Beware Of Darkness


Apparently not if you're Aaron Rodgers:

Wonder if Shailene Woodley was his Yoda, urging him to go into the cave to confront his fears and find himself?

Cheesehead Nation awaits the aftermath.

I showed up for the George Harrison discussion 

I love the George Harrison song.  One of the young kids working for me has been working through some hard stuff recently, and I recommended All Things Must Pass to him and specifically the song Beware Of Darkness.  What an amazing album!

Interesting to see that George's sons announced a partnership with Yusuf Islam (the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens) yesterday in advance of what would have been George's 80th birthday.

A friend of mine did a two week total darkness retreat in Thailand. Said by the second week he was having a lot of very vivid hallucinations pretty much all the time. At the end they let you out at night and you have to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from street lights. Takes a while to adjust. 

I was at a party where he was telling us about it. At the time I had just started dating a Vietnamese American women who escaped Saigon on the day it fell with her family when she was seven. This was an early introduction for her to my friends. She then told me about her uncle that didn't get out. He was actually at the embassy the day of the famous video of the last helicopter taking off from the roof. He was one of the ones left behind and ended up in reeducation camps for many years until they finally got him out. She said total darkness was one of the many ways they tortured her uncle and now you white people pay for the same experience. She thought it was pretty funny and just another example of stupid things white people do. 

Disappointed over the Yusef Islam move from Harrison.

I wonder how Rushdie's recovery is coming?

Oh, he lost an eye and use of a hand.

Didn't realize Rushdie's injuries were so severe.  Extremists of all stripes suck so bad. I can't think of any way we get a handle on this problem.  Seems like it has always been a huge problem in human societies.  What is Yusuf Cat Stevens up to these days?  I really haven't kept up.  Is he an extremist?

Are you kidding me? I thought this was for George’s 80th, and it’s about the fucking Ayahuasca Kid? Please... enough Aaron Rodgers bullshit. Let him ride off into the Andes. 

Happy Birthday, GEORGE. 

Happy Birthday George, indeed!  Today is the day.  He was gone too soon, but his light continues to illuminate us.  

>>>>  I really haven't kept up.  Is he an extremist?

You be the judge.  The clip is from 1989 but Yusef Islam has not refuted it.  He dances around it with various stories, he was "joking" or he was "framed".

Hey Yusef, fuck the prophet.  I have an image of your magic man in the sky that is not flattering in my photo file.

Come at me, bitch.

If you look at the bulk of Yusuf Islam's work, he has been an advocate for world peace, the world's children, and combating hunger and the affects of famine.   All of which he shared in his advocacy with George.  He's never struck me as a radical extremist wingnut.

That video of Yusuf is quite damning. I don't think any of us would want to be judged by our worst day or worst uttered statement, but he really needs to repudiate that statement.  To just let it stand historically doesn't speak well.  Maybe he has repudiated those statements, I hope so. 

Far from his worst day.  He has been given many, many opportunities to refute the fatwah which has now resulted in a novelist being blinded in one eye and losing the use of his hand because this novelist has the gall to write a novel these religious extremists call blasphemy.

Just one of many summaries: