Are centrist democrats going to fuck this up & hand Trump 2020 elections??


Are they going to deny the progressive wing like last time and cost them the election again. Obama buddy Deval Patrick entering race at democratic deadline for NH trying to steal some Warren votes costing her NH.  Bloomberg already campaigning against Trump AKA pulling a Biden/Steyer lol   

Sorry folks runaway wealth happens annually here in the USA time to tax it fuck the philanthropy bullshit!!!!!!!

If Bernie and Warren don't pick straws and join forces by Super Tuesday, then yes.

Of course...

Have you seen The Great Hack?

Nothing nefarious is gonna happen, rust belt is the only vote that matters.

Bloomberg's got this.


regardless who runs orangeman wins, get used to ti

That is a problem Ken but if Bernie and Elizabeth's polling numbers combined are more than any one dem candidate. Bernie should stand down VP to Warren. Women's march + Trump & republican hating women + Time for a woman president

>>>>>orangeman wins

Immunity for his children if he leaves office peacefully after being impeached

your committing jackassery but carry on

 >>>>Bernie should stand down VP to Warren. Women's march + Trump & republican hating women + Time for a woman president

Pyramid chimes in with "Bernie or bust" in three, two, one . . .

>>>>Bloomberg's got this.

The first polling since he jumped in show him at around 2.3 percent, just behind Yang.   Bloomberg's campaign = how to piss away $150 million in three short months.

Bloomberg/Steyer/Shultz wasting enough wealth to do more for the Warren/Sanders wing of the party than anything I could have ever imagined.

Bloomberg & Mayor Pete can't get one Black Vote SC will be abysmal for them

>> The first polling since he jumped in show him at around 2.3 percent, just behind Yang.   Bloomberg's campaign = how to piss away $150 million in three short months <<

^ such a pussy


>Are they going to deny the progressive wing like last time and cost them the election again. Obama buddy Deval Patrick entering race at democratic deadline for NH trying to steal some Warren votes costing her NH<


Having multiple centrists spli the moderate vote should be beneficial for progressive candidates.

Judge orders FMR WH counsel Dan McGahn to testify to congress

Mueller prob star witness has to talk to dems now

Why it’s time to end Medicare-for-All denial

by James G. Kahn

On November 1, Elizabeth Warren released her financing plan for Medicare for All. Overall health care costs decrease, with simplified paperwork, lower drug costs, and a controlled rate of spending growth. The federal government—acting as financial agent—adds $21 trillion in costs over 10 years. This is paid for entirely by taxes on the rich and corporations. There are no tax increases for the middle class, and families would avoid $11 trillion in out-of-pocket costs. For the middle class, Medicare for All offers free choice of doctors (no restrictive doctor lists!) and huge savings (no deductibles or copays!). Warren’s analysis was endorsed by three prominent economists, of varied political persuasions.

And this analysis matches the evidence. More than two dozen wealthy nations have single-payer or a single health plan, and they all spend much less than we do, in part because of far lower costs for paperwork. The vast majority of economic studies of single-payer/Medicare for All in the U.S. agree—overall costs go down. The major challenge is designing financing that is adequate and fair to bring money into the government budget. With growing recognition of the corrosive effects of sharply rising wealth inequality and a non-progressive tax code, “fair” must mean heavily progressive—tax the rich, especially the super-rich. And reduce tax evasion. Return our country to the tax approach used in the latter half of the 20th century, which built the middle class and fueled economic growth. That’s what the Warren plan does.

It’s time to end “Medicare-for-All Denial.” As in the climate debate, there are determined nay-sayers. I can’t speak to their motivations, but the motivations of many who make unsupportable claims about Medicare for All are financial and political. Expect the insurance and pharmaceutical companies to continue and expand their misinformation campaign about Medicare for All. Expect Republicans to pile on. And expect moderate Democratic opponents of Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to do the same. We saw this phenomenon in the 2016 Democratic primaries, and we’re seeing it again.

The facts are clear: We can do Medicare for All in a way that reduces overall health care spending, and finance the increased federal financing with a taxation structure that begins to redress the unsupportable concentration of wealth in a few super-wealthy individuals as the vast middle class struggles with stagnant wages and rising health care costs.

Beware reporting “balance.” In the climate change debate, 98 out of 100 scientists concluded that climate change is caused by humans, and can only be reversed with concerted effort by humans. The press often translated this into a “balanced” view, presenting the prevailing pro and rare con arguments with roughly equal weight. For years, this approach understated the consensus and urgency. The hearing given to persistent dissenters—who raucously dismiss the evidence—slows action.

The evidence for action on fixing our broken health care system and addressing climate change is strong. One could argue that the evidence for Medicare for All is more compelling because we have ample real-world examples from wealthy democracies that currently use a single-payer or a single mandated health plan. From them, we know how to design and implement a fair and sustainable health care system.

It’s time for our country to join the community of wealthy democracies, by paying for health care in a way that permits efficient fulfillment of a profoundly compelling value: medical care for all.

James G. Kahn, MD, MPH, is an emeritus professor in the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies at the University of California, San Francisco. He has published widely on the cost-effectiveness of HIV prevention and treatment in the developing world, as well as on other health conditions.



not sure, but it would help the world...

however after arguing on FB re: local homeless issues....the deep state programing of Liberal=bad is strong here....


So much winning?

Having multiple centrists spli the moderate vote should be beneficial for progressive candidates.<<<<

Please elaborate.  The comment could be applied both ways being left and right

What is the difference between a centrist and a moderate.?


Is a " Centrist " wishy/washy?

Kind o' like , what is the definition of rock and roll or pornography .

I forget who made the quote. "I don't know what it is but I know it when I see it?"

According to wiki.

The existence of the ideal moderate is disputed because of a lack of amoderate political ideology. Voters who describe themselves ascentrist often mean that they are moderate in their political views, advocating neither extreme left-wing politics nor extreme right-wing politics.



It'll drive a body to this.


... former conservatives.


Conserve this! 

they're certainly trying their best to take down bernie -- that's what the bloomberg run is about, not beating trump. bernie is taking on the GOP and DNC. 

he's the strongest candidate to beat trump. 

bernie surge continuing -- hes now up in NH they say. 

A lot of people like yang, no pun intended... Piled on top of that you've got buttigieg.

Both have huge ties with....


buttigieg - the Zuck

yang - silicone vallely


*don't take my word for it*

check your favorite source...




he's running the best campaign by far -- time will tell. 

neither of the people you mentioned have a chance -- and i know. 





I like Kolbuchar

I like her too

Not enough to learn her name, apparently.cheeky

I am just waiting for one person to say that taxes from Pot, cigs, booze, and car insurance go straight to offsetting healthcare costs

why not take the biggest culprits and make them pay more?

Having multiple centrists split the moderate vote should be beneficial for progressive candidates.<<<<

Please elaborate.<


Given that Sanders and Warren are splitting the progressive vote, Biden or Buttigieg could win with a plurality. Patrick and Bloomberg might chip away support from Biden and Buttigieg, benefiting Sanders and Warren. 


 > The comment could be applied both ways being left and right<


Yes, it can.


>What is the difference between a centrist and a moderate.<


They are interchangeable. 

<< centrist dems fuck it up like last time >>

Won the popular vote. Lost 3 swing states by less than 100,000 votes, thanks to Comey. Not a big centrist dem fuck up. That comey shit ain't happening again, the rats outta the bag now, and chump is pissing off more and more repub voters by the day. It may be more enjoyable to watch a democrat white house senate slam dunk next fall then to hope for that criminals impeachment.

All this candidate speculation yakity yak is fun to pass the time. Myself, I'd love to find a Bernie/Mayor Pete hybrid. America wants a centrist, just the way it's rolling now. My state is middle blue and is gonna go Biden. In the general I'll vote for the last dem standing.

>>>>taxes from Pot, cigs, booze, and car insurance go straight to offsetting healthcare costs. why not take the biggest culprits and make them pay more


Pot one pf the biggest culprits? I think not.

Plus, weed taxes are already too high - makes the black market more attractive.


it also had to do w/ 2016 being a populist election -- like 2020. and  the dnc was so bent on pushing HRC through and helping her in any way they could -- which was obvious for all to see -- and do anything to take out the enthusiasm that bernie created. 

final nail in the coffin was HRC's pick for VP -- who used to run the dnc, and was replaced w/ that witch from FL, wasserman-shultz. so sketch. HRC thought she had all the answers, and took american voters as chumps, just like trump does. 

i'm slightly dyslexic...

i'd like to be hopeful, but seems trump very well COULD shoot someone in the middle of manhattan and he's still have supporters and the republican party would back him.


not to mention this:


“Unfortunately it has become apparent that in this respect, I no longer share the same understanding with the Commander in Chief who appointed me, in regards to the key principle of good order and discipline,” Spencer wrote. “I cannot in good conscience obey an order that I believe violates the sacred oath I took in the presence of my family, my flag and my faith to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.”



No, the far left of the Democratic party will screw it up and hand the election to Trump.   If you could actually identify an electable moderate you would walk away with this.

what so you think about this navy snafu?

this would be tolerated by the republicans if a dem was president?


Thom on point

i wish I was enthused

i am not yet 

if needed I will strongly support the lesser of two evils

If wishes were horses  ...  I do pray for healing for my country (and the world)


I don't particularly like any of the candidates, and liking them less each day. I like some of the policies of Sanders and Warren, but I don't think Bernie is electable. That leaves me with Warren. Meh.


I'll vote for whomever is left in the race by the time our primary rolls around that has the best chance at beating Trump.

In the general I will vote against Trump, even if the other choice was Thom.

Hey, at least we'd nget a dead-head president, instead of one who's dead from the neck up.

50/52 polls from real clear politics has bernie beating trump. 50 out of 52. the centrists just won't beat trump, they can't/won't motivate people to vote, why you ask? b/c it's clear they have abandoned their base -- decades ago. 

how come nobody ever says "biden isn't electable, buttigege isn't electable". 

centrists lost to donal trump. come on. 

Moderates/centrists, don't let the Mexicans win. Keep them locked up. 

Think about the middle class and health insurance industry. Vote center right. 

thanks for the honest response to my inquiry thom.

go read the national review and link an article since you are incapable of discourse.


Rachel Maddow is an American hero.

Bernie blah blah is the best and can't be touched... Running the best campaign....Cardi B and Killer Mike support him blah blah. 

I am purposely not going to vote for him just to spite pyramidheat.

haha i do laugh at your posts. still got it my man. 

maddow lol. 

bernje surging  AB34F4E8-CBAF-414F-AB24-AB584BB13196.jpeg

Thanks for the reply,  Lumbertruck. 

Fancy words for NP voters can be unpredictable. 

I take it.

Sestak Lightnin'


Seriously, tho'; who?

Good for Bernie and glad to see him make a comeback.  

Mayor Pete's numbers not looking shabby either, but Warren has taken a nose dive in the last week.  Biden has some new competition in the centrist field, although he still seems to have a lock on the black voters.  Maybe he really did come out of the black community?

I read today that Obama has been privately telling people that he will stay out of the primary and not endorse anyone, but if it starts to look like Bernie will get the nomination, he would publicly come out against him,

yes, obama showing his true colors -- not that we didn't already know he's still trying his best to protect wall st, pharma, oil, etc. neoliberal to the core -- and he's partly responsible for the mess we're in. 

remember when he had the house and senate and pushed to expand busk tax cuts? even tho they were set to expire  

kunduz hospital bombing  

backed away from glass-steagall

ended habeas corpus

he's not on our side, never has been. he's a fraud. 


also bernie will crush his legacy, a true president of the people, obama knows this -- obama fades away like HRC, content speaking to wall st and taking selfies for 400k. 

^ Continue your lefty pipe dream buddy, bernie ain't gonna be the nominee no way no how. 

< I read today that obama privately >

Hahahaaaa LMAO ken ken ken not like you to spread speculation scuttle butt


it's not speculation my man.

no pipe dream bud -- bernie is the strongest candidate to beat trump, fact. bernie is the most trusted, and liked candidate running -- this is why he's surging at such an opportune time. we're witnessing the absolute best modern day presidential campaign in history. 

open your eyes, look what's going on. your centrist corporate rule is coming to an end. 

Brother I applaud your tenacity. You know I want what you want, but a good part of the country does not. That's just the reality of the situation.  Go too far left, and you hand the election to stump. 

And please don't play dumb on Obama's 1st two years in control of congress. You know, that two year period when repubs used the filibuster more than all the congress' in our fucking history put together. With the opposition from the rats on the right, it wa amazing he was able to get anything done.

>You know I want what you want, but a good part of the country does not. That's just the reality of the situation.

Exactly.  I don't think any of what we want can not eventually be accomplished it's just that we need to at least get back to ground level before we start building skyscrapers. 

EGO is the main obstacle in the 2020 election.  If the party can not come to some semblance of unification Trump will take 2020.  I'm gonna wait to hear if the Obama thing is just some media bullshit -- if not he needs to shut the fuck up.  


obama has the senate and house when he took office, ras. overwhelmingly. 

>>>>>it's just that we need to at least get back to ground level before we start building skyscrapers. 



we already handed trump '16 - by running the absolute best centrist the DNC could push through. 

trump already beat your centrists. 

saying bernie isn't electable and that he won't beat trump, is exactly what trump and the corporate elite want you to think, even tho all signs point to the opposite. 

Give up on the nimbys. 


Ogkb - if Bernie announced today that he was forming an alliance with Biden/Harris/Warren to lock up this election - nevermind who would be POTUS/VP etc, we'll work that out later - would the progressive left be behind that idea or is it Bernie or Bust! 



O’Reilly asked the president if the pending terror designation means that the U.S. could take a more dramatic approach to combat the drug trade by, for example, employing drone attacks.

Trump did not indicate exactly how the U.S. policy would change from past years, but said he told Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that the U.S. stands ready to "go in and clean it out." The Mexican president rejected the offer, Trump said, according to the BBC.


Pyramids are built on sand

the wind is blowing on your pipe dreams, tilting at windmills

I really don't get your hating on Obama

 that argument provides zero validity to your position 

be realistic,  be practical 

or choose to lose

why do You want the pompous asshole moron crooked dictator for four more years?


happy thanksgiving all!!


>Fancy words for NP voters can be unpredictable<




Jazfish, assuming I understand your abbreviation, I disagree. We are discussing the Democratic primary, no?  If so, the voters in question are definitely partisan. Biden and Buttigieg are getting most of the moderate support, more choices could dilute this support, allowing Sanders or Warren to win with a plurality. Not rocket science,  just math. 

Moderates hate the working class. 

I was alluding to No Party affiliation after the primaries. 

I would think No Party affiliation folks are fed up with the extreme extremism of both parties and their extreme extremism views.

Extremely of course.  What ths fuck happened to common sense. 



> Moderates hate the working class<


Most moderates I know are working class.

They have no issues that need to be addressed and are cool with nothing. 


^Most are homeowners and have families. 

I even know some working class Republicans. 

They all got theirs. Cut off the rest. We're full. 


^You have them all figured out. 



Slacker, if you worked your ass off and were pulling yourself up by your boot straps to make a better life for yourself and still failing id have some sympathy for you. Stop blaming other people and the system. Every one of us fights every day to make better lives for ourselves and families. No politician or policy change will save you.

You didn't listen to Tom Steyer. Government needs to intervene.

Amazing times

we are dumber than shit

Proud to be an american

Proud to be a Republican

proud to be a moron that can use big words, and distract attempting to legitimize himself by sharing tour stories and music...

If it talks like a duck, and walks like a duck


you sir are an adshole


deflect and NEVER ONCE ANSWER A QUESTION- learned from his true tribe and leader 

donnie not Jerry 

Grab them by the pussy

you sir, are a pussy

Grab them by the pussy

And sell used cars 


I really don't get your hating on Obama

 that argument provides zero validity to your position 


lol what? we can't call out obama for being the neoliberal he is? sorry it makes you mad. sucks, but he was on the side of the big banks, big oil, pharma, big ag, over the side of the people. we learned that real quick. 

remember when he had citi bank vet his cabinet. lol. you support that shit? 

you typing what you did, says everything i need to know about you in terms of politics.

thats one of the great things about bernie's base -- hes not some god that can do no wrong, like obama is to the dems. if bernie fucks up, we call him out on it. 

if bernie bailed out the too big to fail banks, we would abandon him, not endlessly support him and feel good about being a dem. that's trash. no blind allegiance. 

what you typed out is lazy, dangerous thinking. pretty lame, but par for the course for centrists. y'all have no shame. 

^ hahaaaaaa oh man you'd be far left --


in Iceland.  


I do get a kick outta you bro, yer always good for a morning chuckle. For your deadication alone, yer one of my favorite leftys.

Happy Thanksgiving ya crazy bastard - and all.


Lefty Dizz - MojoHand - Everything Blues™



you say far left i say compassionate. 

happy thanksgiving. 

Noam Chomsky warns a centrist Democratic nominee will result in the ‘tragedy’ of a second Trump term

That sounds more like a prediction than a theory. Sadly, I don't think establishment dems will let Bernie be the candidate. Once again, they'll choose Bloomberg as the candidate, Mayor Pete Vice or something like that to please the media-fools, and they'll hand the election to Trump. Which ultimately benefits international corporations who, oh what a coincidence, are the same people who benefit the establishment dems. Just a coincidence, I'm sure...


If I were trying to elect Trump....

...I'd encourage fights among the Democrats.


Just like the Russians did in 2016, and are doing again today.

^ hahaaaaaa oh man you'd be far left --

blows my mind that calling obama out for being a warmongering, corporate neocon shill just elicits laughter. i thought it was obvious. and all you pea brained retarded apes that are willingly eating the diarrhea of the DNC just lap that shit up because "he talk real gud". in a just world he would be executed after GWB


^lol. republicans love centrists -- centrists don't know they love republicans. 

from centrists favorite paper, the nyt:


weird steve.....? russia? troll? 

brain dead. 


I'm with Noam and the Warren/Sanders flank

Medicare for all or

we could keep having those with insurance complian they don't want to subsidize those that don't and have it decide another election.

Medicare for all = Win the election 

Insurance company profits then your care = Trump through 2024

Rome wasn't built in a day my friends. Thanks to chump turning back the clock 50 years or so,  America can't turn on a dime. If Hillary had won, the ACA would have been expanded to already include a public option. Gonna take a bit of time to regain that momentum.

A Moderate Progressive Dem gives us a Public Option in  2020 and wins, assuring Medicare For All by 2024  

Who will decide who gets to use the elite surgeons/doctors 

lol at hrc including a public option. 

ras you have such confidence in the centrists, yet here we are b/c of them. makes no sense  

so you're moderate progressive (lol) dem is warren. right? that label fits no other candidate running. 

she's literally sinking -- her campaign is sinking. people see her for what she is, a disingenuous fraud. 

trump gets the popular and electoral against her. easy. 


Any  politically motivated person that is not willing to reach across the aisle is a coward in my book.

One percent of the Senate (1/100) is Progressive and 22.5% of the house is Progressive (98/435). Maybe it's worthwhile to spend a whole lot less time and energy focusing on the "corporate Democrats" running for POTUS, and a whole lot more energy changing the numbers in Congress. All this "Bernie vs the DNC" shit is stupid and does the country no good. 

I'm no pundit, but I don't see how we're going to have a Progressive President when less than 20% of Congress thinks that way. Even if we did, how the hell could they ever pass lasting reforms through laws, rather than Executive Orders?

All this shit is tiring, a waste of time and money, and just stupidly divisive. The truth is that Bernie wouldn't shove M4A down our throats, Warren wouldn't be terrible, Biden would be somewhat competent, Mayor Pete would hopefully gain needed experience on the job, Klobuchar or Harris wouldn't suck Wall Street's cock and tuck everyone over, and even Bloomberg would govern effectively. Any single one of them would be infinitely better than Trump, and would save the Supreme Court.


obama reached acros the aisle, as you say, and gave the republicans everything they wanted. def cowardly. but he's a neoliberal and well, he showed his true colors. shameful shit -- and have us the mess we're in. 

bk you keep saying progressive politicians can't win the potus. the political climate has drastically changed, even in just the past 4 years.  

probably our only chance to vote somebody in that'll actually influence from the top down, change the corporate rule, and finally start representing the people that voted the dude in. idk man, if you think the people you mentioned above aren't already bought by wall st., etc, i don't know what to tell you. 

only one candidate isn't the same as all the others. bernie sanders. 

it's funny the pushback bernie gets -- how will he do this? how will he do that? the congress is corporate dem, they hate him. 

0411578E-827E-4B64-82A8-277E162E75D3.jpegwell, guess the fuck what -- when bernie wins, dems in congress better go along w/ his working class policies -- or bernie will g too their state, hold rallies, speak truth to power, and have the people vote those mother fuckers out. 

execrive order for certain things is good as well -- bernie has a lot to clean up. 

if you don't see that people are tired of corporate politicians, only representing the rich that lobby's them, then you aren't paying attention. idk. i know centrists laugh at bernie calling this a political revolution, but that's what it is. we're not supporting bernie just to beat trump -- a vote for bernie is a vote to bring that dem party back to the people in addition to beating the white nationalist administration. only bernie does that. it's another populist election. let's elect the real populist this time. 

Dude, you're talking in hyperbole. Some people are sick of corporate politicians. Most really don't give a fuck, nor do they even know what that means.

I was just with my working stiff, not college educated cousins for Thanksgiving. They live in Michigan and Florida. In a lot of ways, they represent the majority of Americans. They are also from very important states in the upcoming election. They categorically do not like Bernie. Sure, they may be naive, but it is what it is. 

The one thing you can't do is tell people that they are too stupid to vote for their own best interests, even if they are. 

As for being bought by Wall Street, that isn't going to change until there's real campaign finance reform, and that has to come from Congress.

As far as I'm concerned, all these yahoos combined, Bernie included, have spent about half a billion so far. All they have done so far is jerk themselves off. 

Oh, and Bernie continues to miss more senatorial votes than any of the other Senators running. He also did in the last election. As a Vermont voter, and one of his constituents, that doesn't make me happy. 

>> Oh, and Bernie continues to miss more senatorial votes than any of the other Senators running. He also did in the last election. As a Vermont voter, and one of his constituents, that doesn't make me happy. <<


I'd have a huge problem with that, that's just taking your constituency for granted.


All this blather is bullshit until citizens actually begin to vote. If they turn out to vote.

I am working to encourage my fellow Americans to vote for the one honest candidate, Bernie Sanders. Of course, millions of voters need to come out to the caucuses and polls.

Should he be eliminated, by hook or by crook, I and others will re-evaluate our way forward, but until and unless that happens... Bernie or Bust.

>>    I and others will re-evaluate our way forward, but until and unless that happens... Bernie or Bust. <<

Speaking power for his people...


How large is your group if you don't mind me asking?



i think you guys are underestimating bernie and his campaign, as well as his base and the stunning outreach they've accomplished. teachers, nurses, amazon and walmart workers are funding this political revolution. to discredit that is foolish. he has the most diverse base and it's majority female. more individual donations than anybody ever. more people that ever are waking up to th face that neither the dems or rep give a fuck about you. 

bernie is doing great and is the man to beat trump. the establishment is shook and is absolutely trying everything to take out bernie. 

he'll win states needed to get to the magic number -- this is becoming more clear by the day. 

your cousin from michigan is in the minority -- michigan loves bernie. 

and lol at the missed votes, fuckin reaching for anything. hilarious. 

what's funny is if people want to beat trump. and don't give a fuck who the candidate is, you should vote bernie in the primary -- b/c trying the same old thing over again hasn't worked out to well for the dems. 

how many in the group bro



"How large is your group if you don't mind me asking?"

It will have to be large enough to win the election, and that is what we are working toward.

We will know when the votes are fairly cast and counted.

thod must be feeling confused. his girl warren is done, people see right thru her, while bernie continues to surge. 

so he's wrestling w/ the idea of voting biden over bernie, and it hurts his head. 

Racket is depressed in Long Beach. It's not cool anymore. 

racket when bernie is the nominee will you vote for him? 

>> a vote for bernie is a vote to bring that dem party back to the people in addition to beating the white nationalist administration. only bernie does that. it's another populist election. let's elect the real populist this time.  <<




a vote for ANYONE BUT TRUMP is a vote to bring that dem party back to the people in addition to beating the white nationalist administration. ANYONE BUT TRUMP does that. it's NOT another populist election it's a mandate on tRump...thumbs up or thumbs down. That's it.

wrong my man. to think biden will bring the dem party back to the people is fucking ridiculous and straight up false. 

bloomberg? haha come on man.

to think warren will, who receives donations from billionaires, who supported trumps military budget, is false. 

i mean, i don't even have to name any more candidates that are still running. 

you can be against bernie, not agree w/ anything he stands for -- but to say any one of the candidates will do or even attempt to accomplish what bernie wants to do, its wrong and dangerous and a straight up lie. 

but also, if that is your logic -- bernie is your man as he beats trump in the states we need to win, getting votes from independents and republicans that would never vote corporate dem, no matter how pissed they are at trump. 


My are stuck in a paradigm.

A small fraction of the electorate wants to "bring the dem party back to the people". They don't care. Either they love trump or hate trump. Hard stop.

I'm not anti-Bernie, I'm anti-trump. And, I disagree that Bernie is the only candidate to beat tRump.

Your opinions aren't facts; stop acting like they area. Stop alienating potential voters that can dethrone the orange turd.

pyramidheat (sock puppet) represents everything about the bernie bro's contingent that turn off so many of us and has created a divide in our party.  trump is a threat like no other and if he wins again we are all toast. bernie and warren should immediately team up or biden and mayor pete.  this isn't a time to argue policy.  the only thing that matters is getting one of the biggest existential threats to our country out of power.  

^ correct mi amigos

Will a far left dem fuck this up and hand it to chump, is the question.

Time to fire up a repub style smear campaign; Bernie grows massive amounts of psychedelic mushrooms in his barn and feeds em to underage girls that he sells for sex at a pizza parlor in Burlington.

Lock Him Up

Lock Him Up  

Will a far left dem fuck this up and hand it to chump, is the question.

That's the biggest risk.

so, if bernie was the dude last time, you honestly think he would have lost to trump then?

tom tom.JPG

<<<>>>a vote for ANYONE BUT TRUMP is a vote to bring that dem party back to the people 

this is 100% false. fact. there is no return by electing yet another corporate owned "democrat".

<<<>>>A small fraction of the electorate wants to "bring the dem party back to the people". They don't care. Either they love trump or hate trump. Hard stop.

also false. bernie wouldn't be where he is if this was true. in fact, you speak your opinion as fact -- you've done it before saying bernie is sinking, he's done-- but the opposite is true and facts show us this......

your small fraction is american teachers and nurses, truckers, farmers, servers, working class people man -- he's the only one that will excite enough young people, enough of the electorate to push this thing over the edge -- one to defeat trump, and two to transform the dem party, bringing it back to its base, which they abandoned decades ago, banking on people to vote blue no matter what b/c they're not as bad as republicans. 


jr try not to be such a bitch all the time. 

it's not my fault standing up to the msm bias against bernie/asinine taking points about how bernie isn't electable, he's a russian whatever, middle country will never vote for him, he's too old, etc etc makes centrists like yoursel upset. 

it's just everything points to the opposite of that shit -- it's not even debatable. except his age, if you think he's too old, so be it. they're all old tho. 

remember when the nyt has to make bernie his own map of donations?




B9A9E378-E494-4C03-8F31-4B3649A5C2F1.jpegjr try not to be such a bitch all the time. 

it's not my fault standing up to the msm bias against bernie/asi


. Find the mirror pyramid 

you act like Bry 


thanks buddy. 

you posted you agree w/ thom -- need i say more? 

go find some passion man -- not interested yet here you are slingin shit. 


>> this is 100% false. fact. there is no return by electing yet another corporate owned "democrat". <<

If Trump is booted from office and a Dem is selecting SCOTUS, then yes, there is a HUGE return.

You seem incapable of accepting that people think differently than you, independently, and not due to some MSM blah blah whatever you think it is.

that's funny. look at the thread title. 

centrists are the ones incapable of accepting that the dem electorate is tired of corporate rule and finally wants to have fair representation in the oval office -- we've seen this trend in the midterms w/ very progressive women getting elected into congress. 

Corporate Dems nominate corporate judges

so, if bernie was the dude last time, you honestly think he would have lost to trump then?

Without a doubt. Trump would actually have won both the general election as well as the electoral college instead of wining the EC despite losing in the general.

^bernie would've won mi/wi/pa/wv and put him over 270. 

funny how the republicans throw all their weight behind racist trump, who just wants to destroy. 

bernie just wants to help america, provide healthcare to everybody, try and make shit fair, and the dems fight w/ everything they have. 

makes you wonder. 

if i see Thom say something that  I see as accurate, or  at a minimum open minded, (every 1000 posts or so)

 i am obligated to tip my hat...

carry on with your "passion"

Passion may take on many forms......

i posted a cartoon to help the centrists out...

sometimes things are easier to understand with pictures...

Or as in this case they just prove the ignorance of the poster......

Yacht clubber

woz aren't you the guy that said david nelson was never coming back? 

In spite of the condescending tone, the Bernie folks aren't more right, nor are they more woke. Bernie isn't the fucking savior, and  his politics don't represent the majority view. They absolutely may be best for the majority, but you can't shove it down people's throats. 

who's saying any of that? 

but also m4a and green new deal are supported by the majority of americans -- two pillars of bernie's core platform. 

update for woz


Hahaaa pyramid with the charts, visuals for us to better understand.

Twenty-seven 8 x 10 colored glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was, to be used as evidence against us

Dude,  America is the seein' eye dog judge.

Pyramid, when you label anyone who has differing opinions as a "corporate democrat" or "neocon," it's condescending. It's also not true.   

The "centrists" aren't the problem or the enemy. 

Slacker,  Long Beach has always sucked and is a shithole, but it’s the only thing I can afford.

Pyramid,   What has Bernie accomplished legislatively in the last 25 years?  

Ironic that you think New Hampshire primary means anything.  It’s just MSM hype because they’re the first.



Edit-*one of the first

i take that as a no, racket. damn. and to answer your question, one that was initially pushed by centrists and main stream media when bernie first announced, and there's many many more for you to look up. and i see your edit now -- i don't think either iowa or NH should go first -- they don't represent the country as a whole at all. another reason the dnc is trash. you agree? 

-besides passing more roll call amendments in a republican congress than any other member 

-besides getting $15/hr for workers at amazon and disney (i know, not legislatively)

-besides 7 states and more than 40 cities raising minimum wage to $15/hr

-national housing trust fund 

-amendment to prevent cuts to social security for vets in 2014 

-2012 postal reform saving 100k+ jobs 

-bernie convinced obama to increase federal contract workers pay to at least $10.10/hr 

-card act 

-sanders grassley amendment part of recovery act to prevent bailed out banks from replacing US workers w/ low wage temporary guest workers from overseas  

ras, that's a poll -- the newest one for NH. they don't hold much weight in my mind, but it's def exciting to see dem socialist bernie sanders on top. 

that's not true, bk. but when somebody is using the exact same talking points as cnn/msnbc etc. to discredit bernie, or anybody, in a disingenuous way, why can't that be called out?

^haha nice. 

Yes I agree NH is pointless, but you posted the poll not me.  


I asked you the question because you are the biggest Bernie cheerleader.  It has nothing to do with the main stream media.  I want you to sell me on Bernie from his past accomplishments. 


Im not going to nit pick thru your list of accomplishments, but I asked what has Bernie done legislatively?   I was looking for bills he has introduced or wrote himself.  The CARD ACT would be a good example but he didn’t introduce it, I’m not sure what you think he had to do with the CARD act.  Yes he’s had a lot of roll call amendments.  He also didn’t sponsor postal reform, yes he added provisions.

seems to me it’s been a long time for Bernie to get nothing accomplished, but hey free everything, yeah!

Because I don’t answer you about whom I’m voting for, doesn’t mean shit.  Don’t assume.

yeah you just sound like an angry asshole. funny you ask questions but can't answer them. 

sell me on Bernie.  I don’t give a fuck that he has the most individual donations under $29.52.  That just means poor people are eating up his pie in the sky bullshit that will never get passed thru Congress.


yeah that was made for stupid fucks like yourself. lol. 

From one angry asshole to another perhaps slightly more angry one

(From what I can perceive)

don't you fucking dare bring David Nelson into this



take an un chill  pill

to prove  your "passion"

you don't remember when woz posted that? i thought it was quite ignorant, and his last post in this thread made me laugh. 

Now tell this dumb fuck how many of those passed?

racket when bernie is the nominee will you vote for him? 

That’s a moot question because he won’t get the nomination.

you'll vote trump?

I didn’t vote for trump last round, why would I now?  

you just can't answer the question. it's ok man. 

Did you read the link you posted? Blahahaha

I don’t care what he voted on, I want to know what original ideas he has sponsored and managed to pass in his 25 years.

you're a joke man if you're discrediting what i posted. that's impressive for any member of congress. 

It’s all good, you’ve resorted to name calling multiple times now, I can tell you’re triggered, I’ll let you cool down.

haha that's it? i answered all your questions. you can't answer one. 

you saying i'm triggered just means you have nothing. i mean, you think bernie is just going to give away free shit. that's what the republicans said about obama in 2009. that's some dumb shit man, and lazy, and completely untrue -- as is asking for proof of bernie being productive in congress and working w/ conservatives -- which was provided and you laughed it off. are you too lazy to research it for yourself? do you even care? b/c comments like the free shit one kinda show your hand. 


Unknowingly, pyramidheat has done more to move forward the centrist agenda than anyone else on this board. Why would I want to do anything this asshole tells me is better or I should do?

I'd like to point out that the NH poll has a 4.1% margin of error, which means that Mayor Pete could actually be ahead of Bernie. Either way, those numbers are nothing to be proud of. Bernie is very well known in NH, and he should have high poll numbers there. If I was a Bernie supporter, I'd be fairly concerned about his current showing in NH. If and when Bernie doesn't get the nomination, it won't be because he was railroaded by the DNC. It will be because of the hubris of his campaign and supporters.

That, and the fact that the nation isn't quite ready for a Socialist president. A few days ago Pyramid mentioned "top down leadership." That has to be the absolute worst tactic a Bernie supporter can take. A top down Socialist will very easily be painted as a Stalinist. I'd probably drop that line of reasoning. Talk about commiting political suicide... 

Pyramid - You would be a fantastic, whatever kellyanne and huckabee sanders titles are/were. Spokesperson.  Yer the fucking Snapping Turtle Pitbull of the list. Grab a'hold of something and just refuse to let it go. I really admire you sticking to your guns, but don't get too crushed if your man don't survive the primaries. I hope you show as much enthusiasm to whoever does.

Most important thing -  We gotta beat stump 

i know we have to beat trump -- and im used to having my guy lose, nothing new here man.

first JR you're a mess man -- you can try to troll but that's it? try and add something maybe? or don't, all good. what have i told you to do? jesus. im in here calling out shit like americans dont support M4A, when actually they do -- you take that as me trying to convinve you to vote for bernie? stange. i know you love HRC and maddow, or at least your troll posts say you do -- yet here you are following me around. thanks?


correct, bk -- and it can easily go the other direction too -- you say its not impressive, ok, but look at how the poll was conducted, who they polled, landlines, old ass people, etc. dem socialist bernie leading any state is huge.

<<<>>>If and when Bernie doesn't get the nomination, it won't be because he was railroaded by the DNC. It will be because of the hubris of his campaign and supporters.

the disconnect is massive. you think the majority is afraid of bernie and his policy ideas -- yet two of his landmark policies, M4A and the green new deal are supported by the majority of the country. this campaign is night and day compared to 2016 -- it's an extemely well run campaign, and it shows -- hes appealing to more people than ever and could actually win this time. you disagree, fine -- but to say he'll lose b/c of the campaign/supporters is an odd remark, and shows the disconnect you have. you guys getting frustrated or whatever it is, is on you. that shit's on you b/c you cant handle bernie doing well. idk, its pretty weird tho.

and i said to have a president like bernie in the oval office influencing, would be massive, while also working hard to keep electing progressives to congress is vitally important. thats why donating to the justice democrats is a gfood thing -- get more people like AOC, Omar, Tlaib elected.

this whole bernie is our savior piece just doesnt hold weight w/ me -- hes one person, he cant do it all. no shit.

bk im curious -- if you feel this way, how come you didn't vote for the first black president america voted in?

>> bk im curious -- if you feel this way, how come you didn't vote for the first black president america voted in?<<

Damn dude, thought you might be better than that, smh



^whats wrong w/ that question, thod? 

I've already told you why: he was too conservative for me. 

I've since changed my thinking on all of this. I really believe that a more centrist president is probably for the best, and that the radical shifts in thinking have to come from local and state elections. Over time, a far left POTUS will be elected, and will be much more effective. Obama got shit done because he was in the center, and that's where the nation is. The move to the left has to be local.

As I've said before, I think that Bernie will always be more effective in Senate than in the White House.


Kamala officially dropped out.

Brian K has got it figured out and not drunk from bias. Biden and Mayor Pete 2020

its ok. 

americans don't need medical care.

corporations and the rich are taxed enough.

we don't need trains.

what we need is like gay pride day...

we should get a candidate that solidifies wall st.'s dominance over our national policies.

it's ok though, jr has a suv with leather seats.

>>>bk im curious -- if you feel this way, how come you didn't vote for the first black president america voted in?<<

>>>Damn dude, thought you might be better than that, smh

its the new progressive way, try and shame people if they don’t agree...

Turtle, Warren has gone after Wall Street, big banks, and corporations far more than Bernie’s lip service.  Just saying, doesn’t mean I’m voting for her.  

Warren has gone after Wall Street, big banks, and corporations far more than Bernie’s lip service.  Just saying, doesn’t mean I’m voting for her. 

Good reasons to, tho'.

She pisses off the right folks.


This whole "Bernie is the only one..." line of reasoning makes no sense. Quite a few of the others have very viable plans.

Does anyone really think that, at this point in the game, M4A would make it to law and then hold up in the SCOTUS? Hardly. You can't shove that shit down people's throats. Right now, the public option is a very fair pathway to M4A, and could actually work in the current environment. A pretty slim majority wants M4A, but a solid majority likes the public option. As long as it moves us away from the ACA, which has made billionaires out of the insurance industry, and creates a path towards M4A, what's the fucking problem?


The insurance industry wasn't exactly hurting pre-ACA, BK.

It wasn't, but it's doing way better now.

This thread, illustrates why BK is or was an educator.

<<<>>>its the new progressive way, try and shame people if they don’t agree...

you have twisted logic. that wasn't my intention at all and haven't shamed anybody here for having a different opinion. you're certainly way off base, but that's you.

i asked bk b/c i remember him saying he didn't vote for obama -- but now he's saying a centrist is needed. was kinda confused. 

<<<>>>Turtle, Warren has gone after Wall Street, big banks, and corporations far more than Bernie’s lip service.  Just saying, doesn’t mean I’m voting for her.  

this is just hilarious. 

bernie has been looking out for the people and fighting big banks and corporations since warren was a registered republican making speeches at the ultra conservative federalist society. 


<<<>>>A pretty slim majority wants M4A

majority of the country favors M4A. time to move to a system that doesnt deny care and try to profit as much as possible off peoples health. funny to type that out, right racket. 




>>>bernie has been looking out for the people and fighting big banks and corporations since warren was a registered republican making speeches at the ultra conservative federalist society. 

Right, she only created the CFPB, but that’s irrelevant because she was republican 25 years ago.  That is what is hilarious.

Here I’ll do the work for you, the way you and slacker like it.

^haha, so angry. is this where your shaming starts? 

thats nice, but that's all that matters? i'd be impressed to see her put it back together if she has the opportunity. 

your hate for bernie is hilarious. 

30+ billionaires have donated to warren. they don't donate to politicians they know they can't influence. laugh all you want. 

It’s not hate for Bernie, it’s for people like you.

>>>>>Here I’ll do the work for you,


I'm doing fine. I work. You know I don't care what you do. 

you mean people who call out dumb fucks like yourself, who say bernie is gonna give away free shit? 


Ya you got me, congratulations.

Slacking is not sustainable anymore, shame.


just for you racket::

