20 Miles From the Gulf


This is I 10 twenty miles from the Gulf. Fuck the Chinese and their hoaxes 



what now, can you explain a little further?

Winnie Texas near Houston here is the video the shot was taken from



What's going on here?

Port Arthur is underwater.  Levee broke.  

Sounds as bad, if not worse, than Houston.   Here is the scene at Port Arthur evacuation center:

Port Arthur Evacuation Center.jpg

That picture just fucked me. I sent $20 per family member to American Red Cross. $80 for the Hessing family.

It's just a drop in the bucket for what that state needs.

Now as an American EVERYONE dip in your pockets and send $20 for each of your family members. Skip the pack of smokes or 6 pack of beer and help these poor fuckers out.

keep your heads up Texans. help is on the way.


If you are one of those people that is worried about people stealing your donation go on Amazon and send Diapers here

Texas Diaper Bank

5415 Bandera Rd Ste 504

San Antonio, Tx 78238-1958

United States

Interstate 10 on the Jefferson/Chambers county line.

