a single man over 50 living in CA then tonight will be the easiest night to get laid in your entire life. Just walk out to the grocery store with your Biden/ Harris t shirt. Don't fuck it up and good luck.

I'm just curious what puts them at a higher risk?  <<

they largely work jobs that cannot be done at home, live in denser populated places and take public transportation.

They probably have less access to health care more generally too.

Trump cultists suffering from  BDS today 

@Mike But Sessions would have stopped it and Tarump got rid of him fast. Biden would have never let it happen! 

Am I right?


^Sessions was fired because he recused himself from the Russia investigation, it had zero to do with weed.

> Am I right?

Not that I've ever observed.

>>>>Will he put an end to Space Force?

I mean it's a stupid show....but I can't stop watching either.  Nice to turn brain off for 30 minutes.    ;)

@Mike LOL. Good one. 


But your observations are clearly biased. Just sayin'.

I might be biased, but when you're wrong, you're wrong. The era of alternative facts is behind us.

What facts? Is Hunter Biden a lie. Oh wait you never heard about it because your biased and don't want to hear the facts and watch biased news. The era of factual news reporting is behinds us!

And I'm a centrist who just dislikes B.S, from the people who have the power to spread their agenda through either politics or media. 

Hunter Biden keeps you up at night. Lol


Who fucking cares about Hunter Biden? So what if he had drug problems. The other shit about China has been completely debunked.

As for Biden and weed, he has said that he'll decriminalize it on the federal level as more data on legalization comes in. With the current push to reform the racist penal system, I can see him moving farther to the left on the issue. The floodgates for states to legalize are already open, and he won't close them.

You're really digging deep and coming up empty.

let's go back to when the Republicans made the power play to  take the weed trade from blacks and hippies, led by ex speaker of the house and Jon Boehner. That is when they wrapped their arms around the money, and suddenly the war on drugs was not a war anymore. This has been in the play book for a long time, and Session was not just going to say no.

Debunked by who Bri? CNN. Facts dude where is was debunked.It just wasn't given attention because of biased media who NEVER even ran the story.. 

@Nancy No Hunter Biden is up all night smoking Crack!


> Tarump did make it up to states to legalize it or not

Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon, and Washington DC legalized recreational marijuana before Trump was elected; California, Nevada, Massachusetts, and Maine legalized it in 2016, and that doesn't even take into account medical marijuana becoming legal, which goes back to the mid-90s.

> I'm a centrist

Voting for Trump and smoking weed doesn't make you a centrist.

@Mike I hardly ever vote for reasons that they all promise shit and never deliver. Plus I'm very apolitical. They're all full of shit. What kind of person who like Biden has been trying to be the ruler of the world for over 3 decades. I think a person like that would do anything to get there. He said to his doctor in 1998 when he had a brain operation that he better do a good job because he's going to be President one day. Just another ego which probably all politicians aspire to. To rule the world! Pffft!

But I really do hope he does it right for all Americans. We'll see!

Good ol Democratic senator from West Virginia already said he will block the bill which is already made it to the senate. Cannabis will remain schedule one and won't be decriminalized federally for a very long time. Maybe like 2036

Trump's own DOJ investigated and dropped it, because it was baseless BS. Even Fox News stopped talking about it.

Where's the evidence? The onus is on you to prove him guilty. 

So what are you saying Bri that Hunter didn't get a job which paid him millions with no experience. Or he's a crackhead? What exactly are you talking about? 


Even Fox News stopped talking about it.


Did any leftist news EVEN talk about it?  Yet Pelosi had a hard on for Tarump for 4 years and spent millions of taxpayer dollars to indict him on Russian  collusion because he insulted her but was found to be baseless BS. But that's ok right!  I think Yarump is a dick but all of his policies aren't bad. 

But if you think Hunter ain't a crackhead who got those contracts because of his daddy with no experience then were through talking. And I'm through talking this shit anyways. I only came here for nostalgic GD talk. Not politics. Which I hate.

>@Nancy No Hunter Biden is up all night smoking Crack!



and this keeps you up at night and is any of your business because? 




Now I understand why your not liked very much here. Damn you are.....Pffft is all I can say to be nice about it..

It is no secret that Biden and his kid are corrupt.   Nepotism and corruption have gone hand in hand with politics since the dawn of time.   Shit, even Jimmy Carter's brother was using the family name to sell his beer and get payouts from foreign leaders.  Corruption and nepotism aside, Biden is still way better than his shamelessly corrupt predecessor and his whole brood.   

What about Jared and Ivanka's job experience before being hired by pops? How do you wrap your head around that? 

I'm saying that I don't give a fuck about what drugs the guy did, and people get jobs for lame reasons all the time.  Either are newsworthy. They are to you because you want them to be more than they are.

The Senators from West Virginia have always held all of the power over the country, when will it end?

Insomnia due to discredited Russian disinformation. Sad.

>Now I understand why your not liked very much here.


bless your heart. Oh, that's 'you're' and maybe that plays with the Cult you've joined but I prefer truth over fiction, and I'm not as needy as you are to be liked on a drug band message board. How's that workin out for you?

>Hunter didn't get a job which paid him millions with no experience.<

see every fortunate son since time begun...

who gives a FF?


Sad is people who are afraid to see and try to understand what is on the other side of the fence! (Mexico not implied) That's their problem not ours! We have enough of our own!

And Bri I like a lot of what you say but not in this situation!

@ Turtle. 

You don't give a FF if a crackhead is dealing with foreign governments?? Pffft. This site scares me. Luckily only a few dozen people are here. I hope the rest of the world ain't so blind!

Poor Doolittle forgot he's not on his Qanon site with all his 'friends'


Shall every person that doesn't follow you cult thoughts need to be deprogrammed!? LOL and Pffft!

Build back better.  The great reset!

>Hunter didn't get a job which paid him millions with no experience.<

see every fortunate son since time begun...

who gives a FF?


STFU Hunter!!

Light the pipe! lol

The cast of Viva Jersey Boys: Stu, Doolittle, Timpy and Ogkb

It's a Tony Award winning musical.

And seeing as how there are tens of thousands of crackheads, both in and dealing with governments around the world, I'm not too worried. Trump himself would have been better on crack.

What was Trump snorting? He sure behaved like a crack head

The cast of Viva Jersey Boys: Stu, Doolittle, Timpy and Ogkb

It's a Tony Award winning musical.

I'd see it!

Frankie won't be happy.​

E=mail me for backstage passes and meet and greet Bri. Complimentary of course! Drinks and food 1/2 off.

Is your daughter still in New Bruinswick?

>What was Trump snorting? He sure behaved like a crack head


How old are you?

Trump has been Trump since the 80's. I've hated his ego since then but didn't disagree with all of his policies since then. He wasn't all bad!

Trump had always been a deplorable human being. 

Enough of him, this is where you can vent about President Biden and try and make friends.

>Trump had always been a deplorable human being. 

Enough of him, this is where you can vent about President Biden and try and make friends.


I'm Biden my time with Joe! We'll see what he produces. Time will tell. Hope for the best for American (legal) Citizens! And the homeless (legal) citizens!

596AAB7F-AB2D-49DA-8963-01DE8F612F06.jpegMy favorite


Didn't read thread. Snicker at the title.

Great timing,  jr.

Great to see NJ's musical kings snub Mr. Trump.

Snubs for all my friends!



>Sad is people who are afraid to see and try to understand what is on the other side of the fence!


so you didn't answer my question and then wrote that? 

>What about Jared and Ivanka's job experience before being hired by pops? How do you wrap your head around that? 


you just dunked on yourself, nice 



OK I'l try and explain this. Things we all agree on.

  • Hunter Biden was and maybe still is a crack head.
  • People in Ukraine and China gave him jobs and paid him ridiculous amounts of money because of who his dad was.
    • He was not qualified in any way to hold those jobs
    • The people who hired him and paid him - did so only because they hoped it might buy them influence with Joe Biden

What we don't agree on and everyone on the right just takes as a matter of faith, because there is zero evidence to support this part.

  • The people who hired Hunter Biden got some sort of preferential treatment from Joe Biden while he was Vice President
  • Joe Biden told those people to hire Hunter Biden.
  • Hunter Biden kicked back some of the money to Joe Biden

That is where the whole thing breaks down. The first part is just a sad story of a messed up guy fucking with his dads reputation to make some easy money. There is nothing illegal about the first part. The second part never happened even after every Republican slime ball looked for some sort of evidence to show it did. It just didn't happen. So yeah a big old nothing burger, unless you think you can't be President if one of your kids ends up being a jerk. 

Think little

do nothing

Or is honing the art of trolling

or embarrassing oneself 

doing something?

Some fake news site makes shit up, and a whole faction of people believe it. They blame the lack of corroborating evidence on the MSM. Hunter Biden, stolen election, Qanon, whatever. It's exactly the same pattern.

James Sumatra thinks most brown people are here illegally. 


For ogkb:


Workingman's Bernie



Damn. Bernie sure gets around.

bernie. one of the only real dudes up there.

what a baller.


hunter b somehow bothers me less than the frumps getting positions...what's their qualifications again? mmhm.




Waiting for Pete to open the doors....


^^^^ I like how El Nino breaks it down. Just sayin.

So many hilarious pics -- I still love the Dead hay bales best



i love you woz



and pete

that just felt so damn familiar, and yes, emotional


and btw, good work all


                         Have you seen dignity ?  -- Dylan



"Dignity never been photographed."      Bob


That said, GREAT photo and GREAT moment!



<< doesn't mean he gets a pass on environmental protection, social justice, racial equity, and protecting workers and consumers >>

Hey now brother ken, seems like you got Joe's ear, he's tackling everything you mention,,,,, in his 1st 72 hrs. What else ya got for him man ? 

Signed Executive Orders so far - 

Put the kabash to Keystone

Biden will sign a new executive order Friday, overturning a handful of his predecessor’s policies that limited the collective bargaining power of federal unions and empowered agencies to move around their career employees.

The executive order, expected later Friday afternoon, will repeal the three EOs President Donald Trump signed back in 2018, which limited collective bargaining, cut official time and prioritized employee firings and discipline

All of President Biden’s key executive orders — in one chart - MarketWatch

Never been photographed,, lol ,  WTF does Bob know

democrats won't give us medicare for all, during a pandemic. 

and the liberals are ok w/ that b/c trump is gone. that's funny and sad. 


bernie is the people's president. 


Or at least the meme of the day...

^voted for george w bush......

you should feel good, fish. frump was so bad, W is now allowed to come out and play full time.

Your like a one trick pony with a red rocket for W. I don't, nor have I ever support him but you go on with your little fantasy


Bernie bros neo notes 



It was mostly unforeseen, the sudden sense of exultation and exhalation mingled—a surging heart matched by a good, deep breath—that the Inauguration produced in so many. Even Bernie Sanders felt it, telling Seth Meyers that he wept with pleasure, in his now famous full-granddad getup, at the installation of the new President. “Everyone suddenly burst out singing,” the British Great War poet Siegfried Sassoon wrote about another memorable day of transition, Armistice Day, in 1918, and people burst out singing on this occasion, too, from Lady Gaga and J. Lo during the ceremony, masks cautiously off and spirits high, to Bruce Springsteen being so entirely, gravelly Bruce at night. That feeling of release made some a little reluctant to go back into evaluating the immediate past; having awoken from a bad dream, you’re disinclined to want to spend too much time remembering all its elements. The sense of a new beginning is, of course, being exploited by the Trumpite right—let’s move on, shall we, and just pretend that that violent insurrection thing didn’t happen—but, even among those purer of heart and purpose, there is a properly sensed virtue in forgetting.

But it still seems worth making an inventory of our own anticipations and predictions—to open an inquiry into what those on the liberal side of the argument got right and what they got wrong about the fate of democracy over the course of the past four years. Like a lot of others, I got loud about what liberalism was and ought to be. I even wrote a book, intended as a kind of letter to my daughter, about what seemed to me its enduring values; not those of “neo-liberalism,” as it’s sometimes called, meaning the ideology of fanatic free-marketers, or of “classic liberalism,” which also often means the ideology of fanatic free-marketers, but a defense of the liberal humanist tradition—which, to be sure, scoffers think is another name for the ideology of fanatic free-marketers, but isn’t. That tradition descends as much from Montaigne as from Montesquieu, rooted in a view of human fallibility as much as in any faith in bicameral legislatures and checks and balances. Since the mid-nineteenth century, it has been a movement that, uniquely, sees a desire for egalitarian reform and a push for personal liberty as two faces of the same force; a movement for an ever-broadening sphere of personal freedom to love whom we like and to say what we think, and for an ever-larger insistence on erasing the differences between people and giving the same rights to all sexes and colors and kinds.


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The first lesson, and vindication, for those of that liberal turn of mind is the continuing demonstration of the superiority, both moral and pragmatic, of pluralism to purism. That truth has been demonstrated twice by that improbable liberal hero Joe Biden, first in the Democratic primaries and then in the general election. There was an extended moment, in 2018 and 2019, when a dominant belief on the left was that the only way to counter the extreme narrowness of Trumpism was with an equally pointed alternative. Bernie Sanders, whose values and programs—Medicare for All, breaking up the banks, a Green New Deal—have long appeared admirable to many, still seemed to rest his campaign on a belief that one could win the Democratic nomination without a majority, as long as the minority was sufficiently motivated and committed, and as long as the rest of the field remained fragmented.

But the inflamed flamed out. Biden, despite his uninspiring social-media presence and his generally antediluvian vibe, shifted, like his party, to the left, yet managed to pull together a broad coalition to win the nomination, and then did it again against Donald Trump. The pluralism of that coalition stretched from its base, among African-American women, to those suburban white women who turned on Trump, to disaffected McCain Republicans, in Arizona, to Latinos—who, warningly, in some areas voted less Democratic than in the past, but still voted Democratic. (And not to forget those neocon Never Trumpers who seem to have played a small but significant role in turning key votes in key places.) It was a classic liberal coalition: many different kinds with a single shared goal. Sanders, by the way, is, in a manner, still insufficiently celebrated as a hero of that coalition: with Biden, he co-led unity task forces, to keep his followers in the fold; never flinched in his support; and refused to play the diva-ish part that many in his train might have wanted, even when—as when Biden occasionally scorned the “socialists” he had beaten—he must have had to bite his arm to stay silent. This solidarity, to use the old-fashioned lefty phrase, was rooted both in his obvious affection for Biden and in his ability to grasp a set of priorities: winning the nomination for his own causes would have been terrific; defeating Trump for the country’s cause was essential.

The second, complementary idea vindicated by Biden’s election is that what’s often deprecated as centrism is simply a radicalism of the real. Biden arrives as a conciliator and a healer, a family man of faith unafraid to speak of faith. But, after four years of chaos and the catastrophe of the pandemic, he also has presented the most progressive platform of any President in American history since F.D.R. He can be both at once, because he lives, like most people, a life replenished by a plurality of identities. His victory was made possible by months—years, really—of unglamorous work by activists in registering voters and overcoming disincentives and building a base capable of action. Anyone who was on the phone with those who were on the phone with people in Georgia and Michigan and the other key states knows how hard they worked, not at the macro level of ideological certainty but at the micro level of pragmatic persuasion. It was, as liberal triumphs always are, achieved by thinking of the world in terms of many individual parts, not a single ideological whole.

The election was a vindication of the view that the strength of liberal democracy lies only in the strength of liberal institutions, those intermediate repositories of social trust without which mere elections mean nothing. One saw their strength most movingly, perhaps, with the resistance of those Georgia Republican electoral officials to Trump’s outrageous interference. Their integrity was not manifest in a set of melodramatic gestures of the kind that J.F.K. wrote about in his once famous (and partly ghostwritten) book “Profiles in Courage.” It manifested itself in a set of commitments to established, democratic, bureaucratic procedures: stick to these rules, because these rules are fair, even if your side is losing—that’s as much the sound of freedom as any clarion call.

What did liberals miss and get wrong? Above all, perhaps, the single most important thing: that no matter how hard you try to properly gauge the power of the irrational in human affairs, you can never estimate it adequately. What stirred the insurrectionist mob to storm the Capitol was primarily Trump’s lies, but also, in some cases, theories and beliefs that were not only difficult to credit but difficult even to narrate. The QAnon theory of the world isn’t just alarmingly incoherent but completely implausible, and yet it motivates some to be willing to kill and be killed. It is always hard for the liberal imagination to imagine fanaticism adequately, and that is one of its failures. Liberalism persists in the insistence that extreme irrationalities of nationalism and ethnic tribalism can be placated by this economic policy or that new bill. They can’t. Such grievances are an independent and self-regenerating force in human affairs as powerful as any other that can be combatted but never entirely cured.

Yet, perhaps most important, what liberals got very right very early was to see how wrong Trump was. Many saw in 2016 what culminated in January of 2021: that Trump was an implacable enemy of democracy itself; that if Trump came to power America would never fully recover. And, indeed, the damage done may be even more grievous than we can yet understand, much less accept. The moral accountancy of the Trump years has hardly begun, and a failure of the new Administration to do its work could lead to the revival of Trumpism, if not of Trump himself, in a form more ferocious than the form just passed. But, for the moment, we breathe, and sing, and hope.


Donald Trump, the Inciter-in-Chief.

He must be held accountable.

An Air Force combat veteran was part of the mob in the Senate.

The invaders enjoyed the privilege of not being taken seriously.

The crisis of the Republican Party has only begun.

A Pelosi staffer recounts the breach.

Sign up for our daily newsletter for insight and analysis from our reporters and columnists.

Adam Gopnik, a staff writer, has been contributing to The New Yorker since 1986. He is the author of, most recently, “A Thousand Small Sanities: The Moral Adventure of Liberalism.” Read more.

Go beyond the headlines. Become a New Yorker subscriber.

whoops. Worth sayin twice 

Seems like nobody is staying at Donald's DC Hotel anymore:

I hear they have bedbugs...or is it bugged beds?

two weeks in office. 

31 new drilling permits (masters say yes)

0 survival checks for americans (masters say no) -- remember, biden promised $2000 if georgia won him the senate. 





"The permit changes are separate from a government pause on new oil and gas leasing that was ordered by Biden on Jan. 27. That leasing moratorium doesn’t affect permitting and other activity on existing oil and gas leases."

Biden almost immediately put a moratorium on any new drilling on federal lands. The Right is calling him a Commie, who wants to give up our fossil fuel independence to the Gulf States. The far left is calling him a corporate shill.

Damn, the guy just can't get a break!


Pyramid, you still haven't learned how legislation is passed?


Biden cannot send out checks. Congress needs to pass the legislation. (Biden is not a member of Congress)*

The Senate is split 50/50, but you need 60 votes for cloture.  



Biden has signed 42 executive orders...


Biden has signed 42 executive actions since taking office. Here's what each does...








*There are 3 coequal branches of Government. 

Executive Branch.... President 

Legislative Branch.... Congress

Judicial Branch.... Federal Judiciary 

Emperor Biden..

racist nazi

Greg sharted.

Maybe he's not aware that his sharts  are enabling the heeb space laser easier to detect his whereabouts. 

They are coming to take his children and turn them into matzoh. Fuckin' Nazi Jews!

How many times has He been Golfing ?

> Greg sharted.

That's just what g-reg does. He shits his drawers and thinks everyone else stinks.

In other news from the Detroit area, I thought it was interesting that General Motors committed to selling only zero-emission vehicles by 2035.

A tangential story to the Jews being Nazis, now blacks are being outed for lynching white political figures 

>Former Congressman Newt Gingrich (R-GA) was hammered on Saturday night for attacking Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) on Twitter, saying the Black lawmaker is participating in a "lynch mob" out to get controversial Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

It sounds like Newt is angling to replace Rudy as Lunatic-in-Chief.

lumber still a good corporate apologist i see. 


i know i know. 

i'm stupid. 


^yep, and you refuse to learn...


Joe Manchin snipes at Kamala Harris for pressuring him to vote for coronavirus relief


Sen. Joe Manchin, the conservative West Virginia Democrat who is seen as crucial to passing President Biden's agenda, appears to have launched a feud with Vice President Kamala Harris. This came after Harris pushed both Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, another centrist Democrat, to support the Biden administration's $1.9 trillion coronavirus rescue plan.

Manchin and Sinema have emerged as potential foils to Biden's agenda, and potential allies to "moderate" Republicans eager to slow that agenda down in the name of bipartisan compromise. With the Senate split 50-50, the two hold serious leverage on any bill that Democrats may seek to pass along party lines, and both have already come out against scrapping the filibuster and expressed concerns about Biden's relief plan. Last Thursday, Harris gave interviews to local news outlets in West Virginia and Arizona, seemingly as a way of ramping up the pressure on the two lawmakers to back the proposal, which infuriated Manchin.


Greg. I thought of you this morning

faults in the 

>> Clouds of delusion<<  ???


Dark star crashes, pouring its light into ashes
Reason tatters, the forces tear loose from the axis
Searchlight casting for faults in the clouds of delusion
Shall we go, you and I while we can
Through the transitive nightfall of diamonds?


Also as you are Bryen or his protege 

tell us how you are the greatest deadhead of all time

with links no one would ever click on

A hater sighting also, inspiring 

lumber you are the definition of a corporate apologist. 

who you gonna blame when the dems do absolutely nothing w/ their new held power and lose the senate in two years? 


^Well, if Biden were a dictator, he could do it. But as it stands he needs both Manchin and Sinema to pass any legislation. That is if the Democrats use reconciliation, otherwise they need 10 Republicans to vote for cloture. 



You're the one with the misplaced blame.

Or do you believe that Biden can order Manchin to vote a particular way?


Sanders could just as easily influence legislation... what leverage does the DNC have with  Sanders?

his seat is safe, he doesn't need DNC's money, and the Democrats need his vote. 






bernie lost, as he should have

enjoy your four years of bitching, you are off to a great start

^lol. fuck you. grow the fuck up and learn something.

enjoy living in denial and thinking everything is going back to normal under neoliberal rule. 

fucking joker. 


Before entering this thread just now, I already knew who'd be going at it,,, and shur nuff.

Pre-election or post- election,,, brother pyro will always be on a less than intelligent, self righteous attack mode rant of some sort or another,, and there he is, right on schedule. The fool just never opens his eyes.

Poor fella, must hurt being so smart.


The melt is strong in the Pyramid. perhaps the heat is too high.

make a pie wearing your bernie mittens, son

unlearn some things, it might help your disposition... ( or is that too psychobabble for you to comprehend?)

progress is hard for you to acknowledge - my way or the highway, i am right  <> you are wrongism

have a great day all