

Bannings should only occur in the most extreme cases. If then.

Banning guys for puffing out their chest on the black screen seems kind of harsh. Imo.

I just don't understand?

And no I'm not worried about being banned. I don't roll like that. Although I can be an ass at times like everyone in this community!

Guess I'll crawl back in my hole now. Lol.


You'd never say that to my face

Ok good

Looks like no one was banned earlier.

I'll shut up now. Haha

Lol hounder

Damn!!! I thought this was a Johnny Quest thread





I don't understand what the internet tough guy thing is all about.  Yea your going to kick my ass.  You are over 2.000 miles away from me.  

Tulsa, you ever have a Whitey flashback when you're at the minimart?