antifa posed as 'trump supporters'


..a few sources now reporting that it was far left fringe antifa members pretending to be pro-trumpers, that led the charge at the US Capital yesterday

Fuck off, troll.

Not true that they were behind this. Even one of our own told us his son was there at the steps so what's your point?and cowardice to claim..,It's also an insult to those who championed your cause for you. How does it feel to be directly responsible for Ashli Babbitt death?

Everyone who has supported Donald Trump has this badge to wear now. You are responsible for what most of us told you would happen so you can't even feign ignorance to the matter. 

Seriously after what happened yesterday just fuck off

Fucking QTard  Greg is a fucking moron 



Even Twitter and FB is finally banning these Qunts. Guess he has more time to post his BS here. 


You and your cowardly narratives aren't fooling anyone anymore. At least have the balls to take accountability for what you have created. You are as chicken shit as the president, never accepting responsibility.

go soak your head and listen to samba in the rain, dipshit.

It's so sad to see how Trump supporters must always be right ... as if they're inherently incapable of having misplaced their trust.

Greg, remember when you used to post heady shows like the one below?  Maybe go back to doing that instead of making a fool of yourself with threads like these.



Greg, Jerry hates you. That's hard to do.

A trumpeter family friend/acquaintance told me, "Antifa would have burned it down!" after I sarcastically asked if that was Antifa making that mess yesterday. I guess assault on Fed cops, Felony trespassing and vandalism to disrupt Constitutional business of We The People, etc etc isn't enough.


there are no words 


can you pronounce FOAD

 Do you know how many letters are in the word asshole moron

At least Thom took a break

Do you also live in Bryan's mommy's basement 

who gelatos whom



This story is calling BS on that. False reporting.

But there are anarchists out there who go to rallies on both sides to stir shit up. I saw Bugaloos on the street corner in Salt Lake with guns during BLM  protests. 

I saw the Loud Boys harassing people all over the Utah Capitol yesterday. 40-50 of 'em and the cops didn't do anything to get them to stop. They watched nearby. 

I have video. 

A more likely scenario is Trumper fuckwads infiltrated peaceful protests pretending to be antifa, which is not an organization by the way it's just an idea, and created violence to take away the merits of peaceful protests. Later on these assholes stormed the Capitol. So if indeed they have been recognized ,they should be charged for offenses that occurred on multiple dates.

have you no shame?  Trumpers fall for every lie and conspiracy.  try not to fall off the flat earth 


You're shtick here is pathetic.

Guy is severely fucking mentally ill, and uses the zone as a dumping ground for his personal conspiratorial mental diarrhea.

Adds zero value. Zero contribution. Zero maturity. He's less than zero. A useless, petulant manchild.

why he is allowed to stay is frankly baffling to me.

Sir, you are a fucking dip-shit.

It would be extremely difficult to believe the 14 year United States Air Force veteran lady that was shot and killed by the Capital Police Force was an anti Fascist. 

She was breaking into a secured off limits area after smashing through a glass window. 

It's pretty funny because I saw a few interviews with insurgents, the ones that broke in. They definitely weren't Antifa, and they were all pretty proud.

Seriously, take a look at any one of the thousands of pics of the terrorists in and on the Capitol. By in large they were fat, angry white men with beards, beer guts, and wearing old WalMart jeans and shitkickers. They didn't fit the Antifa profile.

Get a grip, Greg. There's no need to deny and blame. Many of the ones who broke in were looking for a revolution, and they were proud of what they did. Newsmax isn't a source.

Newsmax isn't a source........................Is Onan any better?


            The Q Sent Me


Just imagine being a 75 year old man and getting suspended by Facebook.  That's your leader, Greg. 

I talked to a client the other day and she was telling me about the conservative networks and actually said Newsmax was too liberal. She liked OAN. I held my tongue. LOL

It's all a conspiracy to end  Democracy and Religious zealots!

Hannity started the rumor, sounds like:

He needs to resign, too.

Now, do these two fellows fit the Antifa profile?



Now I don't belong to any group but who here isn't anti fascist?

Actually, that dude in Pelosi's office looks like Jorma. It's a Hot Tuna insurgency!

Man, Greg is just dying to live in a dictator-run police state.

I hear the Philippines is nice this time of year.

I'm anti-fascist, and I'm also a Groucho Marxist: I would never join an organization that would have someone like me as a member.

Greg is both a fucktard and a troll.

And entirely predictable.


I wonder how many Russian spies and operatives were amongst the crowd and also in the capitol building? 

Given that the U.S. fought against fascists in 2 world wars, all U.S. citizens who supported or fought in those wars (and handed down those values to their kids) are, in essence, anti-fascists. 

Anti-Fa is not an official organization -- Trump's media machine just started using the term as an inaccurate label ... and tp create target for MAGATS.

That's why it seems silly when you spell it out. Ooo antifa.... it's like acknowledging their fascist intentions to claim they are the enemy 

Aside from the ex-Air Force lady terrorist, there were three other deaths?


Haven't heard any details on cause.  Given the demographic makeup of the trespassers, I'm guessing stairs.

Stairs (heart attacks) and scaffolding fall


<<<<<< I wonder how many Russian spies and operatives were amongst the crowd and also in the capitol building? <<<<<<<

Besides the ones that were elected?

I bet some bugging devices were installed during the Faketriot break in. 

The Pentagon is the spy building. Congress just has endless adult diapers for the filibusters. 


1. the politicians themselves. - decades of fucking the people

2. Hate speech tv/radio hosts. - decades of misinformation, lies and hate

3. mainstream media - aka corporate media.

4. the interwebs.

5. assault on public education


They have given rise to an American Taliban. these same scum fuckers are STILL espousing flat out lies and disinformation, antifa....the gregulators of the world are without the ability to critically think. 

the rabbit holes are huge...

Interesting, Turts. Although I agree with about half your list, you're missing the most important: the insurrectionists themselves. They have 100% personal responsibility for their actions, just like any criminals.

Gweggy isnt even an interesting troll.

So much love and light up in here.

sure bk, they are responsible as duh?

but this shit just hasn't happened over night.

Funny how he doesn't have the balls to respond after starting this thread. Fucking coward. 


I hear the Philippines is nice this time of year.)))))))))))))

Not cool and inaccurate although Duarte is a fuckwad he will leave office peacefully when his term is up. He is a murderer but not a dictator. Get ready for President Manny Pacquiao

Agree on all points Turts.