Any Tethering Tips ? (Internet w/ fone as Modem)


No I am not 'teething' but using an Android device as gateway to interwebz.

PDAnet and FoxFi are what I currently use. They work OK, but perhaps better options exist?

I don't have fast FIOS or even plain cable internet out here in the Boonies. Cut the landline a while back, so no more dial-up.

Kindly tell me of your experiences with this sort of setup.

tethering off of h.i.m. will yeild far better results.

HaHa Mr. quadruple J cheeky

Hüsky will soon be initiated into a quagmire of South Jerseyland sled-Dawgs. There is a group of fiends that Mush on weekends, and he will soon join the Pack.

They have a website & all that.

I spoke w/ the Prez a few weeks ago and they will assimilate H.I.M. into the Cult, Bigly.

Are you a future musher?

Mobile hotspot from Verizon, lets you link through your phone wirelessly 

Verizon's "mobile hot spot" works well for me.  Instead of a user/pass I set it to the MAC address of the device (normally laptop) I typically tether it to ... guessing it's a bit more secure.

China> ,

The Hüsky already pulls my cheap-o Mtn. Bike with the aid of "Cycleash". A gizmo which one attaches to seatpost. It is a fat bungie cord attached to an aluminium outrigger. Here is a link to the product w/ a photo:

You can have the hound on the left or right side of the Bike.

First mile or two, I don't have to pedal. We go 5-9 miles on the "Union Transportation Trail" which is an abandoned RR line that the County purchased and maintains as a Pedestrian/Equestrian/Bicycle trail. Bucolic scenery and finely-crushed gravel. 

He is a Natural for the Musher Krewe. The other sled-dawgs will school H.I.M. and help make H.I.M. a team player.

How many dogs to a sled team, Stu. Imagine that many on your bike on that tral. Whoa, some DAWG power there.

That is a cool sled-dawg photo. Out of four Dawgs you can count 3 paws on the ground. These creatures just fly through space with no effort. I swear mine converts his food into anti-gravity material;; he still can't climb trees and catch the Squirrel laugh

But the dog poops float about in mid-air. Visitors think they are Hummingbirds.


That means GO!