"Bad apples", arms control, and the ultimate end game


How much destructive power should any given individual be allowed to amass?

In 200 years from now, what sort of weaponry will be readily available?  Likewise, what sort of destructive capability will be available to "script kiddies" of weapons?  IOW, will it be possible to construct nuclear or other weapons of mass destruction by simple rote recipes being circulated on the internet? 

Forget about organized groups for a second, what is the likelihood that "bad apples" will not emerge and employ said destructive powers upon the masses in the same way as lone mass shooters currently do?

I'm starting to think that society needs to bring back and reserve cruel and unusual punishment for those who commit said crimes.  I'm actually half serious.  It just seems inevitable that society will be doomed by the bad apple.  Perhaps the world could place a few speed bumps along the way ... maybe getting flayed or some other medieval torture might act as a deterrent for some.

You are giving legalized marijuana a bad name. Please stop.

martian pistol.jpg...


It's sort of shocking that terrorists are still using guns or ramming people with trucks. I read the headlines and it's easy for me to not worry; they are so unsophisticated.

9/11 was WAY scarier, just because the attack vector was inventive and unexpected. It seems that chemical or biological attacks would be far more effective. Or even attacking the food or water supply. 

You are giving legalized marijuana a bad name. Please stop.<<<

Is not having a disproportionate amount of destructive capability in relation to what ought to be a reasonable amount necessary for self defense not one of the central issues we're currently struggling with? 

It's sort of shocking that terrorists are still using guns or ramming people with trucks. I read the headlines and it's easy for me to not worry; they are so unsophisticated.

9/11 was WAY scarier, just because the attack vector was inventive and unexpected. It seems that chemical or biological attacks would be far more effective. Or even attacking the food or water supply. <<<

As Ken has alluded to, we might not be using lead so much in the near future ... likewise, the "energy weapons" equivalents of grenades and IED's are lurking around the corner as well, let alone drone delivery systems of chem/bio weapons, etc.

I believe we need to change the narrative to generalities pertaining to self defense vs. specifics of the current weapons in the here and now (i.e. "assualt weapons").

People like this guy scare the shit out of me:


>>Or even attacking the food or water supply. 

I have already resolved myself to the fact that sooner or later, we won't have access and be able to handle produce in the supermarket to choose.    Just a matter of time.    Once is all it'll take.

Shit like that... losing all the little things... with no end to the madness on the horizon, and eroding freedoms in every facet of daily life.   Unfortunately, this is the direction humanity is going.   Based on how things are going, eventually anything that matters is going to be under lock and key or armed guard.    But I have a hard time watching it... that is def NOT going to help usher us toward a future of tolerance and enlightenment that everyone holds ideal.   Complete opposite. :/