Bad Virus


Hop Latent Viroid—the Disease Spreading on Weed Plants That’s Killing Their Potency


This is an "industry" problem, not really a "cannabis" problem. Mostly because 99.9% of cultivators only grow clone stock obtained through centralized cannabis nurseries and practice "spray and walk away" type garden management rather than growing from seed and employing sustainable, closed loop farming practices.

...which isn't really farming at all. It's actually more akin to mining.

Similar (past) industry boogeymen include TMV, broad mites, and powdery mildew.

Grow from seed and don't buy dispensary clones or obtain cuts from the homeys no matter how easy or tempting. Mother your best selections for selfing, incrossing, and hybridization in the following seasons

keep your gardens clean (free of clutter, insect pests, and biological pathogens) and also closed off to outside plants, tourists, and bag soil. Rotate the crops in your garden including cannabis at least every other season.

it's (literally) not rocket science.




horticultural practices, how do they work?

couldn't pass it up... ;)


Thanks I just puked in my mouth.