Bernie Sanders


Get well soon, if you become the nominee, you get my vote


Bernie Sanders has heart procedure, cancels campaign events

WASHINGTON — Bernie Sanders’ campaign says the Democratic presidential candidate has had a heart procedure for a blocked artery. The Vermont senator is canceling events and appearances “until further notice.”

Not good.

Pulling a Jagger.

Politics and being a Rock Star will do that to ya.

I hope Bernie is as resilient as Jagger or Richards, but sadly, this will probably be the end of the road for his candidacy, especially if he can't make the next debate on Oct. 15.

Still, even if he can't continue, he has already done his nation a great service and will go down as one of the most influential political leaders of the 21st Century.  Well done! 

Watch how the Bernie haters/Republicans equate his health issues to the Hillary “stumble and pneumonia reset” because of the debate 13 days from now...


They will.

Weekend at Bernie's?

Damn, that escalated quickly.


Time for him to through his support behind Warren and withdraw from the campaign.

Agree. Warren has appeal and even though I've always been a Bernie fan, I think she would make a great president and I would vote for her if she is nominated.

Bernie will now experience public doubt for the rest of his campaign -- this will be difficult to overcome from a public relations standpoint. 

Next, he'll be pressured to have a physical and release a statement from his physician. 


the centrists are happy, huh? lol. 

biden had a brain hemorrhage. 

clinton has like 4 fakes hearts and still ate mcdonald’s, in his forties??. 

bernie will be back to kicking ass in no time, as much as y’all wish he wasn’t. 

Take as much time as you need Bernie, your health is more important, you too P-heat.


thod will vote for bernie is he’s the nominee. lol. pussy. 

(((((  as much as y’all wish he wasn’t  )))))


You are an awful representative to Bernie's cause. Any of my "dislike" for Bernie is exclusively because of you, p-heater.


wow. ned you’ve always been a little bitch tho. doesn’t surprise me. 

Ice > Wind

ned you’re always good for a laugh. 

Hey thanks pal!

Bro, you even yell like him... 


Take the week off




naysayer ned

as jim hightower says, "there's nothing in the middle of the road except for yellow stipes and dead armadillos"...

I'd like to send him a get well card.

What hospital in Havana is he in?

And if you think "Medicaid for All" will get you the kind of treatment that Bernie got today, at the speed he got it, keep dreaming. 

Some animals are more equal than others.

Did your parents have any children that lived?

thom you support white nationalism. 

shut the fuck up. 

I wonder if he had a PE / pulmonary embolism, common yet dangerous blood clot in / near the heart, elderly that travel a lot get them fairly often (or a DVT, deep vein thrombosis, similar to the PE, only the clot is still in the leg).   The fact that he had stents put in suggest this is what happened.  Very treatable condition.  

Don't think the type of insurance would have any impact on the speed or type of treatment for that kind of condition (nice BS fabrication from Thom, lol, guess if you throw those lies out enough they start to stick with gullible partisans).  However, if you had no insurance, that might prevent you from getting help at a private health care clinic, or willingness to go to the hospital and get it checked out, but once at the hospital, you'd be treated the same, not sure if it would complicate your after stenting care....   

Did your parents have any children that lived?

One of the best posts of the year...

too bad that they did?

go look in the mirror Thom, if you have any eyes that is

Metaphorically speaking


Beyond repugnant 


pramidheat, I don't understand the value of berating people whose opinions differ from my/your own, especially if you want them to change their mind. If your opinion is something you'd like others to share, such as the value of Bernie Sanders over all others, it hardly seems you're giving them any reason to want to share it by telling them they're assholes, pussies, bitches or whatever names you think of. Seems incredibly counterproductive. And if you're coming around just to mess with people, not to persuade them to consider Bernie as their candidate, what the fuck? 

I wish Bernie good health and hope for his help in whatever role he takes in turning our sinking ship around.

Thom is so full of hate.


Good news!

The msm is reporting he’s doing good and on the mend.

judit wtf are you babbling about? go dig a hole or something. 

thod knows what’s he’s doing. he’s a good little troll.  

saying you’ll vote for the dem nominee in the general is supposed to be impressive or something? nah. 

voting for change in the primary is impressive. 

and im not trying to change anybody’s mind about who to vote for. i think bernie does that pretty well himself. 

Get a grip bro, she’s only trying to provide perspective.

>> wtf are you babbling about?

Her post was well-thought-out and coherent.  What about it don't you understand?

>> wtf are you babbling about?

Her post was well-thought-out and coherent.  What about it don't you understand?

her entire point? 

i will certainly slap back — just the way it is. 

thod and especially ned were looking for one it seemed. 

Funny how you're looking for "enemies" just like tRump.

Get a take yourself way too seriously.

>however, if you had no insurance, that might prevent you from getting help at a private health care clinic, or willingness to go to the hospital and get it checked out, but once at the hospital, you'd be treated the same, not sure if it would complicate your after stenting care....   <<


and thusly cost more.

> you think "Medicaid for All" will get you the kind of treatment that Bernie got today, at the speed he got it, keep dreaming. <

look pal, everyone would get SOME base level of health care. what is hard to understand about that? if more people got base level treatment, their conditions may not deteroriate and become more expensive. 

don't worry, you elitists can still choose to BUY additional coverage.



looking for enemies? im clapping back, son. 

Reality is real. Perhaps some reflection is in order.

what year d'yall think corporations will become the new nation-states?

yup, and you said i make you dislike bernie. 

thats insane. get your shit together man. 

The Mandy Mirror is in full effect.

And, for the record I said: "Any of my "dislike" for Bernie is exclusively because of you, p-heater."

I don't dislike him; I simply dislike your campaigning style, on his behalf.

It's OK, though, you don't care what I think.

man between this shit show and brexit, putin and co. are having quite the laugh.




i think you’re ridiculous for posting that. makes you sound kinda crazy. 

It's true, turtle. And, that should motivate us all to unify in an effort to OUST the orange turd, whatever it takes.

It’s almost as if you believe that President Sanders would wave a magic wand and there would instantaneously be universal health care and $15 minimum wages.

hey i'll vote for any of the other dem nominees whether or not they are already beholden to certain interest groups.

at this point, a dog from the local animal shelter would be the more rational choice than shit gibbon.


overheard at work...."i don't support him, i'm just happy someone is in there stirring shit up"

                                  "if he gets impeached, then obamma should have been"....




You can’t fix stupid



This is nice

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign sent dinner to Bernie Sanders staffers after his heart procedure

Sen. Bernie Sanders received an outpouring of well wishes from his rivals in the Democratic presidential primary Wednesday, after the Vermont senator’s campaign announced that he underwent surgery to address an artery blockage. However, his longtime friend and progressive ally, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, apparently made an additional gesture.

Warren’s campaign apparently sent dinner to the Sanders campaign headquarters in Washington, D.C. Mike Casca, a communications adviser for the Sanders campaign, thanked the Massachusetts senator’s team in tweet Wednesday evening.


Good news!

Bernie Sanders to take part in next debate and plans to leave hospital in coming days, campaign says

(CNN)Sen. Bernie Sanders plans to return home to Vermont in the coming days before taking part in the next Democratic primary debate, his campaign said on Thursday, as he recovers in a Las Vegas hospital following a heart procedure.




bk pulling asinine statements out of his ketchup bottle, per usual. 

The point still is to vote for Bernie in the primary. That is the only thing we can do at this point.  The main election will come later. This is about you, me, the country and the world.  It is time to break the hold that corporations have over our government and our lives and the future of the world. Only Bernie can do that.  All other serious contenders are corporate shills and not much will change if any of them are elected. Sure, we need to get chump out but really, so much more is at stake.   Remember almost all media is controlled by those huge corporations and they will tell you what they want you to hear. It is not just fox news.

>>>>and not much will change if any of them are elected


Home prices will remain high which is great for homeowners. 

You know Warren was overjoyed at the news. Now she thinks she has a clear run.  I hope not. (But she would be better than Biden if only slightly).   

warren is running for herself — just like everybody else. 

except bernie. it’s so obvious. 

where was her AOC endorsement? 

where was her 2016 bernie endorsement? 

why has she voted for evil man trump’s defense budget? 

why has she wavered on supporting m4a? 

why won’t she wipe clear all student debt? her plan leaves 20% of african americans shit out of luck. 

why is her wealth tax plan not as significant as bernie’s? 

why has she already taken big money from corporate donors?

why will she open up her general election bid to all the big donors? she’s already made promises, that’s why. 

theyre not cut from the same cloth, not at all. 

she’ll govern like obama is my bet. safe. step up to the negotiating table already having conceded your strongest points, compromise endlessly, please large corporations and let them continue to widen the wealth inequality gap. maybe more liberal than obama ended up being, but mostly the same.


and for for you rabbid centrists — of course i’ll vote for warren if she’s to make it. 

16 billionaires have donated to warren. 

0 for bernie. 


and not much will change if any of them are elected>>>

Well if the uranium mining is stopped i'd consider that more than not much. Same thing with us rejoining the paris agreement, much more than not much. If trump gets reelected the further damage to the environment he's streamlining will continue. Not to mention the federal CA emissions lawsuit would be gone if any of these people get elected. There is much more, more than not much. Thats just a few prime examples.

I do understand you being pessimistic however we have to hold out hope the next person up will do a better job.

"The point still is to vote for Bernie in the primary. That is the only thing we can do at this point.  The main election will come later. This is about you, me, the country and the world.  It is time to break the hold that corporations have over our government and our lives and the future of the world. Only Bernie can do that.  All other serious contenders are corporate shills and not much will change if any of them are elected. Sure, we need to get chump out but really, so much more is at stake.   Remember almost all media is controlled by those huge corporations and they will tell you what they want you to hear. It is not just fox news."


some people here are having a big problem with this...

^HUGE problem, def. 

which is amazing since they all hate trump. 

the next president must ban fracking and dismantle the fossil fuel industry — moving them into a renewable energy industry. 

we don’t have any more time for anything less. 

Homeowners don't like Bernie and will never support him.

no, lets just wait until america is magically more educated and people's whole consciousness has undergone a transformative paradigm shift....should be any day now....

Educated people love low wage labor. 

you mean rich people?

yeah, they are generally among the stingiest.

That’s a lot of whys up there P-heat...

I still can’t understand why Bernie would want someone soooo toxic like Warren for a VP, care to share why Warren the “centrist, corporate shill” would make a good fit with Bernie?


because she's really the only one moderately aligned with his views?

tod this is getting sad....

and clearly giving people acid doesn't work.


see thom....

thom became less and less empathetic w/ each trip? haha

It’s ok turtle, the question was for P-heat...


Care to answer bro?

I mean wouldn’t that look like a sellout to real progressives?


awesome, i was waiting for that response. so predictable.

and didn’t you ask me last week and i answered? 

and remember — i asked you only a couple hours ago why you support warren over bernie. 

and your answer was this:

“i like Warren more, is that ok”. 

you guys like to come at me, my answers, lack of, my intelligence — all good, i can take it. keep it coming.

that’s one sad answer buddy. 

especially for the question king, which you are. 




it’ll also help appease people like yourself, right? afraid to go all in for bernie but still want some “progressive” change. 

here’ a question for you, maybe try again? 

why do you support warren, if she’s not a corporate leaning dem. over bernie — the originator of all these modern progressive policies, of which Warren has adopted? 

Did you say she could help him get votes that he couldn’t get because of the lack of enthusiasm behind him, and that it’s been trending downhill for sometime?

Maybe one more time and I promise I won’t ask again.

Just remember real progressives don’t want a “centrist, corporate shill” for a VP (no exceptions)

So if you would? 


Thanks in advance,


i said she’s def the best, by far, out of the corporate dems — and if she’s the 2nd most popular w/ the dem electorate, since we all know bernie has pushed the entire thing left, then it’s be a wise move. and she has adopted and picked apart bernie’s true progressive policy, for a more corporate friendly version, so at least there is some hope there. 

look man, you’re reaching. it’s whatever if that’s your style, seems like it has been forever. i’m here talking to you so. yeah. 

An awful lot can happen between now and the primaries. In the end, neither Bernie, nor Warren, nor Biden may be at the top.

I’ve voted for Bernie in every possible election since 1988, including his losing bid that year. I didn’t vote for him in the last primary. I don’t think he’d be a good president. I know that bothers some people. Oh well.

If he runs for Senate again, I’ll vote for him. I think that his voice there is much more powerful.

I can guarantee that I’m as progressive as any of you. I don’t think, however, a die hard progressive will be that effective as president- right now.

Obama was a centerist, and although I didn’t love him he got a lot done. The presidency works best when it appeals to both sides. The real change comes in Congress and state and local races. That’s where it’s lasting and really moves the national debate.


Bernie NEEDS Warren for VP that’s the difference, otherwise why wouldn’t he get someone less “ corporate shilly”

Wouldn't that please REAL progressives? Because c’mon bro we all know he can do it all by himself right?


The REAL question is why the fuck does she NEED Bernie for anything?

Here I’ll help ya, she don’t 

she could learn a thing or two from the old man. no doubt. 

what, you think bernie will make the same mistake as your girl HRC did in 2016? no fucking way man.

organizer in chief, mother fucker. 

btw, question king hasn’t answered the question yet. typical. 

you spew corporate media talking points, buddy. hard to take you seriously. 

>>> I can guarantee that I’m as progressive as any of you. I don’t think, however, a die hard progressive will be that effective as president- right now. <<<

Nicely put, I couldn’t agree more

Key point being “right now”


Trump is president right now. California will re-elect him. California is the reason we're here. 

I learned a lot from Obama’s presidency. I didn’t vote for him in either election, and went much, much farther left, in line with my political beliefs. Over his two terms I watched him move left on many things, and I watched him get things done. That was with both houses of Congress being R. 

I still didn’t love the guy at the end. I did respect what he was able to do. I don’t think that someone that far to the left could do that. They’d be far too polarizing.

Yeah, yeah, tell me I’m full of shit and I’m talking out my ass. That’s what all of are doing. We’re speculating. All that “corporate dem” and “msm” stuff is bullshit. 

in 2008 and 2012 there was zero chance of a progressive being elected president. 

now is much different. we have trump, people are tired of establishment politicians. 

funny, i voted for obama twice even tho i wanted somebody more liberal, but was so disgusted w/ W that it all seemed right. 

now is the time to elect a true progressive into the white house — the democratic party abandoned the people 6 decades ago — bernie, and only bernie, brings them back to reality. just to have somebody in the highest office influencing and representing us, that’s huge. the momentum is there — imo it is undeniably present. i know many here disagree, is what it is. 


this is great. check out this campaign ad.

here’s the msm’s portrayal of bernie.....

once in a lifetime candidate

They said Bernie had a heart attack.  He is recovering well yes

Bionic Bernie will come back stronger than before. He will win the primary and the general election.

I am voting for him and so are millions of other United States citizens.

>>>He will win the primary and the general election.

i wouldn’t bet the house on that and I like Bernie. If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, I wonder if a large percentage of his supporters will have a temper tantrum again and help Trump get re-elected. 

Hopefully not! 

I get that you love Bernie, pyramidheat. I like him too. But let's get real, the best it's all going to turn out for him is as Warren's VP (if he's lucky).  


Speaking of temper tantrum. I thought there was nothing funnier than that group believing anti-hillary Russian memes. Now, none will admit it because they feel ashamed. Haha

>>> They said Bernie had a heart attack. <<<


Bernie Sanders' health incident diagnosed as heart attack

The health issue that led to Sen. Bernie Sanders' hospitalization on Tuesday night in Las Vegas has been diagnosed as a heart attack.


>>> here’s the msm’s portrayal of bernie..... <<<


The msm spent a few days reporting that it was pretty much everything else but a heart attack...

It’s been said by a shit ton of Bernie supporters that the msm hates Bernie.

If that’s the case, why would they spend days dancing around the fact that he had a heart attack?


thod if you can’t see it, it’s b/c you don’t want to. that’s fine. 

but you’re just plain wrong. 

theres literally a 5 min video breaking it down for people like you. 

open your eyes dude. 

aaaaaaaaand. w/ the msm pushing warren as hard as they have been, the old man still out fundraised warren. incredible. 

shits just getting started. 

also question king still hasn’t answered the question. i know, it’s tough for you. 

go back and look, maybe try and answer this time? 

<<<>>>>Bionic Bernie will come back stronger than before. He will win the primary and the general election.

indeed. he will crush trump. 

once in a lifetime candidate — i can’t imagine not supporting this human in the primary.


>>> thod if you can’t see it, it’s b/c you don’t want to. that’s fine. 

but you’re just plain wrong. <<<


Bro, I like Bernie and I don’t wish ill will on him. That being said...

Do you think the msm slow walked for days his hospitalization as being everything else but a heart attack?


Do you just not want to see it?


You don’t need a 5 minute video to understand that. 

ALL msm did it, open your eyes?


so funny how all the centrists are caught up on his health now. it’s all you have and it’s kinda sad. 

yes, thod, it sucks bernie had a heart attack. he’s old. but dude had a typical procedure that takes 7 days to heal. you don’t think bernie and his team knew how the msm was going to paint this health scare? lol.

you didn’t even watch the video. come on man, it was made into a 5min compilation for you.

you keep saying you like bernie and don’t wish him ill.....ok..? that’s normal man. good on you? 

still haven’t answered the question. 

there’s no arguing over whether the msm hates bernie. we’ve had 4 years of it, constant — like i said, open them eyes of yours......or don’t. 


>>> you don’t think bernie and his team knew how the msm was going to paint this health scare? lol. <<<


Actually I did, the msm allowed for him to set the narrative until Friday where he could go spend the weekend at home and get some much needed rest. I don’t blame him, in your own words “he’s old”.


Just so we’re clear, I think health is important as far as being president, but not the reason I pick Bernie as my #2 in the primary.

One more thing, I voted for Bernie in the last primary, then I voted for hrc in the general. Dig?


stil no answer from the question king. 

dude look what you’re caught up on. wtf? 

the msm’s portrayal of bernie is completely fabricated, unfair, and detrimental to our country as a whole, and the false narrative is pushed for one reason — to hurt his chances of becoming the dem nominee/president, and to keep the status quo alive. 

there is no arguing otherwise. that’s a fact. 

the fact that you don’t see it as such is troubling, whether you support bernie or not — they treat tulsi and yang in a similar manner (neither of which has a shot at the presidency). 


you’re literally pushing an msnbc talking point. so funny. that they hid the info from the media/supporters?

the campaign consistently updated everyone on bernie’s condition through his stay, and after. and released all the info from his doctors.

brian williams lol. that guy’s a pos. 

question king always reach reach reaching. 


Bro, you gotta settle down or you’re gonna blow a gasket


>>>   I wonder if a large percentage of his supporters will have a temper tantrum again and help Trump get re-elected. 

The Russians call those people "useful idiots"

you keep saying that as a troll post. which is fine. that’s all you have. 

man you even post like how the msm reports. insanity.

and weird steve — you literally said “what’s w/ all the biden hate” lol. 

you’re straight up lost, buddy. trump ate your brain. 

Bro, you sound like Trump

Was there a Bernie ring kissing loyalty ceremony back in the kitchen?

Did you name a slice after him?


I believe in my heart that you’re probably good people, slooow doooown

you’re not making sense, thod. 

Yeah, I dislike Jill Stein with a passion.

And I dislike the people that attacked the Democratic candidate in 2016.

People like that helped elect tRump.


But this is 2019.

Why the hate for the Democratic frontrunner, Joe Biden?

How does that help get rid of tRrump?


ya know, personal attacks are exactly what a russian troll would be doing:

the goal of the Trumpists/Russians is to splinter the Democratic opposition.


man, weird steve must really want 4 more years of trump. 

just wow. 

I’m ok with us not seeing eye to eye P-heat, maybe tone it down a smidge though



same man.

tone down what? 

i’ll attack the msm bs talking points forever. no matter who they are about. 

thats the difference. no matter who. 

i don't trust people who think they know everything.
