The All Red Meat Diet


Deadheads who know the unusual dietary restriction the great Owsley Stanley followed for most of his life might be interested to learn that his "all red meat" diet is making something of a comeback.

"Peterson adopted a common approach to dieting: elimination. She started cutting out foods from her diet, and feeling better each time. She began with gluten, and she kept going, casting out more and more—not just gluten or dairy or soy or lectins or artificial sweeteners or non-artificial sweeteners, but everything. Until, by December 2017, all that was left was “beef and salt and water,” and, she told me, “all my symptoms went into remission.”

Now that is a diet I would stick with

My wife has a sweet tooth........I have a meat tooth

incisors incising.

So, it's the meat AND bourbon (and vodka) diet you are looking for. Most excellent!

Yeah, according to her she can drink booze as well.

As the journalist pointed out, there is a mountain of evidence to show how bad this diet actually is.

Still, Owsley was a prolific powerlifter in incredible shape well into his 60's+, so maybe he was on to something?

I wonder what blood type he was ...

What dietary advice can you share with the group, Slickrock?

I know a lot of zoners are looking for that "unkneaded dough" look we've seen you rocking in your protest pics.

Here's my diet advice for the group:

Eat less and exercise more. Cut out sugar as much as possible. Laugh at the world.

"He died doing what he loved most..."

Good advice, Six. 

I just can't get behind it in my head. I know everyone is different and meat has sustained humans for years but ALL meat? my heart chugs just thinking about it.  Im going with smaller portions, variety of foods, and less processed things. Im off to grab a milky way bar so what do I know?

heres what works for me:

0 sugar or added sweeteners(even honey or maple)

0 processed foods, legumes(including peanuts) or grains

0 dairy or soy


0 gym


I bike to/from work 5 days a week(9.5miles each day), race canoes and run on weekends. I train for canoe races all winter and run and xc ski when I can

I shop mainly in the produce dept and buy meats from a local farm. fruits, nuts and almond milk round things out.

The only liquids I take on are water, black coffee and an electrolyte drink when I am racing

Bmi is 23.1, and am heading into my 50's in better shape then I was at 25. much happier also, which counts for something

A cardio focused routine like that (combined with your diet) is a great way to stay fit. Your endurance/cardiovascular health is probably excellent, Fishcane.

If you're going to go for an all meat diet, my only advice is to up your water intake by a shit-ton!

a shit-ton!^^^^

That's what is caught up inside your pipes without any roughage.

The tea leaves read intestinal blockage, metamucil and enema(there's your "uptake" in water) in the near future.

As the journalist pointed out, there is a mountain of evidence to show how bad this diet actually is.>>

Have to agree with this. Everyone knows the story about John Wayne, right? 

Less meat, more green and more exercise is better.

No, Fog. Tell us, please.