Allure of legal weed is fueling land rush in Emerald Triangle


Allure of legal weed is fueling land rush in Emerald Triangle

By Peter Fimrite  Updated 6:52 pm, Saturday, May 28, 2016

So a year and a half ago...

Want to buy some land? Plenty for sale now that a lb goes for 700 hundred dollars

I agree Gravy sounds like this was written last summer and they were waiting for the land rush to start.

If the CA Market is so flooded that it’s a now a commodity, and people are still churning it out, how much is leaving the state?

Come January there will be 700 hundred in taxes added on to that . The property tax bill was due 30 days after you register your land as a grow parcel . Water board taxes also paid up front before you crack a seed .As to who is all consuming this you tell me .

I have not smoked in a few years, but the day that I can walk in to a legitimate business and go shopping, I will.  Might as well.

"The state Department of Food and Agriculture estimates 13.5 million pounds of cannabis were produced statewide last year — but only about 18 percent of that was consumed in California, with the rest ostensibly taken out of state.

And of the 2.5 million pounds consumed in California, only an estimated 650,000 pounds were purchased in the legal medical marijuana marketplace."