Alternative Facts


Whatcha got?


we're going to have to rethink our relationship here if you don't tell me what I want to hear. 

Mike Pence believes in "anti-gay therapy."

Because he hasn't touched a dick since blowing those eight guys in college.

Alternative facts - Conway is hot

                             Trump is smart

                              Pence is a good person

Kellyanne Conway actually makes Ann Coulter look good by comparison.

The Soldier would not don the Purple Helmet for either.

I'm 6' 2", have a $25,000,000 trust fund and have a 12" schlong.

Hillary is just as bad if not worse than Trump, alternative FACT

More people voted for Trump than for Hillary,  alternative FACT

The moon landing was faked, alternative FACT

Beauregard Sessions is so not a racist.

DeVos is a champion for public education.

It was totally OK to ignore Obama's SC nominee because everyone knows the lame-duck period is a year, not the time from election day to the inauguration.

Rick Perry has a razor-sharp intellect.  

Nuclear physicists are over-rated.

Although the lease to the Trump Hotel DC property specifically states that the lease-holder can't be an elected official, that clause doesn't apply to Trump.

There are no conflicts of interest to Trump staying invested in his businesses.

Hiring Kushner doesn't break nepotism laws.

Trump has paid hundreds of millions in federal income taxes and given hundreds of millions more to charity.

The sky was yellow and the sun was blue FACT

Think that it is safe to say that in order to be in the CIA, you have to be intelligent and have strong observational skills. As always, I could be wrong about that. If we assume the former, what do you think is going on in the heads of those folks that were in attendance? They can read the man's tweets and hear his comments attacking them. Is it reasonable to think that because he stood in front of them and blamed the whole misunderstanding on the dishonest media that they bought it?


"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic."




Slow down, Timmy. A meme and emoji, all in one post, it too much for us old folks.

We really need a taco emoji here.

 “War is peace. Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.”


"It's a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words. Of course the great wastage is in the verbs and adjectives, but there are hundreds of nouns that can be got rid of as well. It isn't only the synonyms; there are also the antonyms. After all, what justification is there for a word, which is simply the opposite of some other word? A word contains its opposite in itself. Take ‘good,’ for instance. If you have a word like ‘good,’ what need is there for a word like ‘bad’? ‘Ungood’ will do just as well – better, because it's an exact opposite, which the other is not. Or again, if you want a stronger version of ‘good,’ what sense is there in having a whole string of vague useless words like ‘excellent’ and ‘splendid’ and all the rest of them? ‘Plusgood’ covers the meaning or ‘doubleplusgood’ if you want something stronger still. Of course we use those forms already, but in the final version of Newspeak there'll be nothing else. In the end the whole notion of goodness and badness will be covered by only six words – in reality, only one word. 



lol laugh

Crayola CARNAGE speech.

Putin is not a pussy grabber.


Sean Spicer CANNOT tell a lie.


Es verdad!

I got you marched a million people all for no reason, you lost and lost big. Lost all three branches of government and the nominee for supreme court. What you got?

Just because you don't understand or agree with the reason doesn't mean it's "no reason."

Sure, for 95% of the people marching it's a one and done. They can pat themselves on the backs and tell the world how awesome they are for participating. They'll get on with their lives and that will be that. But there's that other 5% who will continue with the activism and do some organizing. 

Why poo poo it?

I respect people's right to march, but what was it all for? Over an election loss? I only ask because Nancy started this thread and many people chimed in. Just trying to understand Brian, help me out.




You posed the same curiosity on the woman's March thread





Really?  We've all lost elections before.

But not to the Russians

Not to bragging pussy grabbing candidates

Not to candidates who would not recognize a fact if it came out of their mouth, because it doesn't

Want to start a war?  Move the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, undermine our European allies and wet kiss the Kremlin


So you won, Fafa?

From what I get, it was about fear. Women are afraid of losing reproductive rights, the LGBQT community is afraid of recent gains being lost. Brown skinned people are afraid, Muslims are afraid. People are afraid of emboldened racists. Misguided or not, people have a lot of fear. They expressed it en masse.

Maybe people now feel a lot less fearful because they don't feel as alone, and that they have a collective voice. If that's all that came out of it, great. One day and a few million people marching and some fear subsides, sounds good to me.


Clinton grabbed Monicas p**Y long before, so don't bring up that straw lame argument (that was lost 20 years ago). Russia? please no proof has been offered as of yet. Israel is a sovereign nation, talk to them if you have a problem about capitals. There has been continued war in the middle east for 16 years. Obama dropped a bomb in the middle east every day of his presidency so what's your point. Bluesnote I didn't win anything. Just trying to see what's up with all the threads about what? What's your point?

My mother is in the top 0.5% of Israel supporters. Even she thinks that now is not the time to move the embassy to Jerusalem and declare it the capital. Israel is finally getting recognized by her neighbors, and is forging diplomatic ties, and that move will set it all back.

Muslims and brown people are afrais as Obama and Bush have been bombing them every day. Women have had right to choos since 70's, Trump never said he was gonna change that. Racist people suck but what has Trup done that's so racist? Enforce an immigration policy that is law in this country...Obama didn't change that so what's your point. Voice for what? You keep saying all these things ,all I'm doing is pointing what is based on what's in front of us. The evidence says otherwise.

Why does it bother you so much?

Fafa, if someone said, "I marched for one reason and one reason only: I think Trump is a dick and wanted to say it," would you be cool with that?

Your the one talking about it, all I did was ask you to point out where it's Trump's fault, as that's what you posted. Israel's capital is not Trump's problem. You and your Mom should call your elected representatives in Israel and quit blaming Trump is all I'm saying.


Totally cool with that as that's their right to do so. Seems pretty silly to me. All I was asking is what was the reason. Your reason is that you think Trump is a dick and all I'm saying is boo-hoo.. Learn to deal with it for four years. I was hoping you gad a more substantive reason is all I'm saying.

Fafa, you asked what people were marching about and I gave you my take. It doesn't matter because you honk it's all BS.

How about his: they marched because they have a 1st Amendment right to do so. You vocally disagree because you have that some right.

I was responding to Nod on the Israel thing. 

Why are you so angry?

Do you know if I marched or not?

You said people were marching because Trump was a dick, really? I already sais I have no problem with people exercising their rights. Your're the one who can't give any valid reasons except you think he's a dick. Makes me feel sad for you if that's all you got. I'm not angry why do you think so? I was just responding to your post. Israel seems to upset you as you brought it up not me.

Fafa, that's totally BS that you were hoping for a more substantive reason. There's not a single reason that you'd agree with. Yep will tear each and every one apart as being stupid, lame, etc.

I didn't say that's why they were marching. I asked what you'd say if that was their reason.

Honestly, I think that him being a dick is a better reason than many others.

All I'm asking for is reasons, you won't list them. Reproductive rights are intact and Trump never said he was going to change that. Obama bombed the Arabs every day his whole presidency, I'll bet you that Trump changes that. What else you got? 

You'd have to ask each of the bunch of million around the country. I listed some of the ones I know and you explained why they were wrong. 

We get it, you think it was stupid and misguided. You should have gone into DC yesterday and told the protestors. You're a day late and dollar short doing it here.

Fafa, you want reasons that you agree with. I can't give those. 

Fafa mansplaining why millions of women ought not be concerned about a Trump regime is hysterical - what a dick.

What you got Nancy? Logic has always escaped you and now you just look bitter.....Now you resort to name calling in a friendly debate (Admin: Nancy is not following the rules of Viva, please ban) lol

Brian, I'm sorry you couldn't list anything valid, What you said and what Trump has said or done is completely contrary. All I'm saying is that reality is vastly different then what the news media and facts tell you. Time to open your eyes.


Valid to whom, Fafa?

I would posit that yesterday's rallies were intended to demonstrate that love trumps hate.

Alternative facts is the thread Hoover, just trying to uncover the facts. What you got? You want to move Israel's capital too? Did you march? If so what were your reasons? All I'm saying is that there are a lot of misguided people posting crap and calling it "alt news" This weeks catch phrase when the reality is vastly different.....  

Mike we can all agree on that. Who wouldn't?

The most universally valid reason is simply that he's a dick. He really is.

I'm amazed at how pissed off Trump supporters seem to be, Fafa. Why do you think that is?

Fafa, it is a fact that people's reasons were some of what I posted above. Those really were reasons. The validity of the reasons is purely opinion.

>>>>>Did you march? If so what were your reasons?


Stayed home with the kids so my wife could march, to exercise her first amendment.

I'd say that's a pretty valid reason.

1st amendment is very valid reason Hoover., I said that from the beginning.  Who you talking about Mike? Only people who seem angry on Viva are anti-Trump people as evidenced by the posts. Hoover the thread was "alt news" please stay on topic, that's all were hashing out unless you want to start a new thread.

Dude, I answered the question you asked me.  If we're off topic it's not my fault.

>Hoover the thread was "alt news"

another one of Fafa's Alternative Facts. 




Alt facts, not alt news.


The thread is about alternative facts, which are untruths, in a word.

Fafa, I have yet to meet a joy-filled Trump supporter. In my observation, they're mostly fear-filled people, probably because they sense that white people have lost standing in society and they're starting to understand that the US is not the place it used to be. They seem resistant to change and their fears seem to manifest as hatred and violence. That's my truth of the moment, alternative or otherwise.

Fafa, watch the video of Conway on Meet the Press this morning. Alternative facts.

I normally like Conway, but she was off her game. She probably hadn't slept in 48 hours, and her boss was already  breaking presidential protocol. It was pretty embarrassing.

More embarrassing than her inauguration garb?



I gather from that Meet the Press interview that "Alternative Facts" are merely ways to deflect from the question at hand.  More that than actually fabricating facts.

Get used to it, we'll be getting a lot of alternative facts over the next four years.



"Alternative Facts"

What a fucking shit show and we are only in day 4 of this madness!

alternative facts.jpg

How the fuck could anyone in their right mind not want to march?

Fuck sake, Fafa.





I marched. I marched for what is right.

touch my ladies pussy and she is gong to  use her second amendment 



you ou are part of the problem Mr. Fafa

all talk, zero facts, zero solution, no meeting in the middle,, more division 

wake up


Oh irony.  I love you.

Fafa's main point seems to be "nothing has changed". 

There is a missing word in his statement which is important. "nothing has changed" vs. "nothing has changed yet". Yuge difference fafa.

Women's right to choose. Still in tact, today. Tomorrow is the concern.

  1. If Fafa is not aware, the sole reason the religious right sold their souls to back a man that most would think they would not invite in to their homes, was to drive the choice for SCOTUS. Naturally, said judge would be anti Roe v Wade and their long crusade to overturn it may be delivered from on high.
  2. Planned Parenthood is under attack with the GOP and aforementioned religious right leading the charge. Trump who famously flip flopped on this, was last seen on worldwide TV during the last debate spreading "alternate facts" about doctors on every street corner ripping babies from the womb one day before birth (just to be clear Fafa, this is a complete "falsehood"). Planned Parenthood does so much more than anything related to abortion. In fact, less than 3% of their entire spend. The rest is on women's reproductive health which includes, but is not limited to: cervical cancer, wellness, education, STD testing & treatment, family planning and contraception assistance. We have just seen that the abortion rate is at record lows which means that Planned Parenthood is part of the solution, not the problem. So, would it not make sense that de-funding it just might create a host of other health problems for women including driving the abortion rate back up as education, family planning and access to affordable contraception is removed from the equation?
  3. State legislation in places like Texas, Indiana, Ohio, etc. which have crept up and famously have publicly stated or been shown to be in direct conflict with Roe v. Wade may not only continue, but thrive under the new world order. 

Equal Pay & Overall Rights for Women

  1. Fears about any progress that women have made on this topic will go by the wayside as the white, male dominated GOP and administration work to drive the conservative agenda. That agenda certainly has the appearances of making America great again by putting women back in the kitchen where they belong.

LBGT Rights

  1. Again, the fear here is that the progress made on this wide ranging topic (e.g. same sex marriage, etc.) will take a huge step backwards via SCOTUS pick and overall, white, male dominated GOP agenda. I can tell you that the older generation, even if they feel that they are more advanced in terms of quasi-acceptance here, cannot appreciate the struggle and the discrimination involved. To them, "it's OK if you are that way, but no need to be so flamboyant and make such a big deal of it". Translation, "whilst we put the women back in the kitchen, you kinky folks should just go back into the closet".

Overall Civil Rights

  1. From Trump et al's rhetoric that he proclaimed coming down the escalator on day one of his campaign hammering Mexicans, this has been a hot topic for obvious reasons. Trusting I don't have to explain this one Fafa.


  1. While it's clear that many folks who have enjoyed the benefits of the ACA fell victim to the GOP negative branding of it as Obamacare ("love me some Trump, he can take away Obamacare so long as he don't take my ACA away"), even those folks are waking up on this topic. Ultimately, this becomes a common sense approach of why hasn't our government spent the last 7 years working together to fix the issues with it. People, to this day, are still signing up for it and are awakening to the fact that it's not as horrible as marketed to them and fears of complete mayhem via a completely politically motivated move of "repeal and replace" continue to be followed.

Climate Change (Science)

  1. I saw a lot of signs with this as well. The clear and simple point here is that people are concerned when they see some of these GOP folk stand up and do & say some really stupid shit about this topic (e.g. snowball in Congress). The complete head in the sand, we are right, the really bright multitude of virtually every scientist is wrong approach is naturally a concern.

Bottom Line

I'm sure I've left a few things out (e.g. Trump's temperament) Fafa, but if you're thoughtful at all, you should get the point here. The march, which may turn out to be one of modern histories largest, collective and peaceful demonstration with worldwide involvement, was focused on pragmatic approaches to social issues. It is or certainly should be telling that it's magnitude completely overshadowed Trumps coronation ceremony which, by the way, did not help his cause with it's Bannon/Miller rhetoric depicting our nation as living in conditions akin to Europe under the Bubonic Plague. What the administration and GOP for that matter need to understand is that the respect and trust that they desire and need to govern must be earned. Running a negative, rhetoric driven campaign which squeaked you in to power via the EC (not bashing the EC here, just pointing it out) vs. a majority opinion is a) not a mandate and b) puts you behind the 8 ball in the respect and trust component with the majority of the people you keep saying are so important. That means, you have to work extra hard here on that issue. It's basic change management stuff. So far, the combative approach with new words like "alternative facts", slamming the media who the majority can see are not dishonest when they report and show us the tweet YOU just wrote, declining to show us your real medical records and tax returns are simply not respect and trust endearing tactics.

Nice summary, Mark. 

More good info here about why people Marched:'s_March


Great one! 

Thanks Creek.

Kellyanne Conway borrowed her inauguration dress from Yolandi!!!

Hahaha Alternative Facts.


Best summary of this mess I've read.

Who ordered Spicer to soil his own credibility? This was essentially the question Chuck Todd kept putting to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway Sunday on NBC News’s “Meet the Press.” Conway, who will tell you that a hissing snake is just a harmless hunk of rope, would not say. She kept deflecting the question and, in a tour de force of Orwellian creativity, defended Spicer’s use of “alternative facts.” Todd was laudably persistent, but really we know the answer to his question: Trump is an unhinged narcissist, and Conway is his mirror. Reality must conform to what he wants.

Nancy how about taking this to the politics folder? Like they ask at the top.

I never knew Fafa was a Right Winger.

You kidding me? The guy just bullies everyone, never has anything nice to say, just spouts out crap with zero facts, and he is even a slight bit orange laugh

I think it's obvious, the man is never happy.

Good question, Mark.

I consider this thread to be more about Current Events, use of language even. Perfectly okay to post in Other Stuff. You are free to disagree, as is ADMIN. 

You know you don't have to open this thread or any thread, read them, or even post in them if you don't want to. Of course you can also ask a moderator to move it to the Politics folder, delete it, or perhaps they'll even edit the thread title and contents  if it really upsets you or you think Judit will be offended. Pretty sure most of us here, and those of us posting in this thread have thicker skin and can handle it. Fafa, might be an exception. 


>Definition of current events:  important events that are happening in the world <She reads several newspapers so she can keep track of current events.>

It's alternative Other Stuff. What's the issue?

Alternative Stuff

Posting about where threads should reside is political.

Cool link.

I think we have moved on from alternative facts to an alternative universe in 1 week. sad