Band Names?


Animals of Significance.

My photographer brother-in-law drove around the West recently. He noted that he didn't see any animals of significance driving east in Nevada this time.

Got a band name to share?

If I were to create a band name, I might start with Phonic Lips. 

It's what dolphins & whales have, allowing them to speak through their noses, also creating echolocation.  And all it requires is fat and connective tissue!

"Party in China"

"How Mountains Die"

"Phil's Chair"

Some friends back east had a 50's DooWop band, they were all old and bald, so they called themselves "The Dome Tops".  

Move Birds

In the early 80'S an ex said that, as I was driving and about to run over some robin's gathered around a puddle eating worms

>>> He noted that he didn't see any animals of significance driving east in Nevada this time.

Has he ever seen animals of significance driving in any direction in any state? That would be photo worthy for sure, judit. ;)

The Soiled Speedos would be a respectable punk band name.  


Melvin Pelvic and the Thrusters 

Cemetary World

Free Beer

long Island Sound

The Whores On 7th Avenue

Vagina Dentata

Wanker (Ska-Punk)

Defenestrator (Black Metal)

Effin' Hipster (Indie-Rock)

With a nod to thread title, 

Successful Animals

Actually a song title from long-defunct "international acoustic stomp" band Big Dream (which also played a tune called Big Dream).

I remember seeing "Successful Animals" in the track listing on their cassette release and thinking it read like a either a band name or a Talking Heads B-side title.

Successful animals walk a crooked line

Assess the world, determine a path by what they find . . .















the Vic Lagina Trio

organic panic

truffle shufflers

Nunchuks and Chickens

Weed Crash

my friend wants me to see Tastee Nuggz tomorrow...

I had a feeling we hadn't seen the last of those nunchuks and chickens.

donald's ear?


Double Dog Dare

Childless Cat Ladies...

donald's ear<<<

Donald's Ear Scab?


The MaxiPad MAGAs...

Well Furnished Fuckery

The Sticky Buns

Couches for Everyone.



Too soon? 

It's already taken, anyway.



Salt Potato 

(probably a blues band)

credit to Bss along with Weed Crash, probably an alt punk band

Sad For Souls

(Inspired by Candace Cameron Bure (whoever the F she is) bitching about the opening ceremonies in Paris.)



Abject Permanence


Human Paraquat

Atomic Crazy

(Current event -- Google it)

Valley Fever 




Motorized Pants

John's Index Finger

Louisiana Skyscraper

The Notorious Cropdusters

RRG they'd totally be called JIF lol

The cristo fascists

The HandMaids

Muffed Punt

The Philzone Philistines

Errant Fray

Transgenic Mice