Aug 12 Jerry Event in SF with Nelson, Etc


I thought this looked interesting... David Nelson tells some great stories!


Big Steve: There was this one time where Jerry just couldn't believe that Phil tripped at every show.....

6:30-8:00 PM?surprise


>>>6:30-8:00 PM?<<<

It's not a concert doo, and David's gotta' get his sleep.

Trixi is a thoughtful & interesting speaker, and Nelson is a great story-teller (even if he can't remember the real ones he'll make up some good ones) but while Parrish does know a lot of Jerry stories we've heard them all and in general I'm not a fan of his act.

Still, this will likely be a fun little event in a very "vibrant" part of town; if I didn't have a football game to go to I'd probably find my way there, and then have a good dinner somewhere nearby.


Hoping someone records this.


The Jerry Week graphic design is nice.