"armed insurrection" ?


...that's a little overblown don't you think? 

I mean were they even armed? I didn't hear any reports about armed militia 'seizing' the capital with their ar-15 's. After all the hub-bub about armed protesters demonstrating the lockdowns all summer you would think that if it were a coordinated effort 'storming the capital'  then there actually would have been way more deaths/injuries and would have turned into a stand-off that would have lasted way longer than 3 hours.

But of course the corporate media would rather push the lie in order to gain support for the dems second sham impeachment...all because they know if Trump runs in 2024 he will win.


..and all their nazi/socialist dreams will go down the toilet. 



Jesus, at least try to sound a little less ignorant. Is the corporate media Socialist or is it Nazi?

Even better, explain how a doofus like you can read "news" that is literally bordering on Nazi/White Supremicist propaganda, and then call the other side Nazi.

How many died at the hands of your buddies on that day?

Hahaaaaaa that's the way we do it,,,  without bat shit cray cray's like you bro greg this place does get a bit mundane.

For argumants sake, your side, the nazi's, may not all have  arrived armed (some proudly announced they did), but by the time they stormed the Capitol,  they Were armed,,, with metal flagpoles, crutches, fencing, and anything else that wasn't tied down. Did you not see this,, cuz the rest of the entire world did. 

Socialism is what we already have,, and it's gonna get better,, I know you can't wait.

...that's a little overblown don't you think? <<<<

Is it overblown to the 5+ families of the individuals who died or were seriously injured?

The real question:  would Trump and his supporters have tried to hold on to power if any one of the number of different "plays" had worked?

Because, you know, marching into Congress, trying to literally steal the Electoral votes, threatening to kill elected officials, and killing a cop, all because you're butt-hurt that your shitgibbon candidate lost, is the "American Way."

Fuck me sideways, dumbass. That is what Nazi's and Commie despots do.

Look up the report on the other 140 Police injuries including loss of an eye, brain injuries,etc., jackass


sure your guys are the law and order people

More g-reg derp. Big surprise.

they should have shot more of those twisted maniacs.

Blue lives only mattered until they didn't 

treasonous losers club, cool choice to throw your support behind, gerg 


Greg = FTard


>they should have shot more of those twisted maniacs.


water cannons would have prevented the traitors from storming the Capitol. 

It was a fucking gun battle that killed 5 people. Oh and if DC was open carry it would have been hundreds dead not five.


Greg, do/did you support the coup attempt?


Or are you too stupid to understand that it was an attempted coup?




The vast majority of those at the rally weren't insurrectionists. They were simply exercising their 1st Amendment rights to be numbskulls. It's true that the media often forgets to note this very important fact.

However, he thousands that literally stormed the Capitol were violent insurrectionists. Whether caught up in the moment or truly anti-American doesn't matter. They were trying to overthrow a government.

Let's not confuse the two.

I felt that bringing in the military to avoid the black lives matter movement, and to then hold an unread bible upside down was an abuse of power....


as was inciting an insurrection, saying he'll be there, and ....watching it on tv.  Lame.

Point of order: Who called January 6th an "armed insurrection"?


Trump called Pence weak as the thugs were hunting for him.  Threw his own VP under the bus.   

Like to hear Pence testify in the trial.

The quality of trolls around here has really fallen. At least put in some effort, Gweggy.

Amusing to watch the trumpers throw around words like "nazi" and "socialist," the context making it glaringly obvious they have no clue as to their actual meanings... the same when they talk about freedom of speech. Cmon gang while it's good to have a take, at least put forth a small effort to make it look like you tried

I am working to be kinder and less insulting.....

How is it that [still] people believe Trump's shit? This guy analyzed over 20,000 of his tweets, going back to 2016: https://theconversation.com/i-analyzed-all-of-trumps-tweets-to-find-out-...


Consistency amid change

There were five main themes, which appeared regularly – often all in one day:

The true version of the United States is beset with invaders;

Real Americans can see this;

I (Trump) am uniquely qualified to stop this invasion;

The establishment and its agents are hindering me;

The U.S. is in mortal danger because of this.

Taken together over time, this formed an overall story structure that I summarize this way: “The establishment is stopping me from protecting you against invaders.”

The elements were flexible. “The establishment” could be anyone – Democrats, the NFL, a media outlet, a corporation and even Vice President Mike Pence. “The invaders” were China, the coronavirus that first emerged there, people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border or Black Lives Matter protesters.

But the structure never changed: There was a danger to the nation, Trump was uniquely able to protect America and he was righteously supported by “real” Americans.


^Sounds like a fascist. 

'trying to overthrow the government'...



Come on.  Yeah right.  An unarmed overthrow.  



What were they doing?


>Yeah right.  An unarmed overthrow.  



So you're too stupid to understand that it was an attempted coup... got it.


Thanks for clearing that up, Greg.



I am working to be kinder and less insulting.....  greg - you make it a bit difficult you  -----_______-----

Yeah im so happy the dems are so focused. ..so obsessed with Trump. Still. It's like the dnc and the corrupt corporate media got together and decided to move forward with the sham impeachment  If for no other reason than higher ratings to squeeze every last drop of trump hate ..and congress can't walk and chew gum so they are gonna put covid relief 'onthe back burner' while they have this unconstitutional hearing.

Meanwhile coviid varients taking hold possibly rendering all the vaccine efforts for naught.  

But orange man bad so they need to be sure that Trump can't run again. ..


But of course he will be acquitted and only use it as a badge of honor to help him get elected in 2024..after the GOP takes back control in 2022.


Their hatred for Trump is the direction in their life. ..

all trump does is hate. 

Greggy is living in a QKluxKlan Alternative reality. 

Wait what? We should be concerned about the Covid hoax now? It's hard to keep up. 

Oh and 56% of Americans want him convicted, but the minority party doesn't care just like on Jan 6.


The entire nation has been focused solely on Trump for the last 4 years. It'll take a while to wean off him.

Contrary to your hypothesis, Greg, this impeachment isn't dominating news and lives. Legislators are legislating. Brady is reveling. Biden is signing executive orders like a fiend. Schumer is pretending to be a progressive. Nobody here is even talking about the impeachment.

Sucks to be you, Grog.

do pipe bombs and wrist cuffs and crutches and spears count as armed?

Brother greg,, you got a significant other ? They down with your view of things ?  I'm thinking no other for you,, a lot of alone time you experience. Even your dog keeps running away, huh ?

Antivaxxers be all pro vaxxin now 

Never mind that the insurrectionists not only were bright enough to allow themselves to be interviewed but explained exactly what they were up to. It's actually insulting to those that put themselves on the line for your cause to try to explain it away as some benign demonstration. 

that said. 

biden about to give survival checks to 40million LESS people than trump. 


Is that how many died since last time? 

The Coup Cucks Clan

~John Fugelsang~

It's a tough call, ogkb. I'm just a middle class dude, but I don't really need another stimulus check. There are about 39,999,999 others just like me. The problem is the logistics. It's just much quicker to give it to everyone.

That said, I'll take student loan forgiveness over the stimulus, any day.


You can't red pill the sleeping sheep.

Let them be.

They just get butt hurt and start name calling like the MATURE adults they are not......

If things go they way WE think they will.

They will be forced awake soon enough.

Or I'll be moving to Texas for their SUCCESSION from the Union.

Anyone have any 45 Cal ACP they want to sell?

Can't find any and the last Gun Shop had a 1 Box limit when they did have it in stock. :(


Yeah, but many of his executive orders do nothing more than cancel Trump's executive orders. It's like a vicious cycle of dictatorship. Is he coming for your guns next?

Dan is another one who could stand to take a Civics class.

False Flag event


don't you dare watch this!



good luck finding doctors, nurses, and you know...the people that make society function...to move to texas and make your peckerhead utopia.



"your peckerhead utopia."

There's that MATURE name calling,


I see you have a very HIGH IQ!

You get your very intelligent point across, expertly!

Pretty sure Texas already has all of those Professionals there already, Genius!


Good Day

Some here have asked me why, I don't post more often or reply to them

Turtle just proved my point perfectly!

I will not stoop to such a low level as to try and have an adult conversation with grow children

Good Day, Kiddo's

Who said they wanted to see you post more, Dan? 


'Some' huh? Name one.


<<<>>>That said, I'll take student loan forgiveness over the stimulus, any day.


you do know you answer is exactly what the neolibs are saying right now......

take the fucking money and spend it local then.

student debt -- something else biden isn't going to do even tho he can do it right now  immediately. cancel 100% of everybody's student debt and let people breathe.

he won't do it. 


but when wall st and the mega corps needed their bailout, they got it immediately. these are just facts. 


how come the 1200 trump gave people doesn't count towards the "$2000" establishment scam they're trying to pull on everybody, but the $600 does? 

strange and sad. 



>>you do know you answer is exactly what the neolibs are saying right now......

I didn't know that, but I was thinking more of a Marxist perspective, "to each according to their needs." I'd rather see people and businesses in need get considerably more because they need it. I wouldn't begrudge anyone for getting $2k a month while I get nothing (well, I'll take loan forgiveness).

And if I do get anything, of course it goes local and to charities.

He can't cancel all student debt, but he can go up to $50k. Schumer is pushing for the full amount.

I think that we have to give him a little time. It took 9 months between stimulus 1 & 2. Three is coming way quicker, which makes way for   4 and 5 in reasonable timeframes.

There are 2 sides to the student debt issue. One side says that it will only nominally raise the GDP, and isn't worth doing. I'm no economist, but those people can go fuck themselves. It seems to me that there are 100 benefits to reducing or canceling it.

when there is no lower to go to.....

I guess you can not stoop lower when you are already at rock bottom

btw, IQ has a Q in it......(but not Phil's band).....

how about a xoner go fund me to fund your move to Texas


Must have Biden, as his name starts with a "B" like the (un) chosen one
if only -- ON comet.....

biden and the dems gonna means test themselves right outta control if they continue down this unnecessary path of self destruction. 

wild to witness, but entirely expected. 

his masters are saying, let them struggle and fail, don't help too much, they're not banks or major corps. -- fuck em. 

Armed with crossbows, molotov cocktails,, all kinds of shit. What news source do you watch brother greg ? You sick nazi fuck

Hey, Judit,

is there a thing you can add to thread title pages that say *ridiculous troll thread inside*

wait, nevermind

obvious troll thread is obvious

don't remember greg. guess he's an asshat



Well, I went to the bank this morning
And the cashier he said to me,
"If you join the Christmas club
We'll give you ten of them flags for free."
Well, I didn't mess around a bit
I took him up on what he said.
And I stuck them stickers all over my car
And one on my wife's forehead.

This thread smells like a porta potty overflowing from wook body orifice excrement. 

Except maybe the John prine 



Look at the stigmata on that kid! Praise be!


Uh oh...

Time Magazine Cover Story spills the beans...

'Powerful people conspired to rig the 2020 election'


Your article spins the other article in the opposite direction. Which article are people going to read and believe?

The lying corporate media got their marching orders to refer to it as his 'second impeachment'...every single time on every single radio or tv news break, over and over aagain. 

...even when everyone knows the first one was a sham and totally illegal and Inappropriate (the russia hoax) ..and despite having been acquitted..completely exonerated ..they continue to ram it down our throats like it is supposed to mean something. 

If anything it makes the dems look worse to continue reporting it like that only reminding the everyone about how dumb It was and how It took focus away from covid early last year...plus they totally lost

.like it's gonna sway public opinion and put pressure on the Senate to convict this time.

..and Leahy , of course,  the judge and jury,will preside because the actual chief justice deems it unconstitutional and has refused to preside.


>The lying corporate media got their marching orders to refer to it as his 'second impeachment


so what part about this being Trump's second impeachment is a lie?! 

Go shove your "wand" up his ass


If you get a vacation from the insane asylum

To be fair, it is kind of strange that Leahy, who has already stated how he'll vote, gets to be judge and jury. I don't doubt that he'll keep it fair, but still, it seems a bit off.

>The lying corporate media got their marching orders to refer to it as his 'second impeachment


yes it does seem like Fox and the others are starting to distance themselves from Trump

>>>   Biden about to give survival checks to 40million LESS people than trump. 

thread topic (checks notes):  armed insurrection and Trump's impeachment.


>>>    >The lying corporate media got their marching orders to refer to it as his 'second impeachment

>>>   so what part about this being Trump's second impeachment is a lie?! 


Math is hard.

The senate voted on the constitutionalality of the second impeachment. It was 55-45. They still need 12 republicans to break ranks. You can keep watching if you want but we all know that won't happen. Seems like a waste of time, IMO. There are still millions of people at risk of death from covid who can't get an appt for a vaccine. I would say that's a bigger issue of more importance that needs addressing

<<<The lying corporate media got their marching orders to refer to it as his 'second impeachment'...every single time on every single radio or tv news break, over and over aagain



Guess what?

They also refer to him as "Former President" Trump.




Reality is a cold, hard bitch, aint it?

Is it really either impeachment OR people dying from Covid? Let's not be too sensational here... No one is going to die because trump is being tried 

Most bipartisan impeachment in history.

let that sink in a while.

People are dying because of Trump's lies and denial (lie) of the consequences of not wearing a mask and refusal of conventional wisdom procedural protocol. 

If he's impeached, does his White House portrait get removed from display? 

That would be rather ironically canceled culture to some people. 


The trial is a waste of time. The senate has much more important things to do than try to make people "feel" better about trump by trying to indict him. It's a long shot that will fail. Covid is not the only important issue but yes it is far more important to focus on vaccine distribution. Those who are at high risk and die today because they are waiting for a vaccine have been failed by our government. 

Can chew gum and walk....    

Specifically what is being tabled right now because of this that will cause death as a result ?

Limiting factor today is vaccine availability,. even legislation is not going fix that for many months down the line.

<<People are dying because of Trump's lies

Yep, and THAT should be like Article fucking 4 in his 2nd impeachment trial. 

But noooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Pelosi and the dems, always  in a hurry, start prematurely ejaculating all over themselves once again, just to intro 1.

I can think of at least 5 Articles that should have been  introduced against that disgraceful pos.

At least 5, so for sure one or two can reach a slam dunk conviction. 

Nancy Nancy Nancy 

Satanic satin


do you love yourself?

Maybe it would help if you had your bashed in with a fire extinguisher.

^^^^Uh oh...

^^^^Time Magazine Cover Story spills the beans...


Read the article... Not articles about the article. 

G-ag doesn't even research his material... not that it's surprising 


thanks for the morning laugh

>>>>Wait what? We should be concerned about the Covid hoax now? It's hard to keep up. 


The Capitol's doobie smoker, revealed!   From Ventura, go figure.



His herb obviously deescalated the situation. 

Gonzalez has talked on his videos about believing that we may be living in a simulation, that the Earth is flat and that the Smithsonian Institution is hiding evidence of giants, according to Bosse.

How is it I'm just hearing about the giant thing now?

^^^^ oh that Cali dank must be dipped in DMT!


You can't fool all the people all the time.

You sure can derp all the people all the time though.


>You can't fool all the people all the time<


Republicans sure do try. Works on you, but you're an easy mark.



Trump and his dingbat legions trashed the G.O.P.   At this moment,  they're the ones trying to stay on their feet and make it to the bell, and are looking mostly foolish doing so.

Political groupies are generally so stupid. Brain-Dead zombies.

Take up woodworking, or grow Tropical Fish.  Learn how to Compost.

Explain which politician lowered the Tax and increased Freedom.

Of course,  no one can show that.  Politicians are parasites with a cult following,  but they produce nothing.

2DankStu certainly knows brain dead zombies. ^


Some good news


>..For instance, the Washington DC Attorney General let it be known last night that he’s looking to criminally charge Trump for the insurrection. That’s infinitely more important than impeachment. Perhaps he asked the Democrats not to screw up his prosecution by calling his witnesses..
