is anyone able to seed the torrent for 5/27/12 TxR telstar?


i think i had this awhile back and lost it. this is the only recording im aware of for this show. not sure if there are any better places to request this, i have not used etree much.

this one was a monster. pretty much a 1hr+ dark star>dew. it was so far out that you could notice the crowd getting smaller and people filtering out of the show before they even made it to the first verse of dark star. easily in my top 3 TxR shows ever. maybe #1. this night was as good as it gets for the grate room imo.

Well if this doesn't work, you could always bump the vine or a request a BnP in Duprees...

That was a good one for sure.

Every Telstar that happened at TxR was really good. Each one was a little different in approach but they were all head down, searching & serious.

The only problem with those shows, and what was a surprise to me, is that Phil didn't do more of them.

I listened to it yesterday from the Archive.

First half mostly atmospheric, not much movement, harmonic or otherwise. Kinda boring at times, sometime they were just making funny noises up there. Sometimes it sounded good.

Second half more interesting - more activity, more actual jamming. Some fun parts when they really got rolling.


In that way it reminded me of the song Spare Chaynge from Baxter's, w/ Jorma, Jack and Spencer only.


I think it's one of those shows where you had to be there.