Another fun day at the office, or, Random things seen in the field


Was doing a little exploring today in SW Oregon (above and below ground), here's a few pics out of hundreds.

Anybody else do any exploring recently?  

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Those fries look light well.

Don't you people have jobs?!!?

Isn’t Noodler a gem/prospector miner?  Enjoying the views and taking in the scenery while potentially coming across a new honey hole sounds great to me.  Working up an appetite and grabbing a burger and fries...Winning

It's been a hobby of mine for decades, but when I broke my leg, and the hospital I worked for threw me under the bus, figured I'd do it full time (had a half dozen claims then, now 34)...   decent way to have an alleged midlife crisis, LOL.  Truth is, having so many health issues (too much partying as a youthful musician, etc),  going to try and live as much life as I can for now.  Had a few success too! 

(Opposer, nailed the fries, they have a new In-N-Out in Grants Pass now, almost worth the 3 hour drive, lol)

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Salem - last week


and Lance ----   NO

I quit - after 45 years. done -  Finito





Shoshone and Pinyon Ranges from the past few weeks...I don't take many pictures anymore at work (and yes, this is my job).

Views of the Ruby Mountains (south to north)




ghost town dugout houses from ~1890-1900, Shoshone Range

