

Charm School

*Strings, that is.

When I first heard Billy, it didn't take long for me to imagine him playing with Fleck and Thile.




To top it off, it's the fiddler (I'm thinking Michael Cleveland) who really stands out.  Smokin'.

The video ain't much, and is repetitious. But the tune is straight up Bela.

I recommend getting DFC relative to your speakers (or some good headphones), and turning it up.

And there's this, just Billy and Bela

Michael sits in now and then with Strings. A brilliant player and prodigy, he's been a big deal in the bluegrass circles for most of his life. His band Flamekeeper is pretty solid traditional bluegrass. Not sure if he's still doing it but he was offering fiddle tutoring sessions online at the beginning of the pandemic.


Here's Michael shredding with Doc Watson

Video credits Billy Contreras as the fiddler...

Flamekeeper: The Michael Cleveland Story   An amazing video.  

Béla Fleck brought the bluegrass heat and closed down the 49th RockyGrass with a phenomenal performance featuring Sierra Hull, Justin Moses, Mark Schatz, Bryan Sutton, and Michael Cleveland.

Bela at Rocky Grass 2021.JPG

Video credits Billy Contreras as the fiddler...<<


Thx!  I'll be looking him up.

I watched the video for about two minutes; then closed my eyes and listened, interrupting with an occasional "Holy fuck!"