2016: A look back in anger


I know I speak for everybody when I say that 2016 was the worst year ever. 

Here is my list in order of awful things that happened and I suggest that you do the same if only to remind everyone else of these awful moments and maybe drag them down a bit to where you are.

1) Ron Glass RIP 

2) Gary Shandling 

3) our democracy fucked

4) Rob Ford also died

ill stop because I'm not an animal 

fu 2016

F  U  


Dad passed on 03/10/16.


So many cherished artists left in 2016.



Learning that enough people voted for Trump to make him President-elect sealed the deal:


Worst year of my life, second to 2001,

Below is the John Oliver year end episode. At the end of it there is a whole segment on FU 2016...


Losing a parent is one of the toughest things ever. Sorry to hear and condolences.

Indeed Nanc

So sorry Johnny

hooper called neal a girl's name

deaths of celebrities and the results of a presidential election could not come anywhere close to making 2016 "the worst year ever" for me personally.

not that any year much worse comes to mind. just that presidents and celebrities don't factor that heavily into my overall outlook on life.

death of a parent is, of course, a different story.

sorry Johnny

Right, and I don't get upset when black-market sales of snow blowers are down but different strokes, right buddy?

That's right.


I know a lot of people that had babies in 2016.


Looking forward to kicking 2017's ass.

All of that makes 2016 a heavy year, not a bad year.

You think these year things are unlimited?

2016 was a rare full year in all our lives (hopefully) and many amazing and serious and good and bad things happened.

Just like every year.

Every single year I see so many people say, "Fuck this year!!!"

So I guess we just say "Fuck this year" to every year of our lives.

Or not.

Embrace what we have.

Quit whining.

Here comes 2017!

It's gonna' suck!!!

(Or not)

I have been able to gradually step back into life this year, in a Zone-assisted sandwich. In January I went to Hawaii for DNB spending 2 weeks under the wings of dear Zoners. Ending the year with a new Zone after working for months with a couple of Zoners. Nothing wrong with that. 

Thank you all for a much better year than it might have been, and than the years before.



>Right, and I don't get upset when black-market sales of snowblowers generators are down but different strokes, right buddy?  

i think i fixed that for you buddy.

and by the way i said "deaths of celebrities and the results of a presidential election could not come anywhere close to making 2016 "the worst year ever" for me personally"



hooper called neal a girl's name<<<

I'm not offended. Besides, girls are the superior gender so I'm sure it was meant as a compliment.

Good and bad in every year, this is true. Although 1998 when my Mom passed on New Years Day was truly a haze, and I divorced later in the year. I thought being the positive upbeat guy I am that the impact would pass relatively quickly. Never really had to deal with a big loss(es) like that before. I found this book to be helpful:


Judit - glad to here you had a good "sandwich" in 2016!

Okay, now for the beauty of 2016:


I had a chance to connect with my Dad more deeply than I ever had before.


I reunited more fully with one brother and attended 7 NBA games with him this year.


My other brother moved back to the Bay Area and a new baby boy was born into our family.


Fun vacation in rural Wisconsin with the In-Laws.


Fabulous road trip adventure with my son.


A firmly established pattern of at least one music show per week (on average).  And some memorable bucket list gigs.


Making several new friends and becoming much closer to some whom I already know.


Just off of the top of my head.


I suppose if this is the worst year over the last 15, I am a very lucky man (I think that I already knew that).




Same as it ever was.

Yes, 2016 sucked in many many ways, no doubt about it.

However, if you are a Cubs fan, it was the greatest year ever in your lifetime. smiley

2016 was a great year for me. I'm pretty happy.



JohnnyD you inspire me. truly. i'm glad i can call you my friend.