And I'm the "crazy" one?!?


If you find yourself having to explain that you’re not crazy; you’re probably crazy.

I sometimes get annoyed throughout the day by some coworkers.

don't forget obsessive compulsive too 

If you define "crazy" as obsessive-compulsive, then yes - you are crazy.

A mentally unhealthy fixation with airline related events that have nothing to do with you.

It's more than airlines. Restaurants come in a close second. 


lol @ obsessive compulsive

I've seen it up close, and this ain't that ... if anything you're being toyed with, but not that either.


Hi Headlight73! :)

liek how they (the airlines) are starting to crack down on the in-flight Dogfights.

Mr. 19.5 has been a long-time advocate toward  that cause,  so my applause.



>>don't forget obsessive compulsive too 


Good thread

Thank you for seeing the self-deprecating humor in that Stu, nobody opted to google that one ... to find out it's yet another Onion "article"

Someone who was obsessive compulsive about “lol” and bitcoin, calling someone else obsessive compulsive?


I love when FOM tries to be intelligent.

I see you BrianK. Still obsessed with me I see.

You're his new dogman.

Nice try. That’s the first time I’ve addressed you in months.

Face it, you are great at putting others down, but you have nothing on your own resume. You know, other than putting others down.

Run along.

That dude was truly obsessive compulsive!

Face it, you are great at putting others down, but you have nothing on your own resume. You know, other than putting others down<<<

not sure about being "crazy", but I do believe bro has "issues"

Why do you care so much about what i bring to the table? Fucking weird.

You must be a hoot at potlucks!

Again, says the dude who comments on everyone else. Weird.

Mods someone is teasing me

Grow a spine, chacho. Kettle meet black.

i don't think he's too upset nedb.

I know.

Bri, however....

bk is going through man-O-pause, be kind.

As a lifelong deadhead I take following the rules and teasing very seriously. 

<<Hi Headlight73!


sup ned.

whats got you all excited today?

Yes is the right answer. 

You are NOT crazy. Crazy was that World President C. Webster Bayer cat.

Dude is pretty famous 


hes from tianjin china


Since when did it become sheik to be a "normy" around these parts?

I heard it's hip to be square, but it's not chic to be a sheik.

Unless you are Sheik Yer Booty.

Ha ha Brian k