300,000 years ago today.....


Archeological find that could rewrite the origins of our species.....

When Hublin peered into the cavernous eye sockets of one of the skulls, he was astonished.

Instead of the robust features he was accustomed to seeing on the faces of an ancient human ancestor like Homo erectus or Homo heidelbergensis, this face bore a striking resemblance to his own. Where an erectus skull had a single, protruding brow ridge, these individuals had smaller, separated ones. Rather than a large face and a flattened skull, these people had small faces and rounder skulls.

"The face of these people is really a face that falls right in the middle of the modern variation," said Hublin. "They had a skull that is more elongated than most of us, but I'm not sure these people would stand out from a crowd today."

Their braincase (shown below in blue) also seemed to fall somewhere between what one might expect in an ancient human ancestor and a modern human, albeit slightly more similar to those of our archaic ancestors.

This unique combination of advanced and archaic features suggests something profound, Hublin said -- he's convinced the Moroccan specimens "represent the very root of our species."

In other words, all of the Homo sapiens ever found -- including those uncovered far beyond Africa -- may trace their ancestral linkages to the land that is today's Morocco. 

That suggestion contradicts the prevailing anthropological logic that our species evolved somewhere deep in sub-Saharan Africa, in what some researchers have referred to as a "Garden of Eden," then gradually moved out to other parts of the world. Instead, Hublin and his team argue that Homo sapiens could have been living in terrain across Africa.


This actually lends much legitimacy (while still deriving from) my "Pismo Beach Regeneration"  theory of the Dawn of Mankind.  PBR in academic circles.

For the non-academic types,  my theory (which is mine) says that Fish first flopped upon the shore,  then mutated into Hu-persons,  at the site we currently know as Pismo Beach.

Of course there are more details...

Thanks Thom 

Ah, always the details.

Lots of migration of pre-Homo Sapien hominids over four million years but same general lineage in the big human evo picture. 

Well, what they're claiming is that homo sapiens didn't necessarily originate exclusively in southern Africa, which has been the dominant theory for years.  If true (and the evidence from this find backs that up) that would mark a huge shift in evolutionary history.

I can see that but could be due to earlier hominid migration. Same general area of the world.

Took part in a Nat Geo DNA migration study a few years back. 

More discoveries will fill in more gaps but the general picture still holds. 

When Hublin peered into the cavernous eye sockets of one of the skulls, he was astonished. There, in place of a brain, was a red, white, and blue lightning bolt design.

Fixed it....