ART - changing the subject ....What is you favorite poster / poster artist?


and why>  pics welcome

sans politics,


Just art amongst the tribe, ......positive energy and passion

Among the Modern - Era Poster Artists, definitely Canyon who used to Zone here on the Zone.

He had some awesome Art !!

Hope that he's still realizing his Visions.

Keeping it local, tapecat did some pretty nice ones..

mike Dubois is certainly talented and I like what David Welker did with Hunters last tour poster


My daughter. I admit that my opinion may be biased. 

This remains one of, if not my fav poster.

From the old days.  


I've always been fond of the posters that Daymon Greulich has done for people like Neko Case, Pearl Jam, Ryan Adamns and others. 

Here's a better pic. 


I dig all the old Fillmore stuff- David Singer was a personal favorite.

Summer 69 series:


I love David Singer's work, too. The fonts he's devised over the years have really worked for me. Why do I like him? Well, I can't say why it is that his posters, seemingly almost cold and without emotion, tap into something in me. The designs are so clean.

So many others... Matisse, Chagall, the Big 5, long, long list, actually.


Griffin my all-time old timey favorite,

Mark Arminski and Coop for semi-current

Current? Luke Martin.

from the good old days? Randy Tuten and Michael Priest. Randy mostly for his layouts and lettering, and Michael for the sheer volume and variety of hand drawn works he did, mostly for the World Armadillo Headquarters in Austin.

Im sorry, I don't consider modern artists using electronic design medium as the basis for the piece to be "poster" artists. Yes, it's still technically art. 


carl, dude on lot with the cape.

hand drawn and on about every lot for many years in the 2000's

recently passed of a brain aneurysm 

another gone too early.


RIP Carl



Carl Alm^^^ 


cool dude with intricate posters to stare at... would love to have one, never picked one up

Sorry to hear of Carl passing away.  His work was wild. Didn't know him well, but I'm good friends with one of his good friends (also an artist, he does large black & white 'portraits. His Zappa is print is incredible).


Rick Griffin would be at the top of my list of 'all-time' poster artists.





     I remember being at Shoreline when they memorialized Rick from the stage after he passed away riding a motorcycle. 

     I procured at auction a handmade aoxomoxoa sweater hand-dyed and woven by the Scottish family that raised the sheep, commissioned by the publisher of Relix Magazine.  I've discussed loaning it to the McHenry Library at UCSC for display at the Grateful Dead's worthy of display at the Smithsonian.

     Rick was a true of the greats!












Jesus Walks on Water
(Mark 6:45–52; John 6:16–21)

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of Him to theother side, while He dismissed the crowds.23After He had sent them away, He went upon the mountain by Himself to pray. Whenevening came, He was there alone, 24but theboat was already far from land, buffeted by thewaves because the wind was against it.

25 During the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to them, walking on the sea. 26Whenthe disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost! they said, and cried out in fear.

27But Jesus spoke up at once: “Take courage!It is I. Do not be afraid.

28“Lord, if it is You, Peter replied, “commandme to come to You on the water.

29“Come, said Jesus.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walkedon the water, and came toward Jesus. 30Butwhen he saw the strength of the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord,save me!

31 Immediately Jesus reached out His handand took hold of Peter. “You of little faith, He said, “why did you doubt?

32And when they had climbed back into theboat, the wind died down. 33Then those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, “TrulyYou are the Son of God!







     How Did Peter Walk on Water?

     Professor Curtis Mitch, co-author of The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, gives a powerful and thoughtful reflection on the readings for mass on August 3, 2020.







Just wondering, how did a thread about posters and poster artists become a Jesus thread?


It took a wrong turn.

^^^   I will not comment - need positivity



and why>  pics welcome

sans politics,


Just art amongst the tribe, ......positive energy and passion



I have been on a complete Chuck Sperry  freak out for a while now - Tethys is my favorite  I am lusting after- will have to live on copies for now.. I have a lot of good old ones from 1967 on (FD 26-2 just acquired)  Have a LOT of art by  Stanley Mr Mouse....  gonna build a super sweet frame for the fd 026  when I get some  skull n roses n hearts wood that  I just learned about. (sweeeeeet)... and a 12/31/68 - my first trip to Winter;and poster that deserves a good frame  up- even if it is super worn   -- lol the morning of 01/01/69 is when i really got on the bus - PigPen kicking off the second set at 4am could do that...

I do have the hardest time posting pictures - on my cell phone it is virtually impossible - and on my laptop with photos taken by my iPhone on wireless it is about a 20% proposition - with attempted resizing included -- the fancy ass apps everywhere else never have a problem  - just cut and paste ... I man can dream ( can he donate to help make that happen?)

- I need a tutor or something

  I have have  Matted and framed about 40 posters in the last month after taking a few year break from the mat cutter and have a TON to do  I do Have some very nice Mat  material- velour and such bought when store went  out of business  - that stuff is expensive

I have used store bought frames - scouring sales and such - for many years   BUT I am about to step up and start making my own frames soon


now I need a bar or a club  - space fto properly display / share 1-200 posters / prints ...  lol?


TY Tribe - this was a pleasant break in the action





tethys (2).jpg

OMG it worked -took almost 3 minutes  Chuck Sperry Tethys  - he has many many similar prints that are virtually unobtainable

- they sell out in seconds when posted at random times on announced release dates

The fancy "variants" are very expensive at list price - and the reseller are basically scalpers - A no no in my little deadhead book!!!

I paid over face price once in my life -a ticket for Bowie at the Warfield  - i ponied up $60 after sanding outside for a looooong time - good times


I will try to post some more art later   night all

An original oil from above the front door!!


why do I get the error file browsing is disabled???


worked on the third try - took a while to resize - what free tool do you guys use


this is an estate piece fwiw









    "Just wondering, how did a thread about posters and poster artists become a Jesus thread?"



Please cease and desist Bry. Regardless of how hard you find it.  Try to be decent please 






     During the 3.1.69 Hey Jude from the Fillmore West Pigpen discusses the events in the painting.  [link posted]


A favorite from Michael Everett that I actually own for a show that never happened



i prefer my griffin pre-jesus, thanks.

that stuff is still great though.

my friend back in HS was working at Surfer Mag (RIP), and found an OG Griffin buried in with old has the Mexican woman on the California map painted on masonite.