Biden Beto 2020


Who else is there? 

Biden sucks and ain't gonna win the primary. Trust me. Please retire Joe you are going to really embarrass yourself this time

There’s Trump Pence 2020. You can relax. 

Trump's base really thinks that Ivanka will be the first woman president, LOL. 

Trump Trump 2020

Bernie Beto 2020

Bernie Inslee 2020

Joe is a dinosaur.

Beto is smarter than that.

Dino or not, he is very experienced. Read his bio. He can work both sides of aisle. Plus he is not a complete idiot.  A washington insider yes, but also comes from simple background.  In PA he could win over some coal people. Some will say youth and bernies will not vote for him, they might be right. Beto, a relatively young unknown could offset that.

Looking at pool now, there are no better possible winners. The dems will eat each other alive, bernie will muck it up and Trump will be back.

Think bigger than your own issues folks, there is a lot at stake. pretty please?

baby steps of progress. Step one- no more T/P!!

>>>>>Looking at pool now, there are no better possible winners


No women for Fly 

So what are your thoughts Junipero? Mind dumbing it down for us?


PS- I voted bernie in primary, HRC in general. 

Don't change a thing. My son is in a good school.

I don't know if Biden or Beto are offering a better alternative for my son's education. I doubt it.

So you mean keep trump in hopes he will support free college for all?

The whole world knows his bio, he’s been in Washington since Nixon was a candidate. Just like Hillary, there is nothing new or interesting we are going to learn about him. Would he be a solid candidate? Sure. If nominated, he would probably even be an *almost* winner. Politically speaking, his ship has sailed. Gone.

Personally speaking, He had the chance to take on trump and he blinked. You don’t get do-overs. In the interest of full disclosure he would never get a vote out of me because mass incarceration. Kamala too.

well bss, those are standing and common concerns. 

I respect experience.  New does not always equate to good.  Biden is VP, I dont think his ship has sailed. Yes mas incarcerations are bad but I believe that is actually changing with drug policy reform.

Bernie is NOT an outsider. I cant see any other slate that has a possible chance besides Biden/Beto,  Unless Biden/Bernie (HA!). If things remain the same, Trump and Pence will get another 4. That is scary to me.

And Slacks, do you want to answer a question?

Trump is going to jail in a week. Haven't you heard? 

Biden will never generate enough enthusiasm to get enough Democrat, Independent, swing, and first time voters to the booth to actually beat trump. He’s ho-hum. Ho-hum will never defeat the Donald. 

Democrats need to run a strong enough pairing to get the republicans to primary trump AND get him to dump pence. They just don’t know who those two are yet. ;)

“Yes mass incarcerations are bad but...”

This precise dismissiveness is the part the traditional democrat voters just refuse to wrap their heads around. Biden is literally one of the architects of it all. No more.

but the "adults" want us to be "rational", bss....

Our political system is all sorts of fucked up, and there are a ton of things that need to be fixed: Trump, the 2 party system, party over country, campaign finance, the future of the Supreme Court..the list goes on, and I gather that most of us here agree what the problems are.

They can’t and won’t all be fixed in one presidential election. Each voter them has to triage for themselves and vote for the person who they think will fix what is most important to them. I’m not telling anyone who to vote for or what issues “should” be most important to them. Just vote!

The big issue for me is the Supreme Court. If Trump gets 2 more appointments, regardless of how progress the electorate is, we are fucked. A 6-3 Court will overrule campaign finance reform, single payer, you name it.

My vote is going to the person who I think will have the best chance of defeating Trump. I’m my little triage, I may have to set aside my personal beliefs in who I really want, and go for the greater good.

That’s just what I think the greater good is. Someone else may triage differently, and their greater good will be different.

The election is 20 months away. Why the hell are people who generally believe in the same things already beating each other up over it?


I don’t think Biden can compete with trump.

too nice of a guy.

trump needs someone unafraid to call him out to his face.

no pussy-footin around, or taking the high road.

wont work with this bully.

So you mean a guy like Bernie that can articulately tell trump to get bent?

I hope Bernie isn’t afraid to school trump.

even Bernie sometimes panders too much to the PC crowd,

which is the defining moment trump will eat you alive in this election cycle.

its gotta be someone with charisma, swagger, confidence and intelligence,

and someone not afraid to call trump out on lying and being corrupt TO HIS FACE

on national television...


>trump needs someone unafraid to call him out to his face.

no pussy-footin around, or taking the high road.

wont work with this bully.<


>its gotta be someone with charisma, swagger, confidence and intelligence,

and someone not afraid to call trump out on lying and being corrupt TO HIS FACE

on national television.<


That's sounds like Biden. He's not as nice as you think.

Truck is right.  Biden is tough.  He would shred Trump in ads, in knowledge of the process, and debates.. This may well be Bidens last chance to build his career. He is afraid of no one at this point.  Except those dividing the party.  Can he carry other critical states like CA/OH is the question.  Beto might help with some.  Might help with southern voters.  If Biden promised healthcare and education for all, maybe that would change things. The goal should be beat the Dump at almost any cost. You wont do that with a divided party and watered-down primary pool.

 "But fundraising today is turbo-charged by social media. He's not of the social media generation."




^His father

Strong work Slack!

ome people call me That Hot One Dude the name is

 T.O.D. on Wednesday, March 6, 2019 – 05:49 pm

Beto vs Bernie

Whats a better look for the future?

The truth, however, is it’s not just that O’Rourke’s voting record is more conservative than Sanders’s — you could say that about lots of people. It really is more conservative than that of most Democrats in Congress, including other main 2020 contenders. This can be shown in a systematic way.

Biden has many issues, Slack, but he is who Equinoxmagick described.  Heck, i believe that Biden actually wants to "take Trump behind the gym and beat the hell out of him."

I'm told that was Biden's M.O. back in high school. 


Slack, I haven't endorsed anybody, I probably won't make that decision for 11 months and will vote my conscience in the primary.

Just hope everybody can keep an open mind until then.