Anal Cunt guitarist heckles Gene Simmons at show in Providence


— “Is this a fucking joke?”
— “Shut up and play your guitar!”
— “I didn’t pay to see a politician!”
— “Ace is better than this!”


Of all the disgusting, disturbing band names in the world of death/black/extreme metal, I still think that one is the worst


What a sausage fest that crowd is!


Last time I saw KISS, Paul Stanley stopped the show to call out someone in the crowd who was pointing a laser pointer at him.   He berated the guy in an unusual way saying "Why don't you go back to your mommy's basement, pull your pants down, and put on some XXX"   WTF?


How do you know who's doing the heckling? Cuz the internet says so?

Yeah for what it's worth I'm not a huge fan of Vanyaland and I'm not sure how they figured that one out.