The Bania Continues




"Seinfeld: The Soup (#6.7)" (1994)

Kenny: Oh, Jerry, you know what just hit me? I was thinking - What size suit are you? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Ahh, I'm a 40. Why? 
Kenny: I just got a brand new Armani suit - doesn't fit me anymore. You want it? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Well, I don't know if I... 
Kenny: Oh, come on. Why should it just sit in the closet? 
Elaine Benes: An Armani suit? 
George Costanza: Take the suit! 
Jerry Seinfeld: Well... okay, I guess... 

Kramer: What, you're giving him this suit? 
Kenny: That's right, and it's an Armani. 
Kramer: Armani? Hey, Armani, Jerry. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Yes, yes, I heard. 
Kramer: Come on, try it on. 
Jerry Seinfeld: No, it's okay. 
Kramer: Come on, I want to see how it fits. 
Jerry Seinfeld: All right, all right. 
Kramer: There you go. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Okay, yeah, all right. 
Kramer: Oh boy, that looks great. I can't believe you're giving him this. 
Kenny: I don't even want anything for it. 
Kramer: He's very generous, isn't he? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Yes, yes, he is. 
Kenny: I'll tell you what - you can take me out to dinner some time. 
Jerry Seinfeld: [in tones of dread] Dinner? 
Kenny: Yeah. You buy me a meal - you can't get a better deal than that. 
Kramer: No, you'll never get a better deal than that! 

Kenny: You know, I was thinking, if you're not busy, maybe I could get my meal today? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Yeah, you wanna get that meal, don't you? 


Kenny: You worn the suit yet? 
Jerry Seinfeld: No, not yet. 
Hildy: [the waitress comes up] Have you decided? 
Kenny: Oh, get the swordfish. Best swordfish in the city. The best, Jerry. 
Jerry Seinfeld: I'll have the salmon. 
Hildy: And you? 
Kenny: Ahh, you know what I think. I'm just going to have soup. Yeah, I'll save the meal for another time. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Another time? What other time? 
Kenny: I had a hot dog earlier. I'm not that hungry. 
Jerry Seinfeld: No, no, Bania, no. This is the dinner. The soup counts. 
Kenny: Soup's not a meal. You're supposed to buy me a meal. 
Jerry Seinfeld: I'm not stopping you from eating. Go ahead and eat. Get anything you want. 
Kenny: I don't want anything but soup. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Then that's the meal. 
Kenny: But I had the hot dog. 
Jerry Seinfeld: I didn't tell you to have a hot dog. Who told you to have a hot dog? 
Kenny: Hey, I give you a brand-new Armani suit, and you won't even buy me a meal? 
Jerry Seinfeld: All right, fine. Get the soup! 

French onion soup is not a "meal".

[Jerry and George are at Monk's] 
Jerry Seinfeld: Oh, no, it's Kenny. Slide out so he can't sit down. 
[George and Jerry each slide to the end of their booth seats] 
Kenny: Hey. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Hey. 
Kenny: You worn the suit yet? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Actually, I did. I put it on last night and slept in it. 
Kenny: You did? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Oh, I'm joking. 
Kenny: OH! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Can I squeeze in? 
George Costanza: [bleakly] Sure you can. 
Kelly: Can I take your order? 
Kenny: What kind of soup do you have? 
Jerry Seinfeld: Why don't you get a sandwich? 
Kenny: Okay, I'll have tomato soup and, ah, tuna on toast. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Okay. This is it, you know. This is the meal, so stock up, buddy boy. 
Kenny: What are you talking about? This isn't a meal. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Yes it is. Soup and sandwich. That is a meal. 
Kenny: You're supposed to buy me dinner in a nice restaurant, like Mendy's. 
Jerry Seinfeld: I tried to do that. 
Kenny: This is lunch in a coffee shop. 
Jerry Seinfeld: Doesn't matter, this is it. This completes the transaction. 
Kenny: Ah, soup and a sandwich for a brand-new Armani suit. Is that any kind of gesture? 

Jerry Seinfeld: [answering the phone] Hello? No, I'm sorry, Bania. I'm not going over this again. Well, who told you to order soup?... No! There's no dinner. There's not going to be any dinner. You've had a sandwich and two bowls of soup and that's it. Good-bye. 
[He hangs up the phone and turns to Simon] 
Jerry Seinfeld: Hey, what size suit are you? 
Simon: 40. 
Jerry Seinfeld: 40. Perfect. Brand-new Armani suit, you want it? 
Simon: Absolutely! 
Jerry Seinfeld: Great, it's yours. I can't stand the sight of it. Elaine, here's the car keys. 
Elaine Benes: Thanks. 
[the telephone rings again] 
Jerry Seinfeld: Yo? 
Kenny: Listen, Jerry, I've been doing some thinking. I want my suit back. 


wow! its like VivaTV!. its like watching television, while you zone, except theres no television , and youre not watching anything.


wheres my remote?