Age 53 years 8 days


Sometimes my thoughts drift to the morbid side of curiosity, which can be quite life affirming "if you look at it right". Over the past 15-20 years, I would periodically look at a photo or video of Jerry Garcia at the age I was at the time. By the time I hit 40, it became increasingly shocking how old and decrepit Garcia looked, without ever being a very old man. Hard to believe how young he was sometimes.  Well, today I am at age 53 years 8 days, and I can no longer look at a picture of Jerry when he was my age. What a trip, I have now outlived Jerry. La Chaim! I feel pretty good, an am happy. I just enjoyed a sandwich. Plan on enjoying every sandwich. To life!

He was an old soul.

He looked tired at the end. For some 53 is a lot. At 62 I feel as if I'm just beginning

Phil just keeps getting younger each year.


A very nice existentially comparative narrative.

Happy birthday 8 days ago, Tofu. 

Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

Nice post, Tofu.

my mom and dad were born within a few days of Jimi and Jerry, respectively, and they are still going strong.


Like you, I'm 53, but don't see myself as being anywhere near as old as even 80's Jerry, much less mid 90's Jerry...

Keep in mind, that Jerry not only was a persian heroin afficianado, he  also had a 3-pack of Pall Malls (unfiltered) a day habit, and a diet consisting of chili dogs and milk shakes.

when i told my wife how old (young) Jerry was when he died, she could not believe he was only 53. 



I did the same thing when I passed his age three years ago.

Good ol' Jerry was an "old soul", whatever that may mean, but unfortunately he was also a drug addict and junkie and generally seemed to have little to no self-control (ice cream, hot dogs and no doctors please) which is IMO the main reason he looked so old for his age during his last 10 years and passed away at a relatively young age.

At the expense of falling into the old trap of thinking that I know what Jerry may have thought about all that, I'd say that if asked now if he would have changed anything he would possibly say, "Naw. I lived my life, go live yours!"

All things considered I'd say we were all lucky to have had him around as long as we did.



I also turned 53 this month, it had me down that same road Tofu. 

Zappa died just shy of 53
Garcia died @ 53 plus a few

Yup. Lucky to have Garcia for as long as we had him. At Jerry's memorial in GG Park in 1995, Wavy said as much in his "Good Grief" speech.  I don't remember the exact words, but to paraphrase the sentiment as I recall from being in the audience, Wavy said that Jerry died way too soon,  and it's a gut punch even though we all expected him to die 10 years ago, and are kind of surprised he made it this far.

I'm not 53 yet, so Elvis has been my benchmark.

I still have 16 years to catch up.

In the early 80's a friend got an audience with Jerry in his hotel room. When he felt the moment was right he broached the subject of his health. His response was, "I have no regard for my body and I'll play until I die."


I like when they were on the Ton Snyder show in 1981 and Tom looked at Jerry and Weir and commented on how Jerry looked old compared to Weir and Jerry said something like I put in more time.

54 2.4 mos


Take no prisoners




boston ma



math off 54 1.9 mos Super Bake

happy holidays tnk


Phil ! Rob !!

TOFU! A fellow Sagittarius! How you doing!

Clocking in at 53 and 5 days here. 

Tofu, congats on feeling good and being happy, can't ask for much more than that. 

I'm usually feeling good too, and I'm finding that my attitude is evolving towards being younger in mind as I age in body. I have 2 replacement hips (5 years out) that have put a pep in my step, I'd be a cripple in a wheelchair if not for them. 

Been enjoying many many sandwiches since and plan to in the future if allowed. Never take any day above ground for granted.

Favorite quote I live by every day after after losing parents and marriage:

Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.

I remember seeing JGB in 82 at Kean College. Jerry looked like death warmed over. Even though fhe music was great over the years, it's sad to thing how much better it could have been if Jerry was health and in the right frame of mind. Look at what Phil created after getting at second chance in life

I know staying health is said then done

My personal opinion is if Keith Richards is alive, we all should be alive

zippy you are so adorbs....  right?

Hey Plf9905, I was at that Orpheum theater PLQ 11/25/03 show. Good times! Just remember meeting Nora at that show. Her father was a famous Red Sox of sorts.

Orpheum theater shows for PLQ & Ratdog were so much fun even though you can't drink in your seat's bullshit. Smoked mad herb up in there! Remember the walk back to car with the alleys filled with balloons and tanks.

East Boston days good times!

The video of RFK summer '91 with the RFK '90 as filler.

It looks like he aged 10-15 years in 12 months, he looked like a man around 50 in 1990

Left it all on the field.