Bay Area Zoners: What is the vibe in the town of Pleasant Hill?


If you know about Pleasant Hill, would appreciate knowing more about it --- is it a real town or just a developed suburb? 

There's a job opportunity there that I'm considering -- my ongoing saga.

No direct knowledge, but I'd assume it's more developed suburb than a town of it's own.

Still, it's very close to Berkeley & Oakland, and not a long commute to SF (TxR isn't that far either) and with Concord & Walnut Creek right next door all the major amenities would be handy, and the area is hilly and nice enough in that way.

Probably far worse places to end up.


Trees (I need trees)?

Local Politics?  (on my list to research this, too)

Ranchy suburbs with some old small downtown strip mall restaurants. Newer mostly chain restaurant drag near movie theater and new city hall buildings.  Moderate to conservative. Lots of churches. Really good community college. Mostly hills with lots of undeveloped space. 

It abuts Briones Park along with Orinda, Lafayette and Martinez. 


^^^ thanks!  This is helpful. Doesn't sound like my tribe. Downgrading the job opp.

There's no "there" there.


I live ten miles from PH and there are one million places worse to live than PH.  Depending on where in PH, it could be fantastic or just fine.  It's a suburb that is safe, good weather and close to a bunch of stuff.  It's not SF or Oakland but that's why some people live in the 'burbs.  You can get to tons of places and at the end of the night, go sit in your backyard and drink a brew. 

At zoner ages, we're not going out every night anyway. 

Gracias Salva!   That's my problem... I like urban areas for cultural events and deep rural 

for nature... I've never felt like the suburbs are a good fit, having lived in a couple of them as a child. 

Good thing is that I'm seeing so many more remote jobs... so that could significantly expand my possibilities.



A very nice place to live. 

You also have easy access to BART

I live nearby in a rural part of Contra Costa County, after decades in SF and later Oakland.  I, too, love nature/rural, but wanted relatively easy access to cultural, political, musical, and eating/drinking options.  I recommend that you consider and/or check out Pleasant Hill.  It seems to fit your description of what you like.

PH has Briones Regional Park and is very close to Mt. Diablo State Park.  If you like to hike, walk, bike, or horseback ride, this part of CA is ideal, imo.  It does get hot, by my standards, in the summer and we have had a "smoke season" from fires for the last about 4-5 years.  Both of the heat and smoke keep me homebound, which sucks, but it still beats, imo, midwest and east coast winters.

There is decent food, including variety of "ethnic" restaurants, in the area, as well as some craft breweries.  You have to take BART, for which PH offers easy access, or drive for live music, but we don't really have live music now, of course.  

Politically it is strongly Democratic, but not too far from the Central Valley, further to the east, which is (scary) red.

It also depends on your demographic.  If you need public schools for kids, it's not great, but not horrible.  If I were a young, single person (ha ha), I would not want to live there - live in  San Francisco, Oakland, or Berkeley!  

You definitely can find rural properties in Pleasant Hill. Check it out and good luck!  




i grew up in pleasant hill and my parents still live there. i no longer live there but i am actually typing this from pleasant hill right now.

since i grew up here, my perspective is likely a bit harsher than other zoners. to start, its a totally fine place to live, theres very little crime, very little police presence(im placing this as a positive as there is very little crime but also very little risk of getting pulled over or encountering police if you did not call them), and its easy proximity to BART and the rest of the bay make it easy to do fun stuff. there are some nice hiking areas but nothing mindblowing. 

there are some more rural properties on the outskirts of pleasant hill, and concord, but IME those properties seldom go on sale or are available for rent compared to the standard suburban homes and apartments.

but pleasant hill itself is imo one of the most boring, corporate suburbs in the bay area. there are very few decent independent restaurants, there is no nightlife, no live music aside from terrible cheesy dad rock on sundays in the park outside city hall, no real good food or culture at all within the city limits. the area they call "downtown pleasant hill" is not actually a true downtown area - the city sold several blocks of a few streets to a strip mall developer and "downtown pleasant hill" is actually a giant strip mall owned by a single developer that mostly only rents space to big box stores and fast casual chain restaurants. restaurants there are constantly failing, and new fast casual chains are constantly opening in place of the latest failure. 

there is a ton to do because you can quickly get to berkeley or oakland or sf...hell, even walnut creek or concord might have some fun stuff to do from time to time.

but pleasant hill has always struck me as a hideout for the most boring, vanilla, socially conservative democrat types the bay area has to offer, amongst all the fun and diversity of the rest of the bay a little safe haven for folks that just want to achieve the standard 2 kids, white picket fence, 2 bed 2 bath american dream and have no interest in any of the cultural excitement, instead investing all their time into making sure the front of their house looks as nice as the neighbors house.

there is nothing inherently wrong with living there as an adult with a job and a car, but it was absolute torture as a kid with no money, no transportation, and a great thirst for all the fun other areas of the bay have to offer.

all in all it is a perfectly fine place to live but dont expect to have anything fun to do or any seriously good food to eat without getting on the highway and getting tf out of pleasant hill.

if you are ok with a short commute, there are other areas close to pleasant hill that offer some different perks - the closer you get to berkeeley and oakland on hwy 24, the more good placess to eat and fun things to do there will be, and the shorter your drive into oakland/berkeley/sf will be, but also as you get closer to those areas on the 24, property values and cost of living go up proportiantley. areas right near the tunnel like orinda or moraga can be downright ritzy.

crockett is pretty nice. its a very small and funky town, but close to pleasant hill and martinez. cost of living will be lower and you will get more of a funky rural vibe. there is still nothing to do within crocket city limits aside from hiking, but that is to be expected in a town of that size...its not like pleasant hill where i marvel at the vast amount of space wasted on endless strip malls and chain restaurants. 

not a terrible place to live but it is very very firmly a comically sterotypical suburb in every way. there could be no mistaking it for anything urban, rural, funky, quaint or exiting. it is the quintessential cali suburb.

^^^ Thanks all, what good research, really appreciate everyone's time to add thoughts. 

running the other way after reading this  most recent post ......... and out to the forest in a few, actually... it's just a 5 minute drive, thankfully.

the job is with city government, and i don't want to represent what sounds like a developer's city. 

job hunt + COVID quarantine makes for a very slow process, sigh. 


suburb dad here still near the origins of much of our community and way easy to get to the city or the beach or costal mountains 

"instead investing all their time into making sure the front of their house looks as nice as the neighbors house."

I Personally invest a ton of time making sure that my front and back yards look way (way) better than everyone else's

And I love doing it. Recycling / art / flowers / sculpture. Sun and sweat 


Either way best of luck 

I understand how suburbs are right for certain family situations... not dissing it for others... just for me. 

Funny, when I returned to the computer I discovered a really interesting opportunity for MidPen in Los Altos... related to public affairs communications to protect open spaces -- now that topic is more aligned w/ my original job search goals --  -- communications more narrowly focused on earth sciences.  Will definitely apply... (not because of Los Altos, but because of the hills to the west. ;)

Unless you're of a certain age, I think suburbs in general get a bad rap, especially if they're close to more "cultural" areas. If you're not a 20something who wants to be right where it's hip and always active, there is something to be said for safe, clean, comfortable and friendly (and always ample parking!).

And you're looking for a city government job where the city ISN'T about development? What city would that be?

But if the job is good and urban living is something important, I would think that living in Berkeley or Oakland would give you an easy 20-30 minute commute (or even San Francisco using BART to commute) and then you could live the urban "culture" lifestyle... stepping over the street people on your walk to the hip restaurants, bars & venues, get mugged on your walk home and find your car broken into for the 4th time in three months.

If true rural is the key, which it sounds like it might be, that has to be a bit trickier, finding a job where you could also live in or very near open country & mountains. It sounds like you have that now; is there something that makes you absolutely want or need to move, or are you just shopping to see what's out there?

Expensive hills are fun. 

> MidPen in Los Altos..

plenty of nice places to live on Skyline, a short drive down Page Mill rd to Los Altos. LaHonda isn't that far and as beautiful as ever. if you're looking for rural. And if you're employed by Open Space they own some perfect properties near the fire trails in the Santa Cruz mountains  that are often made available to employees.

I'm looking for squanchy, but not too squanchy. 

Just reading the post about Los Altos. A great little town but to live around there it would have to be a pretty (VERY!) well-paying job.

Nancy certainly knows about the Skyline area, an area I absolutely love, but I can't imagine that anything along those ridge areas would be very affordable. But maybe La Honda down the other side isn't as expensive, and you'd really be living the rural, mountain town lifestyle there, but there would be a very twisty commute involved. But boy, it's a lovely drive, and going the opposite way, west down to San Gregorio and the ocean is an easy trip. It's simply amazing all along the coast there, and not many people around.

Still, even living in Los Altos/Palo Alto/Menlo Park is very nice if you can afford it. Just enough suburb for comfort, and quite a bit of good culture & quality restaurants as well.

And as for shows, if we ever get back to "normal" again, a good friend of mine is in charge of renovating an old theater near Stanford campus that should be ready to open as a concert venue about the same time that we can hope to start going to concerts again.

Major Silicon Valley Richie Richardson's are bankrolling it and my friend is VERY good at running venues, so it will almost certainly be set up & run well and will pay to get many acts that play the Fillmore and other like-sized places up north.

It's nice to have choices, hope it all works out.

So Daylight has some of the best taste on viva (especially when it comes to food) but some of the PH backlash may come from historical baggage.  He's not necessarily wrong... but for East Bay folks, PH is fine (and well located).  I've been in Orinda for 12 years and love it.  Great schools and for those of us who have to travel, OAK is close. Heck, people pay twice as much to live in Danville which is equally as far from anything decent.  I have friends in Antioch, Pittsburg, etc. who would be thrilled to be in PH. We have zoners in Ukiah, Grass Valley, etc...  PH would not even be a possibility for some folks.  Wish we all could live in Ross and drink coffee at 10a. 

In all fairness, there's little diversity in many parts of the Bay Area and you gotta go find your space around here.  Or you can just go sit under an Oak tree and burn one. 

Lance, I'm so excited about that new venue. Looks about the size of Club Fox (Little Fox) in Redwood City.
  Don't forget about Bing Concert Hall and the Frost. The Peninsula will be rockin again soon. 



>>>Looks about the size of Club Fox (Little Fox) in Redwood City<<<

That place is REALLY small (and awesome!).

The new venue in Menlo Park, The Guild Theatre, will be more comparable to The UC Theatre in Berkeley or The Rio Theatre in Santa Cruz, maybe somewhere between 800 - 1,000 capacity. But it should be nice.

Like Jurassic Park, they've spared no expense.

I can't imagine even close to that  capacity - from the street view  it doesn't appear like it's very large. But maybe it will have 2 balconies - it's a tall structure..




who do I talk to about an ushering job there? I'm guessing tickets won't be cheap. I started ushering at the Bing just when Covid shut everything down. The perks were great there. 

This tangent on venues is crushing me! Someday, someday... 

HeathenTom, I live and work in Portland... a city w/ an awful racist history particularly regarding land ownership. Like most all cities, Portland has been influenced by developers but is also gutsy enough to set boundaries for development, prioritize equity in any new project design and they have been piloting some pretty cool programs over the years. 

...I'm seeking a new job and new location to refresh my brain and for personal improvement reasons.... looking in a few different regions but I was born in SF and lived there til age 5, and return there to visit more than any other city. I don't care if I live in a rented studio or communal housing, I don't necessarily want to buy a home.

Just seeking a job that's more science communications-oriented... and I must apply to many just to win 1 -- might as well try for jobs that have both location + mission that I like.

You go LLOLLO!

We're all rooting for you.

Awwww thank you!  The dreams help speed the quarantine. 

>>>maybe somewhere between 800 - 1,000 capacity<<<

Well, I just texted my friend, and he says more like 500ish GA.

Still bigger than Club Fox, but still very intimate.

Hopefully they'll book decent acts, even at that lower capacity.


 Heathen. What will your job be at that new place?

how do I get free tickets or upgrades?   Lol?

when is opening night?   Who.  Melvin? 

long ago I lived near sky londa corners    Way, WAY awesome in a house very near a cabin where a famous (to us) author lived 



holy city and even chemeketa park were pretty damn cool also...

Live near Los Altos now. Weather good access good. Lost of different cultures 

Way  too many Tesla$ though

How about that band that first played at Magoo's right around the corner

Right after practicing at DANA Morgans


Rumor has / had it that they could have a promising Legacy


And daylight could get a very Very good pastrami right near there 

I'm retired Jammin' Joel.

Unless Phil is onstage I'm not much interested in "working" events any more.

I don't know if they'll cater to the hippie crowd, but it wouldn't be a bad idea. That genre always sells tickets.

And "free"???

What kind of yuppie south bay suburbanite are you, who can't afford a ticket?

Feakin' Cupertino elitist.

i couldn't believe la honda was like arkansas, what a trip.

apple jacks,

>>>la honda was like arkansas<<<

Dickheads wearing Giants hats???

It is a mountain enclave, after all.

Probably more than a few Trumper cultists in them thar' hills.

Still, a nice place among the redwoods.

I think I got my oil changed in PH in 2013 ... before staying over in Vallejo at a Courtyard that didn't require too many points, then on to Napa for a conference for work.   PH didn't strike me as being anything terrible, but wasn't a big fan.  I felt like I was stuck in the middle of Bay Area "sprawl".   If I had to live in that area, I'd probably gravitate to one of those ranch / rural areas ... or at least nearby.   This trip was memorable for a different reason, the timing worked out to see the Q at TXR after my conference in Napa.  It was either 12/7 or 12/8/13.

Slow Hand BBQ in PH makes good Q.  It's local.  Walnut Creek and Concord have good, local eats. Kevin's Noodle House makes great pho and Totilleria El Molina = tacos. Suburbs are inherently boring. That's part of the appeal, for some/many, if you are trying to raise a family. 

There are unincorporated parts of the Bay Area that offer rural living. Just gotta poke around. 

no giants hats lance.

just drunken locals at 3pm snarling as they jam away in their beat up 4x4.

he looked at hoover, brent kliss and i, he was not pleased to see tie dye.

markd streamed the dedicated manicas. a local named skeeter? had his mind blown that apple jacks was on the internet...outside of apple jacks on mark's laptop. 

beautiful place. was just a bit taken back by the hick-ness like 30 mins from


Wow I've only been to La Honda for the fair and that was a generational hippie fest. A few years ago the middle school kids put on a play about the Further bus that left from La Honda. But yeah I could see Apple Jack being a different kind of place on non-fair days. 


I think Skeeter is the mayor of La Honda.

I had forgotten that Turts. What yr was it? I remember it was an adventure.


This has become a nice Bay Area-in-general thread.

In that light, my friend sent me this short promo video for The Guild Theatre in Menlo Park (a couple blocks from Stanford campus).

The place looks pretty damn cool, and definitely smaller than I was expecting.

And the people running it know what they're doing.

There's hope.

(Oh, and notice who's on the marquee at the beginning of the video)

LLOLLO, Canyon is a tiny enclave in the hills of the East Bay. In the '60s it was a lovely place when I visited people I knew, don't know how it is now but I found this page. I don't know if there are rentals.

"1 school, 72 students, 10,000 trees"

Cool beans. It would be funny if Weir actually did the opening night there.

Nice that people with deep pockets are putting it to good use; it looks like a great setup.

Thanks for the info Lance, I wish your buddies all the best. 

Whoa the 2 previous posts have twin time stamps... 

Judit, thanks for posting about Canyon. Now I must go there to explore next time I head south.

Just read about the school and looked at a bunch of Google images, wow, have never heard of that place.

I Personally invest a ton of time making sure that my front and back yards look way (way) better than everyone else's

joel the difference is that you actually do other things with your life and, im assuming, dont get seriously bent out of shape about trivial issues of appearance. there is nothing wrong with being invested in your homes appearance, but when you allow your life to be reduced to the simplest and most base suburban goals its a recipe for insufferable boredom and a culturally/intellectually barren community. 

i know for sure i would not count you among those i was talking about simply based on how frequently i see you at shows, chasing down one of the oldest and most innate pleasures man has ever known.

theres nothing inhgerently bad about pleasant hill, but op's question of "is it a real town or just a developed suburb" leads me to think they are just as averse to suburban living as i am, and pleasant hill is very very much just another developed suburb. theres nothing inherently wrong with it, but if you dont want to live in the burbs, pleasant hill should not be on your list of possible places to live.

and slowhand is pretty good. they dont steam their pastrami so the fat does not have the proper texture but other than that everything is pretty on point. by far one of the best places to eat in town regardless of cost. slowhand puts more care into their food than any of the seemingly nicer, more expensive white tablecloth places in town.

 Not to distract

 But i do love art and the arts

Live music most  of all with the communal sacraments 

Cooking and presenting food can be art 

many things that one Is passionate about can be art

landscaping is art and I love Working with my hands

i can be a wee bit materialistic and am  proud of how my house is a temple / museum / labor of love / expression of both order and chaos? Thousand of dead posters shirts, etc   Even some with provenance...  but I digress 


the refuge in Menlo Park has pastrami you will want to try some day   I Probably have mentioned it to you before


good luck with your move

feel the vibe and pull the trigger


thanks for the Guild link, Lance.  Looks like an upscale Club Fox. And sounds like they'll be booking better bands. 

It's going to be interesting to see how the sleepy town reacts to the new nightlife in town. Sure, there's a few restaurants in town, but nothing late night. There is some downtown parking, but if this venue is successful, the town better get to work on a parking garage. Unless there's public parking garage as part of the major complex being built across the street from the Guild? Not an issue for me, since I will plan on biking or walking to the show. I so miss live music! 

I will drive if you  can get me in opening night !



pretty swanky there

Pleasant HIll/Walnut Creek border has a real good BBQ place called Back 40

can't remember the year mark.

doogs also told me he got into a jam there. apparently according to him, some people will make it a point to pick a fight with the biggest guy in the room. sounds like a pain in the ass.

My old boss took us to Back 40 a couple of times.


We used to get In N Out in San Ramon on rare occasions until Pleasant Hill opened up, then we went to that location regularly for years. Now my wife works by the San Ramon one.


This came out last year before covid changes.

More on The Guild.


Re Weir:

“We will try to get Bob to come down and do something someday,” Dunlevie said.

Willie in May (on the marquee  wish list   lol)


I grew up in Martinez on the boarder with Pleasant Hill and Lafayette (If we were a few blocks over with a Lafayette zip code my mom's house would probably be worth an extra half million bucks). Back in the day my friends and I had no trouble getting to Grateful Dead concerts in San Francisco, Oakland, or anywhere around the Bay. Our hood was pretty boring and not a lot to do but drink and party, but at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill we did form a Neo Pagan Society in response to the Christian zealots who were annoying us on campus. I moved to San Francisco in the 1980s, but have been back home helping my mom since the pandemic hit, and there is more to offer around Pleasant Hill and environs now than 40 years ago. There are great parks and open spaces all around (my dad was a founder of the John Muir Land Trust which continues to purchase and preserve remaining open lands in the region). There are actually bus lines through the area now which did not exist when I was growing up. You had to have a car, and you still want one out here. Food scene has definitely improved. Somebody mentioned Back Forty Texas BBQ, good stuff! Slow Hand BBQ is also good. Jo's Sushi Bar is better than any I know in San Francisco. Contra Costa Blvd is the main drag through the valley and now has it's own homeless population! The tracks immediately adjacent have grown poorer and pretty much gone to seed, but a more diverse community means lots of interesting cuisines from all over Asia and the Americas, nestled in amid the standard corporate chains, and lots of burger joints, but skip them all and go directly to Giant Chef. Pleasant Hill, California, a big nothing surrounded by everything.

Paging NancyintheSky: Thanks for that MidPen housing info. I learned a 2 days ago that they want to interview me next Thursday! 

If you have any more intel on MidPen, I'd love to hear it.

Don't have any more intel, but if you can score one of the rental properties on Open Space land, you're golden. There's a nice house  off Skyline, just south of rat 84 that my friends rented years ago. And plenty of others near the trails. MidPen Open Space is well funded and well run. my only gripe is that they allow grazing on public lands for pennies claiming it's good for the ecosystem and yet and ban dogs on most of their trails claiming their presence disturbs the wildlife. EastBay Regional Parks are much more dog friendly. 

^^^^ Thank you! 

I'll definitely ask if I advance -- I wouldn't be surprised to hear that those properties are saved for their field staff and researchers. 

I wonder if the dog ban is because some dogs will chase wildlife while grazing cattle will not?

None of the trails even allow for off leash dog walking, so chasing wildlife isn't a thing since the dogs are presumably all on leash anyway. Allowing the dogs on the trails would likely keep the Mountain lions away. 

 The cattle pollute the streams and trample the local plants. They're certainly not "native" but they get a pass for "historical" purposes.


Interesting, thanks.


Nice thread!


Regarding Pleasant Hill: It currently has the closest open Rasputin Music to Berkeley/Oakland/SF, so there's that (recently stopped by there after a hike to pick up Borat for the teen boy who wanted to see the original).

We also invade Pleasant Hill for July 4th.  No fog and nice green grass for the fireworks.


Campbell is the other "close" Rasputn's in the Bay Area (several have been closed over the last couple of years - Amoeba hasn't reopened, I think).

I used to do a lot of bicycling and always loved going over the Berkeley/Oakland Hills down into Canyon and on to Moraga or Hayward via Redwood Road.  Beautiful, with redwoods and all sorts of natural delights.

>>>Expensive hills are fun. 

My brother was hoping to purchase a home in the Oakland Hills, but notes that fire insurance rates out of control nowadays.


I'm hoping to see you in the Bay Area soon, LLOLLO!

>>>Campbell is the other "close" Rasputn's in the Bay Area<<<

I live five minutes from there!

Good luck LLOLLO. Hope it works out for you. It sounds like working for an organization that preserves open lands would be a good way to spend your time and earn a buck, and the BA has TONS of room for more folks, so come on down!

^^^^^ LOL

Thanks you guys, we'll see.

I need a break from my current employer, among other things that I need a break from...

Job interviews via Zoom are the worst... I'm spending extra time just practicing w/ that.

Need a skinny filter, LOL.

If I'm successful, the good thing is that I have a good friend in Redwood City to crash with until I find housing.

Will post an update next Thursday night!

Pick out a nice virtual background image  for the zoom interview. Perhaps a nice View from one of your favorite hikes. Good luck!

^^^^ Thanks Nancyinthesky, been thinking on that, too.

I've got images, but am experimenting w/ setup of my work laptop vs home desktop vs phone zoom + many things... going to practice w/ friends this weekend.  I realized that in a past interview several months ago, they may have been looking at my forehead and like 1 eye... and then there's makeup, which I rarely wear anymore.  

The new era of job hunting --- not the most fun thing I could be doing....

Headline: Zoner completes job interview #1, just barely

This was for the MidPen Regional Open Space District, office is in Los Altos.  I took the afternoon off for hair appt and prep. I didn't use a virtual background because my old Mac wouldn't support it.... so I moved a bookcase behind my chair, then moved a huge framed fabric art to the wall behind me, and added 2 plants. Made sure book titles were intriguing and included some GD books in the stack. ;)

Then the old wire on the art frayed and that fell down, so I set it on top of the bookcase. While warming up, I backed up my chair into the bookcase, and one of the plants crashed onto the floor -- a huge mess -- but thankfully not on my clothes, LOL. 

I meditated, saw a hummingbird and felt better, until I realized that the meeting link was for MS Teams, not Zoom -- had to download more software! 

I ended up connecting to the meeting a few minutes late, but had a good interview experience w/ 4 very nice panelists, wrote thank you notes mentioning how hiking and snowshoeing in Oregon's open spaces over the last year has saved my sanity during COVID, and already got an invite to complete a writing exercise and 2nd interview on Tuesday!! 

Very excited about this opportunity!  

The environment you created seems like a good one (except for the stuff falling and crashing), the hummingbird is a good sign, and then more software. I love that you've been invited back.

All in all, you sound encouraged.

Thanks Judit, I am most definitely encouraged... haven't had any other bites from other recent job apps in other states... but I had a good feeling that this one could be a good match from several angles.

Out now to get some fresh air, cat just peed in the fireplace and the litter box isn't even dirty.  What is up with the planets today? ;)

Good Luck Meditate, you got this one

I loved living in Los Altos 


not far from where I reside now 

 Best of luck!

Thanks for the {{{{{ good Zoner energy }}}}} everyone!

You guys are soooooo good at sending me positive energy that I learned this morning that I'm a finalist and they asked for references!

I had the round 2 interview just yesterday, while sick w/ stomach bug, no sleep and bad hair, and really didn't feel like I presented at the level I needed to this was a shocker... maybe the planets are aligning for me, we'll see. 

The organization seems super cool and I like their mission of preserving open space... like who doesn't care for space? ;)

Space is the best during housing shortages because it usually is saved for the people that can afford to enjoy it. 

Good point, but space is also habitat for the original animal inhabitants.

I'm a fan of urban density to support the protection of more undeveloped open space. 

Who really needs yards and McMansions that house 2 people?


Sounds promising. Something I learned while interviewing for one of my first Bay Area jobs - we are everywhere. Don't be afraid to sharing your passion for music and GD. I reluctantly spoke of it during that interview and sure enough,  Barry was also a deadhead, and it probably helped in the hiring process. 

^^^ Thanks, that's been on my mind as a conversation starter....

I'm waiting for the right opportunity... pretty sure the group manager is not originally from the Bay Area, but like you said, "we are everywhere."



good luck llollo!

we took a hike in the hills last weekend. giant homes. not sure what percentage of them have humans in them? 25%.?

Congrats on making it to the finals!

Thanks Turtle and Ken! Even if I don't win, I am building momentum....


Wonderful news!

Good luck!

Thanks MarkD and JohnnyD! 

So if I do win and move south, (post-COVID) what would it be like to live in "Da City" and commute to Los Altos? (Pretty sure I saw a headline that rents in SF are trending downward... and I love SF...just found a pic of myself at like age 4 posed in front of a flowering tree near some official-looking civic building maybe near BGCC?... regular excursions to north beach )

Is the train easy?  Of course this is on my list to research myself, but if anyone does a similar commute or has tips, let me know ... no rush.. just thinking ahead. 


Train is easy, if you live near the Train in SF. Driving can take about 1 hour (light traffic)if you're lucky .
The evening rush hour traffic to SF sucks. 


^^^ thanks!   I would prefer a cabin in the hills but doubt that those are easy to find available for rent at the time that I would need to find a place...

Tell them that your dream job includes a cabin in the hills :)


If your prospective  employer doesn't offer you one of their cabins you should at least be able to get on a wait list. 

^^^ Funny, while reading their website I did find an old public announcement for a home to rent, but it was too large... couldn't find any other mentions of housing -- figure it must be for their field staff.

how do you know so much about this?

I would agree that a regular commute to & from Los Altos would be 45 minutes - an hour, depending on where you live in SF.

But highway 280 is the way to go, and if you have to commute that's about as nice a drive as you'll find on a major highway.

In the past ten years the afternoon drive from the south bay to SF on 280 went from a total breeze to pretty bad jams in a couple of spots, with more & more Silicon Valley techies (or open space employees!) living in the city, but I'm really hoping that once things are back to a semblance of normal lots of those techies will be able to continue to work from home (I believe the three biggies - Google, Apple & Facebook have already said that would happen) and 280 will be mostly open again.

I have a friend who lives in the Richmond District (neighborhood north of Golden Gate Park) and she has commuted daily to Los Altos for years and has never minded the drive.

And despite what so many love to say these days, San Francisco is still a great town.

(Just don't leave your kids in an unlocked, running car)

Good luck!

how do you know so much about this?


I rented for 20 years in the mountains near open space, and was on a wait list to rent one of the open space properties. If they didn't have employees that wanted to live in them, they would rent them out. I knew one couple that got lucky and rented a cabin. Since that time,  the organization has since acquired much more land since then, with more  houses on the land. I guess I've been hiking on the trails near these properties, I've met tenants..they're not all ranger or field workers occupied. I would much rather live near work than deal with the commute, especially if work is in such a gorgeous place. 

^^^Thanks, interesting... hoping the one reference I gave who has significant knowledge of my tour days doesn't remember the embarrassing stories and stays focused on my work skills... fingers crossed

One step closer: 3 of my 5 references have confirmed positive phone call experiences.. they had to answer 10 questions about my work style.

One of them learned that after the original round of 10, I'm now in a pool of 3. 

They have enough projects ahead that they intend to hire 2 more people for their team in the months ahead, so that's a good sign.

I like your odds!

Thanks for sharing.  


Vibes for the best outcome. 

That's good news.  Keep us posted.

^^^^ Thanks! 

The best part will be getting a break from applying for jobs... been snowshoeing around the neighborhood today and generally chilling in front of the fire... about 4-5 inches of snow and 1.5 inches of ice in my neighborhood in Portland...

Enjoy the snow while you can.  

Don't eat the yellow snow


Especially if it's from stu's husky

^^^ LOL...didn't see any of that today but did track some animal paw/hoof prints , one was a deer.. downtown Portland, there was the pop-up Birkebeiner XC ski race... last time there was enough snow for it was 2017.


OMG!!! Offer letter coming my way!!! 

Best part: I can work remotely to start, as long as I find housing in Bay area by June... and I will road trip down there in the next 10 days for a short trip to meet the group manager and pick up my "tech bundle."

So happy for you, Llollo!

Yeah that's exciting news. Hope it works out. (First time I got a job offer in the Bay area I stayed for a couple decades....)


Sweet. Congratulations, LLOLLO.


I hope to see a bit more of you once you settle and the COVID calms down.



Thanks!!!!  You've been so supportive of my journey. Hugs to all!  

I'm in major shock -- just told my current supervisor, too.

Far out!

It's wonderful that you made it happen, LLOLLO!  Seems like aa great move for you.

Thanks Judit!  Hope you're staying warm in Eugene w/ all the storms...

Need to get that offer letter signed to make it official, then I can take next steps. 



Even though it might be awhile, let me be the first to say Welcome to California!

Glad for you and us too.

We got some cold rain, but no ice or snow. Staying mostly cozy.

That's good news.  

Spend my days with a woman unkind
Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine
Made up my mind, make a new start
Goin' to California with an achin' in my heart

lol. If you want I'd be glad to buy you  a cup of coffee or tea or whatever 

You will be near my place of residence at some point

To say hello to Lolo

Far Out and Congrats LLOL !! yes

Ken, more like: No achin' in my heart, there's an over-abundance of stuff to smoke in Oregon, but someone DID drink all my wine, LOL.wink

Thanks Mark for your warm welcome and thanks LLTD for the kind invite -- it would be cool to meet up some day! 

I haven't received the offer letter yet, eek!   Patience, patience.

If only there were a show to travel to.... now's the time for me to build in a week of fun before I begin a new job. 

Hello. Our mutual friend told me you are moving here. I live in, & have lived in, SF for many  years. When you get here I would love to  take you to lunch & become better acquainted. I know the city & believe I can introduce you to some of our fun things.

We can even invite our friend if we like.

Please ask her for my number & welcome to our slice of everything.

hey Crabneesh -- I'll be in touch!  I was born in SF and remember som old-school haunts and know some neighborhoods ... and have returned regularly for music.... so it would be cool to get your tour, too... especially if you can advise on housing opportunities and best neighborhoods near CalTrain (apartment rental).

Would love to see you again, thanks for the offer!

So does this mean the next WCZJ will be held in the Golden State?

^^^ Good question!  It's up to Zoners... I still think the Oregon site is worth going back to... it wouldn't be difficult to coordinate it from out of state... 



Jerry Garcia A??????


with canyon and an all star cast
fun times


Good grief.

The city made that venue off limits. WAY too expensive, WAY too many rules & demands, WAY too many restrictions, WAY too many hoops.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some folks don't remember that.

LLOLLO, one thing you'll likely learn in your return to the BA is that places like the one you secured for last year's party don't exist here in "the promised land".

Just caught up with my zonal reading - congrats!

>>I guess I shouldn't be surprised that some folks don't remember that<<


not true little buddy, i do know the ropes (or at least I do in this case) ....what is wrong with being a sentimental fool ? jfk

don't get of my lawn me you "youngin"  ( fyi   I was just looking at your old business card from the dump today - as the world turns)

Congratulations, it sounds like a great deal for you.

I'm sure you will find, as most people who live here do, that the Bay Area can be a pain in the ass in some ways but 

the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks....


   Safe travels and sending you good vibes towards the housing situation!


^^^ Thanks Local!  There is a PITA factor anywhere one lives, I think. 

Funny update: Salary negotiations are done now and I'll get that offer letter soon. 

This morning, they texted me to suggest a start date of March 15, Phil's bday, LOL!! 

But the HR person didn't know that my new supervisor has a vacation booked -- so now my start date is March 22.

I'll just make a quick trip to Los Altos to pick up equipment, unfortunately Dell, not Apple.

Then, will start looking for housing w/ a goal to move over Memorial Day weekend. Fingers crossed!


Congrats, we'll send you instructions for the SF Bay Area double secret high-sign/hand-shake... 

>>>SF Bay Area double secret high-sign/hand-shake<<<

That gets you a spot on the rail at TxR.

^In 2022.....

LOL  2022? I can't wait that long for live music in the Bay! 


Maybe you could create a video of that handshake for all to see and we could use it as a way to gain entrance to the next WCZJ!!! yassss!

TxR was pulling off socially distanced shows in the park before we went into the last total shutdown. I would expect shows in the park this summer.

The Grate Room will be a different story. Social space & air flow have never been the strong points of that great little room.

I wonder what it would take to do the next WCZJ at the park at TXR?

I prefer a rural festival-like environment w/ camping to make it more affordable for travelers.... but TXR does rent for private parties...check out the pic at bottom ... is that Neal Casal at the table?

I had found another cool old retreat center for rent in Pescadero but now their link is dead, oh well.

Updates + paging NancyintheSky

I had fun scoping out housing rental websites this weekend in SF near Caltrain -- but have downgraded that idea because I realized I'd have to pay an extra $300 / mo to garage my car -- not ready to give up my touring / mountain wagon yet.  Rents have gone down, but not that much!

NancyintheSky: Do you know Page Mill Road near Foothills park entrance, east of Skyline?  There's a cool house-share situation there advertised on Craigslist... only 18min drive to Los Altos... really good deal for a beautiful partially furnished master suite on 10 acres + hot tub.... wondering if that road is awful to drive? 

I love driving in the mountains but if it's gravel, well, not so fun. Unfortunately it's available next week -- a little soon -- but maybe we could work something out... this would allow me more time actually living in the area to figure out where I should live long-term... and get on that cabin wait list! :)

sounds killer. good luck!

^^^Thanks Turtle!  Now Phil and David need to start playing again as soon as they are vaccinated ... hopefully they already have been...

PageMill road is nicely paved and fun  to drive - a steep and winding road, but well paved.  You can use 84/Woodside rd up the as an alternate route.
Just be prepared to dodge the deer and an occasional car crossing into your lane - I honk on the blind curves.

the rental sounds perfect, grab it! (assuming it's not a scam and the roomies are cool) 

^^^^ ooooh, sound perfect, thanks! 

yes, I'm aware of Craigslist scams -- going to research that thoroughly --  here's the link:


Lollo, if you want to shoot me an email I can ask some of my friends who live up on the mountain if they're familiar with that property. Or if they have any leads on rentals in that area. We moved off the mountain 12 years ago, but still stay in touch 


mightaswell75@yahoo dot com

My experience driving Page Mill is taking it down from Skyline, and from the map it looks like that house is lower down the hill from most of the really steep parts. I'd say that would be a very doable daily drive.

It's absolutely beautiful up there, and if you like to live in a rural setting and the house-mates are tolerable that place looks really nice and very accessible to your work and more urban areas.

Thanks to you both for the good info.

Nancyinthesky, I'll email you.

I spoke w/ the owner, Grace's a really large home and she has long-term renters (2 guys, 1 for 20 years!) in 2 other rooms on the lower floor -- master suite is on upper floor. 

We are going to do a house tour by Zoom this weekend.

She and her family built the home in the early 80s... and she is very familiar with my new employer!






right by foothills park 

completely awesome place

feel the housemates vibe, and sign up immediately - GO FOR IT
i will personally guarantee and vouch for the area - many, Many times nearby, weekly or more bike  up the hill foothill park is like home

make it  so - if you visualize  your future and dreams, they can become true  xo

Thanks LLTD, so good to hear your thoughts, being a local and all. 

Dreaming has been essential to surviving a pandemic. ;)

See you Bay Area Zoners the week of March 22!

I learned late last night that I got the house-share place on 10 acres up Page Mill Rd, near entrance to Foothills Open Space preserve, west of Moody Road... west of Los Altos by 20 minutes! 

I'll walk the property to see if it's a suitable location for Zoner Jam, LOL. (joking)

Now that these essential arrangements are locked in, I feel calm and ready to pack!

Guess I'll store all my winter woolens and winter sports gear tubs for future mountain travel -- won't need it at 1800 ft, pretty sure. 

I learned that the house owner swims laps at a community pool near Stanford, Rinconada or some similar name... so going to check that out... funny to me that it's a year-around outdoor pool, wild! 

Every girlfriend I've shared my news with so far has been excited for my new adventure and maybe a tiny bit envious if they've been working from home, LOL

Year round pool(s) and nicely heated. Covid rules and reservation system takes a little getting used to, check your email for tips..



Guess I'll store all my winter woolens and winter sports gear tubs for future mountain travel -- won't need it at 1800 ft, pretty sure. 


mistake #1



^^^^ LOL  okay, no skis yet, snowshoes and a few woolies. 

 Rinconada park took tennis lessons there

swimming lessons there kind of grew up there a few blocks from home

Hell moonalice even played there a few years back

ae a young teen used to smoke high up in a redwood tree there 

The children's theater was there Where I cut my teeth as the court jester LOL 

the Girl Scout house and a larger theater there also beautiful Spanish architecture


I actually learned a lot of things in that park to be honest

Also right next to the children's library in case that matters I am so very happy for you truly truly it's awesome



I was taking a car for a long test-drive yesterday and went up to Skyline Blvd. and then down Page Mill Road to 280.

Damn, it's nice up there, and I think you're going to enjoy driving Page Mill, not too windy or steep from where you'll be, and they just re-paved the road so it's smoooooth. It will be a nice daily commute, and it took me about ten minutes to get to 280 from Moody Road, so you'll have quick access to more urban things.

I'm a bit envious.

^^^^^  sweet, I appreciate that info, thanks!   

Nancyinthesky has kindly connected me with some friends in La Honda area, too.... there's going to have to be a meet-up at Alice's Restaurant, I can feel it!

smooth road?!  gotta get my bike out of storage... I live in a neighborhood that's rather dangerous for bike commuting, though I used to commute by bike to downtown when I lived on the east side of the Willamette River here in Portland.

super stoked that I found this place before it went to someone else!   


You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant


we used to live about a mile from skylonda corners


i was young once 

Safe, smooth travels, LLOLLO!  Congratulations for your choices, flexibility, and outlook ~ Glad you are so positive!

KeseyB, Thanks for your kind words -- grinning and (feel like I'm) winning.

LLTD -- I probably won't have time to socialize the first 2 weekends in town, but I'll be in touch about a Zoner meet-up!