The belt under the buckle....


Was most effective in the 60's, 70's & maybe early 80's?




Kids these days don't know a good punishment, even if they google searched it.


My pops struck fear in my mind after two belt beatings. All he had to do after that was mearly lift his shirt and I'd straighten my shit out.


You lift you shirt these days, kids just want to know what your buying them.


Kids growing up this day in age are nothing but spoiled little fuckers attached to the internet 24/7.

{{{{red headed step-child}}}}

My son went to sleep at 8. Back to school tomorrow. 


such sweeping statements about all the people you dont know.....


i personally know several awesome kids, teen to young adult, who are pretty damm awsome, job holding, straight A athletic types.... i dont think they ever got a belt..

13 point guy sure is an ingratiating type.

"You hold the key to love and fear

All in your tremblin' hand."

I'd like to have a little kid that I could push around . . .


~Lou Reed~

Did you have some kind of a bad experience with a little kid?

I was the little kid 

So, because of those beltings you stayed on the straight and narrow your entire adolescence and adult life? You always followed every rule, didn't do anything you weren't supposed to, and have been 100% respectful to the authorities and everyone else around you?

I just learned to be more sneaky, and weighed everything in terms of getting an ass whipping. Is this worth a beating? Hell yea. I learned to take the beating. Proud to say that I never hit any of my three kids

^That about sums it up for me fabes. Pick your battles. I don't have kids, but I don't think I could administer that kind of punishment.

I got spanked, the belt and the wooden spoon. I also had corporal punishment throughout elementary school. None of it did shit to change me.

IMO. the only way spanking is ethical, and the only way it works at all, is:

Age 2 - 4 only.
Bare hand.
One pop to the butt.
No actual pain that lasts more than a second or two.
Only to bring the kid back to the here and now when they're flipping out and not subject to reason.


Anything more - again, IMO - is child abuse.




Living with the constant threat of a beating, 

does more damage than the beating

"The beatings will continue until morale improves."

- Captain Bligh

Keep them chilren drunk and happy

My mother would hang a belt on her bedroom door with the warning 'wait until your father gets home'. Eventually I wasn't afraid of the belt or the beating and the belt retired itself. 

I have to admit that I love telling stories to my children about the corporal punishment that my parents dished out on their sons (which, honestly wasn't really that bad; mainly hand & belt spankings and washing mouths out with soap).


It's such a foreign concept to them.


I suppose we file that in the age-old generational tradition of: "When I was a kid...(enter old-timey hardship here)"

What part of hitting a child makes a man more manly ? The correct answer is none.

A disobedient child has issues that a beating will not solve. 

Violence against children is always uncool and reveals the adults' lack of parenting skills, imo.

Being the youngest, with two older brothers, i saw plenty of "belt". All involving my brothers....i dont think my dad ever did anything, but start to unbuckle, and id run like a bat out of hell, and change my "behavior" or "attitude" immediatly. My brothers were usually in the same room, and theyd laugh so hard at my reaction that i think my Dad just gave up....


Ive never struck my kid, but i did spank my stepdaughter once....her mother pointed out that "we dont DO that." I felt bad...couldnt imagine how my dad, so many dads back then (and moms) could do that and alot more...that i vowed never again...and stuck to it.

I didn't care for it when the belt was used on me so I never did it to my kids...My Italian grandmother used to beat us with a huge golden hairbrush anytime we left toys laying about. I  never did learn why she was so angry but she hated clutter. My Italian grandparents also use to spank me for not being able to sleep due to childhood asthma. I really hated those beatings... My Dad used the belt mostly because I used to get my school clothes dirty, he hated that. I always knew I would catch a beating when I got home but I just could not resist the critters in the muck of Richardson Bay and also once in a while if I didn't finish all the food on my plate. I wouldn't say the beatings made me a better person, I was angry for most of my youth and loved to fight up into my early 20s...

My grandmother had a wooden spoon. A prayer was always offered up to a non existent god that the spoon wouldn't break while she was beating you.  The offense was usually something terrible like sitting on the plastic covered couch, playing with my grandfathers toy model cars.....  

The thought of beating my kids has never crossed my mind. That's the easy way out.

For a long time, when I'd get the belt (or any other kind of physical punishment), I'd be really mad at either parent for doing it. When I was about 9, a kid moved into my development who I quickly became friends with. His mother was really nice & his father didn't seem bad, but it turned out he was a nasty drunk. He was also short & had a kind or Napoleon complex. He'd get drunk & just beat on his son. He used to come to school with fresh bruises & various kinds of marks all over him. Truly devastating to see. He came in with a broken arm one day & said it happened when he fell off of his bike, My mother told me years later that actually, in a drunken fit, his father pushed him down a flight of stairs. After they divorced, his mother told my mother this. It was hard for me to feel bad about what I got after that. Seemed like nothing compared to what that poor kid went through.

The last time I got the wooden spoon was when it broke on my ass.

The last time I got smacked was when I caught mom's hand before it made contact.

I told my Mom to "fuck off" under my breath, but she heard me.  Then came the "wait until your Father gets home" threat.  Washed my mouth out with soap. 

I would never in a million years do that to a kid.  Oh and Fuck You Irish Spring!

Once, my Mom washed our mouths out with Scope, for singing "I lost my arm in the Army..." over and over again in the car.


I think that was a nice compromise for a relatively minor, but annoying, infraction.

Yes training animals is hard work.  Shortcuts to desired performance don't always work or have a lasting result.


Invest in love. The payback is tremendous!

^^Washing your mouth out with mouthwash, good deal you got there.  How does the rest of that song go?  Kinda funny. 

Got caught smoking cigs, Dad's punishment was to make me smoke a cigar (with a Marlboro hanging out of his mouth)...I vomited that time too.

I got the mouth washed out treatment once. I remember thinking it was more funny than a punishment, it did not stop me from cussin'....when I was 16 I started drinking heavily,  my Mom got the idea to sit  me down and make me drink an entire fifth of Jagermiester(sp?) while her & her idiot boyfriend tried to lecture me on the evils of alcohol. It was the most drunk I have ever been in my life. It did not curtail my drinking in any way...

I used to get hit with a belt or a yardstick. Got the buckle more than once. Been punched and thrown and once got hit with a thrown skillet.

Didn't learn shit except how to take a whoopin' and like Canyon, liked to fight into my early-late twenties.

Nothing good about corporal punishment.

Jamjuice, I'm not sure where we heard it from (probably from a childhood friend whose father was a Military Veteran), but the way my brother and I sang it was thus (in the tune of "For He's A Jolly Good Fellow"):


I lost my arm in the Army

I lost my leg in the Navy

I lost my eyeballs in the graaaaaaaveeeeeeyyyy...(short pause)....


So, whatta ya think of that!!!???



^We'd sing that over and over again, then rolled around in laughter.


Not finding much via Google search (was hoping to find a tune on youtube), but found something, which was probably what my Mom remembered from the original:


I lost my arm in the Army.
I lost my leg in the Navy.
I lost my balls at Niagara Falls,
and found 'em in the gravy.

Fortunately for me the old man drop dead in 80'.

Though the two beatings were enough to remind myself not to piss my mom off.

My mom is an off the boat Italian. She used to be able to throw a spatula like a boomerang..



This thread isn't about beating your kids in 2017, it's more of a funny reminder of how things were and how most kids these days fear nothing but the loss of their computer or iPhone.

I blame OSHA

It has never ended for me. My wife punches me it the shoulder quite a bit still. I still feel compelled to to say ow.

Posting on the internets.

Jaz, I would hope there's a vw punch buggy near by...

Slug bug.

meh. my kids run wild and they're just fine

Yeah, Jill I bet they are.

This thread explains a lot about you people

Thanks for the morning laugh, Johnny D.  Now that I know the whole song, you and your brother should have gotten a spanking.  devil